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Holiday in Norway


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Hi all, I am wanting some help, I am going to Norway for my Holiday in September. And I am wantng some help and info of any good sites people have stayed and and there location, also is wild camping aloud, and are here any other documents you need other than your passport and driving licence?? Also the cost of the usual supplies food and drink etc, and are you alowed to take wine into the country. Any help and advice you can give me would be greatly appriciated. Thanks :->
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Hi troyandy9, There is an earlier post on Norway. Be very careful about drink in Norway if you are found drinking and you have your vehicle keys on you, you are considered to be drinking and driving, that is a prison sentance. When in Scandinavia forget the booze. Plenty of camp sites in beautiful locations. Not too sure about Wildcamping. David
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This is a write up of a trip our friends Jane & George Swindail did in June 2003 Eleven weeks exploring the highways and byways of Norway. From mid-April until the end of June 2003 my husband George and I toured Norway in our motorcaravan, a hightop conversion on a 1997 VW LT35. What follows is a summary of our travels along with a few thoughts which might be of interest to others contemplating a similar trip. Week 1 In south-west Norway, from the ferry port at Kristiansand to Lindesnes lighthouse (the southernmost in Norway) and the beaches and sand dunes of the Jaeren coast south of Stavanger. Week 2 Into fjordland, including a trek up to Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock) above Lysefjord, and an informative afternoon at the Hardangervidda Visitor Centre near Eidfjord. Week 3 The run to the north, leaving the western fjords by driving along Sognefjellsvegen, over the highest mountain pass in northern Europe, and joining the E6 to cross Dovrefjell, culminating in crossing the Arctic Circle on May 6th. The snow lay several metres deep away from the cleared roads, and many lakes were ice-covered. Week 4 Continuing northwards on the E6, with a brief detour to Tromsø. Week 5 An exploration of coastal Finnmark (especially the Nordkynn and Varanger peninsulas), with marvellous scenery and birds, quiet roads, remote villages, milder weather than we had anticipated, and our first walk in the midnight sun. Week 6 Visiting Kirkenes and the Russian border area, both around the small coastal settlement of Grense Jakobselv and south along the Pasvik valley, and returning to Tromsø via Finland. Week 7 To the island of Senja, then by ferry to Andenes on the Vesteralen islands for a whale safari (5 wet hours and no whales!). Later, a meander south into the Lofoten islands Week 8 Exploring the Lofotens, with their spectacular scenery of white sand beaches, clear blue sea and jagged mountain peaks. Week 9 Back on the mainland (via the Moskenes - Bodø ferry) and gradually southbound via the Rv17 coastal route to Mo-i-Rana, with interesting visits to Saltstraumen and the Engebreen arm of the Svartisen ice cap. Week 10 Avoiding the increasing numbers of northbound motorcaravans (British registrations were conspicuous by their absence) by detouring off the E6 along quiet side roads, and visiting the old copper-mining town of Røros before heading west to Hardangervidda. Week 11 Two days in Rjukan (the site of the heavy-water plant of WWII fame), with the opportunity to walk on the edge of Hardangervidda after an ascent by cable-car. Then a gentle meander to Kristiansand, seeking out stave churches and the locks of the Telemark Canal on the way. Norway surpassed our expectations in terms of scenery, as no amount of reading or looking at photographs can prepare you for the extent, scale and variety the country has to offer. Despite travelling for days on end the view never seemed repetitious or boring, but continued to inspire interest and wonder. In fact, the only time we were not totally gripped by the landscape we were passing through was when we cut through Finland on our way back to Tromsø: even this had its compensations, though, in the form of speedier travel and slightly cheaper fuel and food en route. Apart from viewing the scenery as we drove, we took every opportunity to get out and walk, whether for several miles across country or simply a short stroll. We always went equipped with binoculars for birdwatching and, although we missed out on some of the species we had expected, we were thrilled to see (often at quite close range) birds we had never seen before (smew, snow bunting, king eider, hawk owl and others). A word of warning to any waterfall addicts who may be thinking of visiting Norway - choose your time carefully. Despite the spring thaw being well under way (the early part of the year had been relatively mild), some of the major waterfalls in the south were almost non-existent in late April. We discovered that they are only “switched on” in the tourist season (June 20th to August 20th), the water being diverted into hydro-electricity schemes for the rest of the year. Now for the heretical bit - we did not visit Nordkapp! For us the time and money were better spent seeing other parts of the north, which is a time consuming business as every route away from the main road has to be retraced since there are no car ferries permitting circular routes to be constructed (although with a small 'van it would be possible, but expensive, to use the Hurtigrute coastal cruise vessels for this). Slettnes lighthouse on the Nordkynn peninsula (the northernmost mainland lighthouse in the world at over 71ºN) became our Nordkapp, and we still had the time and enthusiasm to drive via Vardø (Norway's easternmost town) to the old fishing village of Hamningberg. Overnighting here gave us the opportunity to wander by the shore in the light of the midnight sun. We used many ferries, some of necessity (the E6 in Nordland can only be followed by taking the ferry between Bognes and Skarberget), some from choice. Being only 5.5 metres long, our 'van was treated as a car, but fares were higher for vehicles over 6 metres, in many cases over twice what we were charged, making some of the longer crossings very expensive. Maybe we were unlucky with the few campsites we used, as we found them to be expensive yet providing barely adequate facilities. This encouraged us to wild camp, which is essential in some areas in any case and freed us to travel at our own pace rather than jumping from site to site. Although the authorities are clamping down on overnighting in some of the more touristy areas in the south, on the whole we found it relatively easy to find a quiet place to stay, although this may be harder in high season. We spent many nights in solitary splendour (except on the odd occasions when we were joined by a German, Dutch or Norwegian 'van), by Norwegian Sea or Arctic Ocean beaches, alongside fjords, by waterfalls or rushing rivers, or high in the fells - for us a major part of “the Norway experience”. Because we weren't using sites we got through plenty of gas, but this caused no problems as filling our Carabottle was cheap and easy, just needing a little planning to ensure a visit to one of the few places selling LPG several days before we expected to run out. (Petrol stations selling LPG do not advertise the fact, and a list of such stations is essential - we started with a list gleaned from the internet, but obtained a more detailed one from the very helpful tourist information office in Dombas). Our roof-mounted solar panel worked wonders, too - it can never have provided a charge (admittedly not always large) for so many hours per day as it did on this trip. Toilet and waste water emptying points are available around Norway, especially along the main roads. They are often listed in tourist office leaflets and normally reasonably well signposted. Many, but not all, are on petrol station forecourts; many, but not all, are free; many, but not all, work! We found it best to call in even when emptying was not a priority, in case those that were further on were out of order - we assumed that more care is taken to maintain these points (used by coaches as well as motorcaravans) during the summer. Fresh water was usually available at the emptying points, but all petrol stations we asked at were happy for us to fill up at the tap provided for use by motorists. Norway has a reputation as an expensive country so we went prepared, with every nook and cranny in the 'van containing tins and packets of food or other supplies (we had consulted the customs allowances very carefully before stocking up, but the customs men at Kristiansand seemed to have no interest in either us or any other vehicle leaving our ferry). We still had to buy fruit and vegetables, of course, at what seemed extortionate prices (almost £2 for a small cauliflower!) but at least we felt we were making our money stretch as far as possible. The cost of diesel varied around the country, but was generally similar to that at home. Was it expensive? Yes, but wild camping saved us a great deal. Was it worth it? Yes, definitely. Would we go again? Yes, even though we embarked on this tour with the thought that it would be a one-off and have a long list of other countries we would like to visit. Sooner or later the scenery and the birds will draw us back.
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We went in May. Places to visit are mentioned elsewhere but I must recommend the Troll road, Norway in a Nutshell (By train,boat and coach) and the trek up to Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock). When we went up some locals had dragged musical instruments up there and a right old knees-up was going on. One local was doing headstands on the edge, but definitely not recommended. Another memory was hearing and seeing the first cuckoo that year. It was flying over the snowfields. Food/drink is expensive so plan and take some of your own supplies. If you want to dine/drink out a lot, this will certainly run away with the money. Drink/drive laws are strict as Don says. It is possible to find info about all aspects of Norway on the web. There is lots of stuff to download about roads/sites/places to visit. Go, enjoy and damn the expense, it is an experience you will never forget.
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Hi Andy, Most things have been covered in the forgoing posts and as stated, you will absolutely adore Norway. We have been three times and in 2005 spent six weeks touring Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark - tried to include too much, as usual. The 'Swindales' probably got it about right, allowing 11 weeks in Norway alone!! You ask about campsites and necessary documents, beyond Passports and Driving Licence. Take your vehicle Log-Book, European Health Insurance Cards [if you havn't already got them - get a form from the Post Office or, www.nhs.uk, they are 'credit-card' size and recognised by Norway - even though Norway is not part of the EEC], our's last till 2010. The original Vehicle Insurance Certificate and the original or, copy of your Travel/Medical/Breakdown/Recovery Insurance Policy, our's is from Norwich Union as we are totally insured by Comfort Insurance [the Best!!] for a trip away up to 60 days, but for extra premium this can be extended. We prefer to also travel with a CCI [Camping Card International] it contains the same information as your Passport, so is accepted when booking-in at campsites, last year we obtained ours from the Motorhome Club, this year from the Camping and Caravanning Club, it's around a fiver. You will also need to purchase a 'Camping Card Scandinavia', again 'Credit-Card' size, a temporary one can be obtained at the first site you stay at or, preferably, if you have time complete an application form from one of the Tourism brochures, mentioned next. As regards Campsites, there are so many that you just stop driving when you feel inclined, consult your 'Norway Camping' Map and Sites Guide [www.camping.no] I went into the Norwegian Tourism Website and requested all the books I thought relevant - you will be inundated with information! I also bought the Caravan Club 'Caravan Europe 2' guide, this proved very useful [for me] as it contains 9 pages of Essential Information about Norway - it will probably answer any question regarding Driving/Camping/Shopping in Norway [and every other Scandinavian Country] that may occur to you. The Alan Rogers Europe Campsites Guide [again for me] was of very little use - I failed to find a single site from it! Any other Maps/Atlas can be purchased from Stanfords [they are on the Web]. Allow lots of time for your journey - apart from frequent stops to admire and photograph the scenery, the roads are quite bendy with a National Speed limit of 80kmh [50mph] in a motorhome that seems fast, plus the ferries that have been mentioned and many long Tunnels hewn out of the mountains, most are now lit - when we first visited Norway they were extremely dark! The longest Tunnel [in the World] is the Laerdal Tunnel on the E16 road, at around 25km long, it is an experience not to be missed, amazing engineering, beautifully lit and with several 'rest-areas' you can stop in. The highest and longest climb we did was 45 minutes of non-stop 'hairpin-bends' and when we got to the top, the snow each side of the road was higher than our motorhome. The greatest surprise, for me, was the number of motorhomes on the road, without exaggeration, 2 out of every 3 vehicles is a motorhome [this was in June 2005]. There are superb Lay-By's every few kilometers, mostly with toilets, so you will not have any difficulty when you need to rest/brew-up. Using emergency four-way flashing lights has a completely different meaning in Scandinavia, I cannot speak for Norway but in Finland, Whow, we stopped at the side of a wide straight fast road to view a rare bird on a lake, naturally we pulled as far over as possible and put on our flashing lights - first a motorcyclist screached to a halt and came back to look at us, then a sports car overtook, also screached to a halt and reversed back to just in front, the driver and passenger leapt out, looked at us, and shook their heads in disbelief. When we recounted this episode to our Finnish friends, a few days later - they were horrified! Apparently, in Finland, you only put on your emergency lights if you have a very serious medical emergency - I mean if someone is dead or, dying!! It is an offence not to stop and render assistance. So be warned!!! Hope that some of this is useful to you Andy, if I can be of any further assistance - just ask. Best wishes, Greynomad.
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P S : Just remembered a couple of other things regarding Norway. Lights - it is an offence not to have your dipped headlights on 24/7 summer and winter. I fit the 'Beam-Benders' on the dockside just before boarding at Newcastle. I have refillable Gas cylinders, from any 'AutoGas' pump. The lovely people at NAF [www.naf.no or, www.nafcamp.no] the Norwegian equivalent of our AA/RAC, emailed to me a List of L.P.G./AutoGas sites in Norway, there are only about 30 and they are mostly around Oslo and Bergen. I filled up in Newcastle then topped up again in Trondheim. NAF also operate lots of Camp Sites, throughout Scandinavia, and publish a NAF CAMPING GUIDE, which is a combined Map/Guide, quite useful. We never experienced a campsite WITHOUT Electric Hook-Ups, so actually used very little Gas. You will see lots of signs for 'HYTTAS', there are more than 11,000 Hyttas in Norway - they are wooden huts, usually very spartan, on every campsite and very popular with Motorcyclists and people not wanting to bother with a tent, just a sleeping bag is all you need. Greynomad
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We were last there in 2000 and did the classic Denmark (Copenhagen), Sweden (Stockholm) ferry to Finland (Helsinki). From Helsinki we took the train to Russia (St Petersburg) an unforgetable trip. Then we went north to Lapland and on to North Cape. On the return trip we drove south via the Lofotan Islands and took the route 17 down the west coast of Norway which takes in about a dozen ferries. Another unforgetable trip if the weather is OK. I've been trying to find details of route 17 but I'm having no luck. I have PDF file with a very comprehensive guide of the route but I aint got any idea how to get a PDF file on the forum. As it's already been mentioned be prepared for the increased cost of living. If you have a motorhome over 6 metres you will pay double or more for tunnels/ferries than a 6 metre van. We wild camped in Finland (not in Helsinki) and north of Trondhiem in Norway. Go for it and enjoy yourself. Don
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