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Elec hook up ?


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CL sites may only have a resriction on 5 van capacity but they can have a much larger capacity for tenters, who now think they need EHU to survive the great outdoors 8-)


One of my favorite CL sites in Devon is just a tap and elsan desposal, and on chatting to the farmer who was pondering on the idea of installing electric. My advise was to keep the field just as it was, peaceful, and more inportantly , economicle for users, I think he agreed with me.


Where does it stop, hardstands, field lighting,weekly rubbish disposal, there are thousands of sites out there offering all that...at a price.


The saying simple is best, makes a lot of sense.

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So some folk think that some CL's & CS's should be for those who don't wish to hook up, and those requiring hook up should use sites?




There are some who wish or need to hook up and not be on a site - be it commercial or CC/CCC.


So the choice (what a great word) is down to the owners of the CL/CS, not the users of said sites.


How selfish of some who snootily, loftily decide that "their" (without hook up) CL's & CS's should remain for their sole use.


Well done John (Flicka) for highlighting, deliberately or otherwise, his needs. Whilst John may, if I may, with the greatest of respect say so, be in a small number of users needing to charge a battery for a wheelchair, his needs are just as relevant and real as those who are happy to camp in the 12v world.


We use CL's. We hook up. We use our own shower and heating, supporting CL's with hook up 12 months of the year, not just for April to Sept when the sun's shining.



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LordThornber - 2012-04-01 11:19 AM


So some folk think that some CL's & CS's should be for those who don't wish to hook up, and those requiring hook up should use sites?




There are some who wish or need to hook up and not be on a site - be it commercial or CC/CCC.


So the choice (what a great word) is down to the owners of the CL/CS, not the users of said sites.


How selfish of some who snootily, loftily decide that "their" (without hook up) CL's & CS's should remain for their sole use.


Well done John (Flicka) for highlighting, deliberately or otherwise, his needs. Whilst John may, if I may, with the greatest of respect say so, be in a small number of users needing to charge a battery for a wheelchair, his needs are just as relevant and real as those who are happy to camp in the 12v world.


We use CL's. We hook up. We use our own shower and heating, supporting CL's with hook up 12 months of the year, not just for April to Sept when the sun's shining.




With the greatest respect Martyn, I don't think anyone said that CS/CL's should be for the exclusive use of those that don't want to use EHU, but that the choice to use sites that don't have those sort of facilities is becoming more and more difficult to find, and there are those of us that rue the day that they disappear altogether.

I don't begrudge anybody having whatever facilities they desire, but likewise there is still a big market for those of us that don't want them. Most CL owners I know would have absolutely no difficulty in assisting a need from someone who required special consideration, as highlighted by Flicka so I still feel that the whole idea and purpose of the CS/CL is being undermined and destroyed by those that want to charge much higher prices and have a 'mini site', and that is I believe what people that are speaking against the electrification 'habit' are saying.



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Travelling Tyke - 2012-04-01 8:52 AM


Hello IPS,


If you have the room, being a C & CC site you can also have tents plus vans (of either sort) at the same time.


I believe that "tenters" now are into EHUs so it may be worth including these into your considerations.



good point however we get very few campers as we have no shower block which most of em want.

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ips - 2012-04-01 3:09 PM


Travelling Tyke - 2012-04-01 8:52 AM


Hello IPS,


If you have the room, being a C & CC site you can also have tents plus vans (of either sort) at the same time.


I believe that "tenters" now are into EHUs so it may be worth including these into your considerations.



good point however we get very few campers as we have no shower block which most of em want.


... but you could have a dipping pond .... ;-)

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Thanks for the suggestion, Not one we had explored, so another option to look at.



I posted as to our reason why we currently use only a few CL's & to highlight that if EHU is not available the downside can be wider use of Generators for electric requirements.


I'm reluctant to cause noise disturbance whilst using a Generator, but needs do seems to dictate that we go down the Generator route, if we are to extend the No. of available Sites & Shows.

Solar Panels & Efoy Fuel Cells only producing 12v are not suitable, as the Batteries are 24v.

Plus the cost of Efoy Fuel Cells is frighteningly expensive.


Waiting for Peterborough Show, so we can judge the noise impact of Generators, as we also enjoy the peace & quiet without one. (& we will suffer the most being the nearest to it)


Regarding CL's (& CS's) as I see it, it must be down to the Site Owner's decision - at the end of the day, he/she has to make the large initial capital investment with a long payback period.

I think we are all aware that in these times Small Businesses are experiencing difficulties obtaining loans & the payback period would not look attractive to prospective lenders.

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I definately prefer the grassy field with no EHU CL myself but I think Im in a minority. I know your in the C&CC but the CC magazine each month has articles and interviews with CL owners and CL users and they all keep banging on about how important EHU is.


For the past two weeks we have been on a lovely CL on the East Yorkshire coast. Only us on it, Lovely grassy field with great views but only us on it. Brilliant! All that lovely sunny weather and our own private spot at £6 a night. Yet, twice just down the road we have had a neb onto the new Bridlington CC Campsite on the scooter and on both occasions it was packed. Concrete jungle with vans everywhere. Why? I can only assume because most motorhomers want showers and EHU. Great!


I think its got to boil down to how busy you currently are. If its empty you need to do something, if its ticking over but never quite full then maybe its ok as it is. Some good reviews on the internet maybe , a small website or perhaps some other attraction. The CL here has two donkeys which Mrs D now thinks are hers and Im sure they are one of the reasons we come for a few days and end up here three weeks!


CL owners often let us charge our battery and even hookup to the house for the odd night so maybe thats something you can offer. Even if its just charging a battery during the day for a £1.

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We use a site CL that has metered EHUs. This is a much fairer method of supplying electricity than putting a blanket charge on all pitches. The site owner told me he only paid £25 per meter. He charges 15p per KWh. We use less than £1 per day on electricity on average. The site fee is £10 per night.


I have known some who use up to £10 a day in electricity. .


One van came in at teatime and put £5 on the meter, he ran out during the night. The site owner put the meters in when he found users leaving heaters on, day and night in their awnings.



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