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Belgium or Northern Spain?Advise on free cc stops and police/crime


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Guest JudgeMental

Or Buy A Blackberry phone and add roaming package? free internet and email and browsing and BBM messaging for £15 a month through out Europe



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JudgeMental - 2012-04-10 1:35 PMI think we all know the OP is a bit eccentric but this hardly justifys the behaviour exhibited. If you have nothing useful to offer why say anything?...

Come on Eddie lad, people in glass houses and all that!

Northern Spain has a different feel to other regions of Spain and is where many Spanish themselves take their holidays. It is dominated by the picos:

and is pretty spectacular. It is busy in the summer and it can rain a lot. It is rich in cultural and natural history interest. It does not have 'bandits around Barcelona' issues but, like everywhere, it pays to keep your wits about you. We've been 4 or 5 times in the 'van and on push bikes and never had one moments hassle. Wildcamping is easy but there are very few official 'aire' type places.

Belgium, and I'm sorry for any offence this may cause, I personally find quite grey and only really any good for getting to somewhere better. That said, I have little interest in matters culture.
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Guest JudgeMental
and a lot of spanish from northern spain come to east coast for the weather as well. Northern Spain lovely, we have toured along into Galicia and down into Portugal but in summer...
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B-) Yes i was just now sitting in my camping van on the shopping center parking wishing i could do just that :'(


Im using Meego which is almost Linux as this asus x101 which weighs 780gms dose not have touch screen i cant transfer something written with the open office to firefox :'(


Worse Megoo has Chrome as its default browser which is not nice to use :'( After this my next 30mins will be used looking for a Firefox add on to do just that *-)


And i didnt go to a comprehensive i was sent away to school as my Father was mostly in one foreign posting or another :'(


Sardines have changed price *-) Large ones are today 13.95 euros and small 6.99 euros :-( Orange marmalade yesterday 1.15 today 1.89 8-)

Tube of mustard reduced from 1.09 to 69cents Diesel is 10 cents less at 1.41.9


The prices do seem to change a lot to catch the inatentive shopper 8-)

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Thanks for your informative posts, I am off to France soon and I am pleased to see the price of sardines is not to bad.


I have found the best way to buy them is fresh of the boats, any small port will have a fishing boat, if you ask the locals they will tell you where to go.


Spain is a nice friendly and safe country, like anywhere you have to be aware, but when I go we wildcamp all over Spain.


Inland Spain is very pretty and the mountains will be green at this time of the year, any small town will have somewhere to park for a few nights, try asking at the local bar or head for a cemetary (I mean it! Cemetaries have parking space and fresh water usually, and the neighbours are dead quiet at night :-) .





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Bordeaux in rain or Benidorm in sun? Come on, no contest Bordeaux every time. Why? Bordeaux, great wines, top cuisine, interesting museums and galleries and quality shops. Benidorm, egg and chips and cheap beer!!! Don't get us wrong we enjoy visiting "real" Spanish cities such as Madrid, San Sebestian, Cadiz, Bilbao, Codobra etc but Benidorm; no thanks. So our advice Plumbersvan is to stay around Bordeaux then, as you indicate, visit other southern French cities, before moving to Spain where suggest try the major cities which offer so much more than British food and cheap drinks.
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Guest JudgeMental
I hope that was a joke but probably not, as as you spend so much time in that miserable god forsaken France, you simply have not a clue!lol.......Are you seriously suggesting Spain has no culture or cuisine....laughable and downright pig ignorant :-D
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robertandjean - 2012-04-12 8:08 PM


Bordeaux in rain or Benidorm in sun? Come on, no contest Bordeaux every time. Why? Bordeaux, great wines, top cuisine, interesting museums and galleries and quality shops. Benidorm, egg and chips and cheap beer!!! Don't get us wrong we enjoy visiting "real" Spanish cities such as Madrid, San Sebestian, Cadiz, Bilbao, Codobra etc but Benidorm; no thanks. So our advice Plumbersvan is to stay around Bordeaux then, as you indicate, visit other southern French cities, before moving to Spain where suggest try the major cities which offer so much more than British food and cheap drinks.


Just back from 14 glorious days in Benidorm and booked for another 14 in November. Benidorm does not have the architecture of many cities but does have a lot that gives great pleasure to many people. From the sounds of your experience R&J you never got into the old town and missed the fiestas. The dozens of Tapas bars are a delight and when the fiestas are on the traditional costumes are so colourfull. At the end of the fiesta in November, I understand 250,000 euros of fireworks went up and that was a spectacle along with thousands of brits in fancy dress really enjoying themselves


Benidorm is not everybody's choice but not as dreadful as you describe. Been through some parts of Paris that were really dreadful but then that did not colour my vision of the rest of the city

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JudgeMental - 2012-04-12 9:20 PM


I hope that was a joke but probably not, as as you spend so much time in that miserable god forsaken France, you simply have not a clue!lol.......Are you seriously suggesting Spain has no culture or cuisine....laughable and downright pig ignorant :-D


How about some punctuation? lol

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JudgeMental - 2012-04-12 9:20 PM


I hope that was a joke but probably not, as as you spend so much time in that miserable god forsaken France, you simply have not a clue!lol.......Are you seriously suggesting Spain has no culture or cuisine....laughable and downright pig ignorant :-D


Of course our comments were made in a light hearted way Eddie, as are sure yours are also. But, to be fair, we did point out that the great cities of Spain, most of which we have visited, have much to offer in terms of cultural experiences (and of course good cuisine). Still think however, that Benidorm, despite the "interesting" old quarter can not be compared with the likes of Savilla or the tapas bars with those in say San Sebastian. Would also suggest that, taken as a whole, France is a more cultured place than Spain, but this is just our opinion, and it may be, as you say , that we are just pig ignorant and need to rectify this by spending time in places like Benidorm!

Enjoy the rest of your trip.

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Guest JudgeMental

we are here for the weather and relaxation plus an active holiday living outside...we enjoy camping and for that to be successful you really require decent weather. So no need to shelter in museums and the like from the cold and rain.


my hip and knee pain has disappeared in less then a week. The seafood, fruit and vegetables are wonderfully fresh and cheap. We had a miserable journey through France in appalling weather, Our first night at le Crotoy after missing the piles of dog s**te everywhere in our walk into town, and watching incredulously a child with bike that could not get across the road for cars refusing to stop........we had a tasteless seafood meal in a crowded restaurant (fooled again!)


we than spent a night in Navarra and it snowed (was wondering why people wearing winter clothes :-S) next day we were in the company of active suntanned people, enjoying the Easter festivities. Then having (this time) a great seafood dinner with soft and succulent squid so differnt then the French rubber variety :D



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Eddie you do have some bad luck when visiting France. We have always enjoyed our visits to Le Cotroy; the Friday market is really good (you were clearlly there on the wrong day); eaten excellent meals in various resturants (you must have chanced upon one having a bad night); taken interesting walks around the bay observing the bird life (obviously the weather made it unsuitable for you to do this). Not sure what to suggest, maybe best thing for you in future is to avoid France by taking ferry direct to Spain.

Yes Starfish it does, somtimes but not often, but given your name just the sort of weather you should like!!!

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