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Dirty Fiamma Awning


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Guest JudgeMental

jet wash of a step ladder (with someone holding steps)


no jet wash, do it manually with a mop and hose (before hosepipe ban :-D)

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Dont know that Id use a jet wash on one! but we did see a German chap stood on his RV cleaning his with a bucket of soapy water and a long handled brush :-S he was stood on his roof, he then rinsed it and left the sun to dry it.
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A word of warning, we had some wet leaves on ours from a tree in Spain, it was rolled up with them stuck to it.


From that point on the red/brown shape of the said leaves was permanently fixed to the PVC. Nothing would shift it, I tried Cif, bleach, paint thinners, and even organic acid (Citric).


So brush wet leaves off before you roll it up.



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Why anyone would access the roof to clean an awning is beyond me.

Just wind it out without extending the legs so that it is angled away from the Van (i.e. as if the legs were fitted in the Van wall sockets.) & use a long angled brush with warm soapy water.

for any stubborn stains Omnistor do a spray cleaner.



Before winding the Awning back in, ensure a good rinse with clean water & allow to dry.

With the Awning leading edge at low level it's also easier to dry of the cassette.

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Give it a good soaking with a strongish soap solution and roll the awning up have a cuppa and a sandwich.

Return to awning roll out and rinse out,a second application may be needed but not as strong and no need to wait. Sometimes for first application a capful of bleach added to the soap solution would help bu protect eyes and skin.

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We clean ours with a brush and soap suds, but we also clean the underside as it seems to pick up the dirt from the top. Like Flicka, we unwind it and have the legs on the shortest hole so that the water runs off. OH used a long handled brush.


There is nothing more annoying than looking up and seeing a dirty awning.


I hope you are very pleased with your purchase moiray and you travel many blissful miles in it.

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