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Onboard safe


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Having seen some electronic combination small safes in Homebase, it stikes me that these may be useful as an onboard safe in which to keep credit cards,passports spare cash etc when not wishing to carry about. Has anybody had experience of fitting one, if so where is the best place and how is if fixed to the body.
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You'll need somewhere quite strong otherwise a thief will just nick the whole safe, have a good shuftie round your 'van and see where you can attach it to something strong like a metal seat frame/base etc. One other point, if you do install a safe and there's nothing in it make sure you leave it unlocked, that way if you do get broken into anyone having a look will know there's no point in trying to nick it, that's one of the reasons why shops etc leave their till drawers open when they've emptied them on an evening, a shut till implies that there's something worth nicking.
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[QUOTE] One other point, if you do install a safe and there's nothing in it make sure you leave it unlocked, that way if you do get broken into anyone having a look will know there's no point in trying to nick it, that's one of the reasons why shops etc leave their till drawers open when they've emptied them on an evening, a shut till implies that there's something worth nicking.[/QUOTE] Perhaps thats also a good reason why NOT to close your blinds or curtains if you leave your MH or caravan unattended? ;-)
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[QUOTE]derk - 2006-06-02 11:48 AM Having seen some electronic combination small safes in Homebase, it stikes me that these may be useful as an onboard safe in which to keep credit cards,passports spare cash etc when not wishing to carry about. Has anybody had experience of fitting one, if so where is the best place and how is if fixed to the body. [/QUOTE] I have a couple of safes already fitted under drivers and passengers seats, although these are not electronic. Perhaps you can find room in a similar place for yours. I have heard of people drilling holes through the base and fixing to a chassis strong point, but have never tried this myself. Hope that this helps. Frank
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I fitted one of these small electronic safes in my previous motorhome for the very reason mentioned above;keys, credit cards, passports, etc. I drilled the floor and bolted it down and welded the nuts to the bolts under the floor - it won't be coming out! I took the front off a cabinet and reattached after cutting it to fit around the safe, in this way the safe was fully visible and, in my view, by seeing this hopefully a thief would realise that there would be no point in ransacking the motorhome as all valuables are unobtainable. Fortunately it never got tested but whether anyone saw through a window and moved on I will never know, can but hope. ;-)
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Hi Mel B, I have assumed that your question was aimed at my post - I hope I am right and not jumping into someone else's conversation. On the safe that I fitted there was a small prise of part on the front that hid a lock. So if the batteries went flat you could get in with a key. Having said that if you replaced the batteries once a year you wouldn't have a problem. If you felt uneasy with having a key lock you could super glue the cover in place. Hope this has helped. Ian ;-) ;-)
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Hi Just to inform you that we are struggling to find where to put our old DRAPER car safe into our new Chausson Allegro. Called off at Halfords yesterday and bought a STOPLOCK strong box for £39.99 and this has a cable that goes into safe and loops around a fixed point. Trouble is we cant find anywhere to attach that either. This is the product:- http://www.globalpositioningsystems.co.uk/157983?kw=stoplock%20strongbox Our van has underbed storage with front dinette and side bench that has a drawer in it so cant drill under that and there is nowhere to drill a safe into place. It is lowline and has a very thick under floor with lots of tanks and chasis parts.Its a real struggle as we do not feel secure without one. Any ideas where people put their safes???
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Found a place. We lifted the bed up and suddenly realisd we could loop the safebox cable around and under the metal frame of the bed and the safe rests on a ledge under the bed then If they want to get in they will have to lift two heafty unconscious adults off a permanent bed and climb in amongst our rubbish and probably cut the cable. Not foolproof but as the garage door is alarmed when we are away as well as the van then it will take a determined thief to get at it. See, it pays to keeplooking. We had a sort out under the bed and put the chocks under the drivers seat to make more room. Getting ready for our big trip to France soon. Feel happier we have a safe onboard now. We have a spare draper car safe now though.
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