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hi guys thanks for all the info on norway.... im thinking of getting a maxiveiw satalite dish (crank up) fitted to my motorhome ... could anyone let me know what they are like good or bad>>> what are they like abroad ?? many thanks
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Can only tell you that they are easy to fit and set up. From my experience a good buy. I fitted mine about seven months ago. Good fitting instructions etc. Full details can be found on the manufacturers web site. Have tried it around the UK but not yet abroad. Shop around on the internet for prices.
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I have seen the Maxview 66cm Crankup system working as far east as Nice and as far south as Perpignan in France and recieving all the free channels. Every bit as good as my 85cm Oyster as far as reception goes. Usually the farther east you travel the weaker the signal becomes on Astra 2 which is the satellite you'll be recieving from. This should cover most situations and I've seen them working on vans in southern Spain but there you will have limited channel choice as you will be on southern beam i.e. you will have to select 12207 ghz as your default transponder in the set up menu. Bill Ord
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