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Belgium or Northern Spain?Advise on free cc stops and police/crime


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Im sitting in Macdo near Bordeaux and havnt given this question any thought 8-)


If i return south and enter Spain dose the north have the same rules/police as the rest of spain or is it like Scotland (?) With the spanish police trapping motorists into paying fines by asking the driver to get out then fining 135€ for not wareing a yellow jacket, 8-) And theives pushing screwdrivers through camping car tyers to immobalise and rob them 8-) spain is off my list but i would have liked to see the north?Advise anyone been there


Is there a fast way to Northern Portugal?Ive only been in the north onec and i think it was summer and not to hot,has anyone been there during summer?Is it very crowded?Where to find cc stops?


Belgium :-D I expct many camping cars drive through and stop there?Are there free cc stops?is it very crowded during summer can you find places to eat out or have they all become vastly overpriced with the mass of overpaid expense account EU people eating out daily (?)


Would Belgium be a good place to spend a few weeks during summer?


France is on holiday today there is a sea of cars never seen so many and Macdos getting very crowded i might not find a wifi connection untill next week all replys welcome back as soon as i can *-)

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err dont believe what?Indeed i may well remain in France :-D


Belgium as i remember it had wonderful towns Amtwerpen Brussels Brugg-----But for a ccar and it is quite far north


Ditto spain its true id like to see the north coast but NOT if it like the rest of spain Portugal i will visit but i had crossed it off my list as its to close to summer,better explore during winter?I imagine 8-)


Now have you been to either Belgium or spain or would you like to & hate the thought that an unemployed person refused any state help & forced to contribute might have a chance to spend a few weeks in one or the other *-)

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ferd - 2012-04-06 12:12 PM



In the words of Victor Meldrew: "I don't believe it."


In my opinion, this thread, along with others by the same person under whatever pseudonym, is best ignored. There was quite a ridiculous series of posts last year by the same person but under a different name to which a lot of people responded seriously then it became clear that it was some sort of hoax.


I know that I have responded but it is only in support of "ferd's" comment.



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mel wood - 2012-04-06 2:02 PM


ferd - 2012-04-06 12:12 PM



In the words of Victor Meldrew: "I don't believe it."


In my opinion, this thread, along with others by the same person under whatever pseudonym, is best ignored. There was quite a ridiculous series of posts last year by the same person but under a different name to which a lot of people responded seriously then it became clear that it was some sort of hoax.


I know that I have responded but it is only in support of "ferd's" comment.







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Thinking about this fast post reflecting changed cercumstancesI can see i dont fit the average profile of somone in a camping car


Better i plan by the fire during cold winters to spend warm days roasting in Spain during a 3 week rush jusly august


I go away every winter or almost every winter and found camping caring quite by chance better still it makes a winter visit less intrusive


Today its raining in Bordeaux and 11c


Its disapointing to find such sad people in this forum worse internet connections are not easy to find and then to reply to such comments

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plumbersvan - 2012-04-10 11:19 AM


Thinking about this fast post reflecting changed cercumstancesI can see i dont fit the average profile of somone in a camping car


Better i plan by the fire during cold winters to spend warm days roasting in Spain during a 3 week rush jusly august


I go away every winter or almost every winter and found camping caring quite by chance better still it makes a winter visit less intrusive


Today its raining in Bordeaux and 11c


Its disapointing to find such sad people in this forum worse internet connections are not easy to find and then to reply to such comments


I believe forum members are now beginning to despair. Your motorhome wanderings across Europe are definitely not standard motorcaravanning practice and it should be understandable if members expect you to show some evidence of being able to do your own planning to suit your unusual circumstances.


For example, if you want to know about 'stopovers' in Belgium, there is plenty of information on the campingcar-infos website that should help. I'm sure you are well aware of that website and there will be no language barrier in your case.

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Well, I'll take a chance and reply!


What about Espana Discovery? They offer free 24hr stopovers at vineyards, farms, restaurants, etc. and have most sites in northern Spain.


You can get their guide at www.espana-discovery.es or Vicarious Books.



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Guest JudgeMental

I think we all know the OP is a bit eccentric but this hardly justifys the behaviour exhibited. If you have nothing useful to offer why say anything? Brit stop and Derek are the only ones who have offered anything meaningful....


we are down in Alicante and weather superb and costs are cheap. If you are in Bordeaux it seems hardly worthwhile heading to Belgium! So either stick to what you know or come over to Spain, fuel and eating out far cheaper then France, but unfortunately no real Aire system but many wildcamp (we do not)

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:-S i just wrote a reply to say amongst other thing Belgium a wonderful place is off list Spain on and to say i bought a motor home facts usb data stick but to find stops listed off line i need a paper michelin to find if the stops are on route


i have equipped my self and just ask those hear who may have been there for advice which in the long run is useful to all


the tourist office wifi cut out and i lost my reply :'(


now im standing outside a closed restaurant out of the rain laptop in one hand typing with the other.the tourist office called them &its ok just not really comfortable


i wont have a pizza tonight or anytime as they are more fattening than macdo







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Belgium is a lovely country, but eating out can be very expensive. Aires vary from Free to 5€ a night common to the expensive 23€ a night at Brugge.

The Aires are expanding fast in Belgium due recent laws being passed in some areas making it compulsory for councils to supply Motorhome parking.

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Guest JudgeMental

You get an astonished response from some because you make little sense at times, you need to add punctuation for a start....


being down in the south west of France and asking about Belgium makes little sense to most of us...If you want to get out of the rain you need to get over to east coast of Spain

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Eddie, agreed. It is so difficult to read Plumbersvan's posts - I had wondered if he/she is English? I dont know anyone who uses phases in quite the same way.

However, Belgium is lovely (we passed through a couple of years ago on the way to Denmark) but I would have thought that Spain is a better proposition re distance, weather, cost. ;-)

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English born in London :-D


When i made this post it was done in a super rush as i didnt know when my next wifi might be :-S Hear in Elecerc im limited again to 30mins 8-) then cut off post lost if it happens this time


I asked about Belgium as at the time i was heading home North then,


Now ive been stationary more or less for a week or so ive given the future some thought 8-) I like France so i will continue exploring make a tour via the east back through Lyon Montpellier Peppignan then into Spain for september after the holiday rush 8-)


Anyway thats my idea to day it can and probably will change finding me in Spain for July *-)


Before i post i must say the Bordeaux area while having lots to offer *-) Is expensive and finding sardines or good wine not easy 8-) Sardines are 12 euros a kilo hear 8-) In other eleclercs they generaly cost 2/3 euros a kg and 12euros when fillited and cleaned :-|


I havnt finnished yet but will press the post button before im cut off :-|

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Guest JudgeMental

at least 10 comas missing from the above...PLUMBER! You really must try harder! :D



another HOT & glorious day in Alicante.......cheap fish, beer and vino :-D

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Guest pelmetman

Only ever bought one meal out on a campsite in Belgium thought it was quite cheap until we got the credit card bill 8-)..................... I thought Belgium Franks were about the same as French Franks 8-)


The cheapest place to be is defiantly Spain at the moment...........going back to Northern Spain for a month in a few weeks time ...........time to get ship wrecked on Rioja Rocks again B-)

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found a mac doo on the way to the aire,


B-) In Spain then you have wi-fi?OR 3G? Everywhere.


I was never very good in English class.My mother taught English.Not at my school though.


I was good at maths music and art :-D *-)


How much is a liter of diesel in Spain?Or petrol? Hear at this shopping center its currently 1.51 for Diesel 1.68 for 95 1.69 98 and the E95 1.61,i can see the sign from hear :-D

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Guest pelmetman

You want to get a 3g kindle Fiona..........free email, surfing the web is a bit fiddly but you can get on the forum no prob's ;-)


Mine worked virtually all the time in Spain & France B-)................much better reception than my phone *-)


Yes fuel was cheaper as well :-D

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plumbersvan - 2012-04-11 4:10 PM I was never very good in English class.

Hear in Elecerc im limited again to 30mins

Sardines are 12 euros a kilo hear

Hear at this shopping center its currently 1.51 for Diesel 1.68 for 95 1.69 98 and the E95 1.61,i can see the sign from hear :-D

Sorry to be a pedant but it's bl**dy 'HERE' - can you HERE me? lol

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Fiona can't help it Chris, she's young, one of the 'lost generation', schooled in the dreadful comprehensive system!

I was lucky enough to go to a decent Grammar school ( our Cof E Primary had taught us to read & spell properly via the 'phonic' system too) and if we used incorrect grammar/spelling/syntax/punctuation, then the ruler across the knuckles soon put us right! My brother, who failed the '11-plus' (twice!) is just as 'correct' as I am - 'Secondary Moderns' had the same standards. Unfortunately only the girls got typing lessons, so, if I make mistakes on here, it will be 'typos' and my eyesight not coping with Warners' dreadfully small format for this forum!

Our lousy education system and 'textspeak' on mobile 'phones and social networks, has produced a generation of youngsters who mangle the beautiful language of Shakespeare, the King James Bible and Charles Dickens -- very sad.


Rant over!






P.S. Judge -- it's commas --(not comas!) -- mine are O.K. (I think!)



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Guest pelmetman
Symbol Owner - 2012-04-11 5:20 PM


Fiona can't help it Chris, she's young, one of the 'lost generation', schooled in the dreadful comprehensive system!


Ang on Colin.........I woz taut at a compohensive ;-).....................nuffink wrong wid my spealing or punkuation :D


Oooop's forgot to turn on the spell checker :$

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Guest JudgeMental

fuel cheaper then France, slightly less then french supermarket prices even on motorways


but its the glorious weather that makes the world a much better place...so relaxing. of for a stroll and a few beer at 1 euro a pint. Ithink Ihave died and gone to heaven...I had to drag the wife down here "BENIDORM! You must be joking!" well she has fallen for the place and wants to live her....thats women for you :-D

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Hi Fiona

Not a critism, as you always appear to be rushing your posts, so why not type your post in a "Word" document before you logon to the internet ?

It will give you time to read it through before posting & give everyone a greater understanding.

Then when you have logged in simply copy & paste the "Word" text into the thread.


Secretly they all love your ramblings & would miss them.


Another alternative would be to change your internet provider to BT for their free wifi "Hotspots" (or French equivelent, for their "Fon" free wifi connections) which won't chop you off after a short period.

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