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germany in july


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hi, had planned to spend all of june in germany (mosel) before kids broke up from school.unfortunately something has cropped up and we will have to go later,hopefully starting from around the 23rd june for a month....does anyone know how busy it will be,and i presume it will be more costlier.we hope to stay on the stellplatz if possible.usually steer clear of july so don't really know what to expect and have never been to germany before.
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Not much difference between June & July the Germans split their school holidays one half the country has the first half of the summer period and the other half the second half then they reverse the next year.


Trust the Germans to be sensible. :D


Germany tends to be busy from June through to the end of September.

We have never had any problems finding space on Stellplatz. Campsites the Germans start queuing at the gate before noon in the popular areas.

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trickydicky - 2012-04-05 8:24 PMhi, had planned to spend all of june in germany (mosel) before kids broke up from school.unfortunately something has cropped up and we will have to go later,hopefully starting from around the 23rd june for a month....does anyone know how busy it will be,


I have travelled through Germany in June and July last year and in July the year before, to be honest I did not notice any difference on the roads, I've never had a problem with the stellplatz I use either, but they do tend to be in the less popular areas not the Mosel.


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Travelled to Bavaria in late June last year and had no problem getting on sites. The motorway to Munich was quite busy with a couple of hold ups but nothing like over here. Didn't try stellplatz as we tow a motorbike an have found some quite small and manouvering a bit tricky. We enjoyed it so much that this year in late June into early July we are going again but probably to the Black Forest region. So in short we encountered no problems :-D
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They vary a lot the big one at Trier 3rd photo is a bit like a big car park but very convenient for visiting Trier.

Some are just a few spaces on a car park others are nearly like camp sites when we were there in 2008 most were 5€ - 7€ a night.


Another view of the one in the last photo:-


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Hopesy - 2012-04-06 8:11 AM


Travelled to Bavaria in late June last year and had no problem getting on sites. The motorway to Munich was quite busy with a couple of hold ups but nothing like over here. Didn't try stellplatz as we tow a motorbike an have found some quite small and manouvering a bit tricky. We enjoyed it so much that this year in late June into early July we are going again but probably to the Black Forest region. So in short we encountered no problems :-D


You might find that the BlackForest area is one of the busier places though, as we found less Stals; there more Campsites and they were very busy and they tend to pack you in.

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If you can get hold of a Top Stalplatz Book and a BorgAtlas from Vicarious books you will have no problems finding the best Stals we love them they are so cheap and almost all are in lovely area,s, also a bike is invaluable to get from one village to the next and along the Mosel you can take a river boat.
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