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Getting Tired of this Forum


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I am probably one of the people you are talking about, but obviously anybody can ask the question of google. The difference is if you ask the same question on here the answer usually comes with extra information which can be invaluable, other members experience is the main thing newbies are trying to tap in to. I for one have appreciated all the replies from you more experienced travellers. My wife and I have travelled a lot over the years but motorhoming is a totally different kettle of fish.

best of luck


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There is no doubt that this forum does present a higher level of confrontational debate than any other forum I visit. On some forums confrontation of any sort is an extremely rare occurence. Like the advice already given I tend to be very selective in what I respond to and will avoid contributing to threads where certain previously confrontational individuals are in evidence.


This is sad as the most valuable purpose of the site is to share experience not blows. There are times when I wonder if I were to meet certain confrontational individuals on a campsite somewhere would they be equally rude and offensive face to face? The answer I would guess is no which does tend to suggest that the age of electronic communication has brought with it a set of attitudes and values that we don't yet handle very well.



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Hello Derek,

Being blunt, it's not folk who pose questions, which as you say can be answered better on here because of van experience, no, its questions which quite often, (perhaps you've not seen them), are better answered on Google.


The parking question was a classic. It went summat like, "Is there any parking in Leeds?"


Then after I replied, she asked, "How much is it to park?"


I drew the line at that.


Van related? Possibly


Politeness? None.


Response after reply, (me)? None.


Better asked on Google? Almost certainly.


Sorry. it's just something that gets my goat.



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LordThornber - 2012-04-09 9:28 AM


Hello Derek,

Being blunt, it's not folk who pose questions, which as you say can be answered better on here because of van experience, no, its questions which quite often, (perhaps you've not seen them), are better answered on Google.


The parking question was a classic. It went summat like, "Is there any parking in Leeds?"


Then after I replied, she asked, "How much is it to park?"


I drew the line at that.


Van related? Possibly


Politeness? None.


Response after reply, (me)? None.


Better asked on Google? Almost certainly.


Sorry. it's just something that gets my goat.





.....well Martyn, you could always use the following (I'm sure it has been seen on here before):




.....the message usually gets across. ;-)


Personally, I'm not too worried about threads going off-topic, or indeed, the general level of "confrontation" (at least in this forum) which seems largely to revolve around a number of topics that have been done to death, and therefore can be ignored without missing much.


The posts in "Chatterbox" are something else - though judging by the viewing figures when it "kicks off" there are a lot of people getting vicarious pleasure through following them.



My own "bête noire" is those people who post a question (or several) and then don't acknowledge the "usually helpful" answers that arise, and/or post feedback as to the success or failure arising from following any advice. To me the feedback on the outcome is part of the valuable information which can be shared (and acknowledging answers - one post for all is sufficient - seems only common courtesy to me) :-|


(It was nice to see "lefthooker" come back recently, well after his original post, to confirm that his floor problem had been fixed).

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Guest pelmetman

We belong to several forums, and as others point out they all seem rather tame when compared to O&A,Live :D......................I for one often find it far more entertaining on here than watching the goggle box ;-)


Maybe its something to do with the average age of forum members being on the high side :D...................


Seems to me there's a bit of Victor Meldrew in all of us and it comes out more with age (lol)



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My own "bête noire" is those people who post a question (or several) and then don't acknowledge the "usually helpful" answers that arise, and/or post feedback as to the success or failure arising from following any advice. To me the feedback on the outcome is part of the valuable information which can be shared (and acknowledging answers - one post for all is sufficient - seems only common courtesy to me) :-|


(It was nice to see "lefthooker" come back recently, well after his original post, to confirm that his floor problem had been fixed).


Totally agree with you on this Robin - It's one thing I always try to do.


(I also hold doors open for ladies - and get funny looks for doing it?!)


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Guest pelmetman
vindiboy - 2012-04-09 11:52 AM


Some people seem to think these Forums are the real World, it's simple if you don't like what you see go elsewhere, no one cares if you do, IMO.


You mean :-S.........Its not the real world 8-) 8-)



What planet am I on..... :D

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Robinhood - 2012-04-09 12:22 PM


pelmetman - 2012-04-09 12:17 PM



What planet am I on..... :D


......ahhh - this should be one of the Forum's FAQ entries. ;-)



Not at all - it should be some of the 'contributor's' FAQ entries


It's free - learn how to use and enjoy it to suit your own style - what more do they want!

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I have asked for and got in general good advice...When I was a first timer I got good constructive advice..and I have in the main tried to put the same sort of input back...people have asked and I've put in me twopennorth for what it's been worth


However I am of the frame of mind that it's like the telly really if you don't like what ya see...Turn it off..ie don't watch it..

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If I had a penny for every time I get annoyed at "ON MY TRANSIT" just do not read it is the answer, its a forum so like life it will not suit you all the time, the fact you can freely complain about what you do not like on here without someone else telling you you are wrong should make you think about your own post a little more
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