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Getting Tired of this Forum


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I joined this forum because I was lead to believe I would get help and advice.


Recently all I have seen is childish arguments about this and that, such as slagging off A-frame users, and PCVs are better than Coachbuilts and the likes. (no i do not tow a car but it is none of my business if someone else wants to).


This isn't what I signed up for - we all have our own reasons for using motorhomes and have differing requirements.


I've heard more sensible arguments in a primary school playground.


If you can't say something positive and helpful, then i really don't want to hear your opinions

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Bolly1965 - 2012-04-07 2:17 PM


I joined this forum because I was lead to believe I would get help and advice.


Recently all I have seen is childish arguments about this and that, such as slagging off A-frame users, and PCVs are better than Coachbuilts and the likes. (no i do not tow a car but it is none of my business if someone else wants to).


This isn't what I signed up for - we all have our own reasons for using motorhomes and have differing requirements.


I've heard more sensible arguments in a primary school playground.


If you can't say something positive and helpful, then i really don't want to hear your opinions


I'm sorry you are 'disappointed' with the forum, it does have 'its moments' and recently there have been more than most, but don't let that put you off, just ignore what you aren't interested in and let the kiddies throw their teddies around ... I think some are a bit 'stir crazy' and once they start to get away in the vans more it should settle down!!! :D

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Guest ChrisB

Sorry to say I have to agree with Bolly1965. I know I am a relative newcomer but I have witnessed the slow degeneration of many threads - in fact just pointed this out on the "Chatterbox" forum.

Many posters have nothing to say but feel compelled to to contribute to almost every topic. I try to restrict my offerings to topics where I have something positive to add and am finding myself in danger of being "sucked in".

My other hate is the "light-hearted" contribution which clearly has an ulterior motive - almost always slagging another contributor. Usually given away by the insincere "smileys".


Fortunately there are a half dozen or so excellent members who always give sensible advice and are never drawn into the childish spats. If they were driven away there would be no point to these forums.

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Bolly1965 - 2012-04-07 2:17 PM


I joined this forum because I was lead to believe I would get help and advice.


If you can't say something positive and helpful, then i really don't want to hear your opinions


Well I have news for you. To get help and advice, which of course is free, you have to take part.


In taking part you'll encounter some negativity, spats, call them what you like.


Sorry you may not like that but it's a fact.


As you're not paying a fee and you you don't like the spats etc, you can go elsewhere can't you?



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" I joined this forum because I was lead to believe I would get help and advice. "


All you have to do is ask and then maybe peeps will help you and give advice you need.

I think most are fed up of the A Frame debate, but as mentioned by others...don't read them. When I go into a newsagent I am not forced to read all the magazines on the shelves, or indeed all the books in a library, but I would never complain because they have J R Hartely Fly Fishing on the shelves of which I have no interest.


So, what are you needing advice on?



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I'm a member of a variety of non motorhome related forums and often pop in to see what nteresting info I can glean and to hear of people's experiences. But I have to say, I've not been aware of such 'politics' in the other forums.
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Over the years I have asked and been given helpfull advice also I have been able to offer help to other users thats what I enjoy . There are topics that are not relevant to my needs , so I do not comment !! , but its a free world and luckily this forum gives people the ability to communicate freely . If you feel its not for you its your choice as there are many more other forums out there for an annual fee , but will the topics / comments be what you wish to draw from ??
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Most forums have a non forum related sections.


If you need help advice on motorhome topics there are several forums out there and because they have been around awhile you will find if you search, most likely your questions will answered and for the posters that cant be bothered, then ask and in my experience someone will come along with an answer.


Yes there will be glib answers, but IMO that's just a bit of fun and the posters are quite often the ones that keep forums alive. Because as I have said if you search you will most likely find the answers without posting.


Lets face it Bolly1965 like me with the number of times we post here, if everyone was like us there would be no forum at all.


So please all you regulars keep posting whether its relevant or not.



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You know the majority of people on here are of the same opinion as you :-D but as in all walks of life you get very hardened to and can ignore those that you know to be idiots and attention seekers.


I find this is the best place to ask for information on your motorhome and get advice from like minded people ;-) please dont leave because your feeling slighted in some way, you will learn just who to listen to and who to disregard, as you get older your skin gets thicker, at one time I would have been very upset at some of the slyde remarks Ive had but not anymore, I now know who,s opinion I respect and those I dont. ;-) maggyd.

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I have no problem with glib and humerous replies, and a forum without a bit of banter is dull.


I find the fact that this is a 'free' forum irrelevant and I know there are always alternatives. This forum was recommended to me for the fact that on certain other forums there were individuals who were more than a little unpleasant to other users. I was assured this forum wan't like that.


On a final note from me. There's a difference between a forum and a soapbox, and everyone has a right to an opinion.

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I'm not sure how the Forum being free can be classed as irrelevant.


The bottom line for contributions made on here, (helpful or otherwise), is that they're made in your own time.


Without charge.


Whether you choose to take it onboard, ignore or dismiss it as twaddle is of course entirely up to yourself.


It really makes me smile when you get someone, admittedly (usually) newish to the Forum, ask a question, get an answer, then bugger off without a thanks nor kiss my ****.


Better still, some of their questions can easily be answered by using that new fangled thingy, err, what's it called, oh yes Google.


One cheeky b****y sod had the temerity to ask about parking fees and times in a town and unbelievably someone took the time to provide them with a link.


What he pillock he was. It was me 8-)


And no, a thankyou wasn't forthcoming.


Never again though.


Public Information Service Officer (rtd)

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Just having a quick look at this forum to see if there are any interesting subjects being discussed when I saw this new thread and.....


I agree with you completely Bolly. Although I like a challenge and a bit of "devils advocate" but this forum makes me feel like a "child on a playground", afraid of being bullied. The chatterbox expecially is a "free for all".


I am on several (non Motorhome forums) and the Moderators are much stricter, any sign of cyber bullying and the threads are pulled immediately. This quite often can be irritating as they pull whole threads which are very interesting and not only the offending post. It must be difficult for the Moderators to find the "happy medium".

I quite like the forum of the" you know who", the Club for the things you pull behind your car!!! (pssst, I hope this gets past the moderator!)




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Bolly1965 - 2012-04-07 5:29 PM


I have no problem with glib and humerous replies, and a forum without a bit of banter is dull.


I find the fact that this is a 'free' forum irrelevant and I know there are always alternatives. This forum was recommended to me for the fact that on certain other forums there were individuals who were more than a little unpleasant to other users. I was assured this forum wan't like that.


On a final note from me. There's a difference between a forum and a soapbox, and everyone has a right to an opinion.



Well what are you complaining about?? this is a free country last time I looked :-S and we take the rough with the smooth, I dont know who recommended you but I think they were pulling your leg. (lol) (lol)

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Bolly has made some good observations. I too have noticed changes in this site over time. When I want an in-depth reply I tend to post on this forum as I know there are very experienced people on here. If the thread then loses track I tend to step back but many people like a good argument or like sitrring things up.

What annoys me is that when a new member posts with a basic question or, a well covered topic is brought up again, some people are not very tolerant and some comments could offend . Not everyone is an expert and not everyone is a computer wizz kid either.

I would like to thank all the members who give quality answers and hope Bollys comments are taken on board as I am sure they are meant as constructive criticism.


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chris - 2012-04-07 11:29 PM

What annoys me is that when a new member posts with a basic question or, a well covered topic is brought up again, some people are not very tolerant and some comments could offend . Not everyone is an expert and not everyone is a computer wizz kid either.



Chris, I'm not trying to stir anything up here, that's not my bag, (well apart from those dreadful Aire users, how awful :D ).


New users of the site and the search facility, fair enough, that takes some fathoming at times, no, I was meaning basic stuff like, "Is there a campsite in Dullsville France"?


If someone is sharp, (blunt more like) enough to register on here to use this site, post a question, then surely they have enough nous to put the same question into Google?


Of course, there are some that will fire back at me, does it really matter, and in the bigger scheme of things, no it doesn't.


Oh well it was summat to bleat about on a pouring with rain Bank Hol Monday 8-)



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We are extremely lucky to have some stunningly well informed and experienced contributors on the forum.

These contributors often produce replies which are carefully crafted and must be the product of considerable diligent research and/or real experience.

On the other hand we often have posts from beginners who ask what to experienced motorhomers might seem silly or very basic questions. Generally beginners are not only welcomed but also given replies which are not only relevant and informative but also welcoming.

Lets rejoice in what the forum at its best can produce. Oh course as in any open debate there are numptys out there but no point in getting angry just ignore them !

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