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Italian motorways information please


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We are planning a trip to the Italian lakes later in the year and we seek some information on the Italian motorways and your experiences please.


Are most of the motorways subject to a Toll?

Are the motorways that circle the main cities toll free as in France?

Can you pay tolls in cash or are they automated and paid with a card?


Any such information would be most helpful.


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Last year tolls were VERY reasonable indeed and we always paid cash. Off the motorways you can experience some REALLY bad roads where 10/15 mph is too fast

Watch out on Sundays for fuel as most stations become automated certainly after noon so ALWAYS fill up in the mornings.

Not as much traffic as in the UK and driving standards are not as bad as most people make out.

Everyone thinks they are driving a F1 ferrari and they smile when they are cutting you up. :D

We really enjoyed ourselves in Italy

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We have travelled to Italy every year for last 20 years using Motorways, and off again August.


Motorways are subject to tolls, but are a more reasonable cost than in France.

Many ring roads are free, but expect to find some that are not!

You can pay in cash, or Card at most, but Cash is preferred.


Be aware that slip roads are a lot shorter than the UK or France, and can have some nasty corners, so stick to the advised speed limit and exceed it at your peril.


Road surfaces can be rutted and have large potholes toll or not.


Expect drivers to join Motorways from slip roads and you give way - we have seen so many near accidents as even Fiat 500s drive in front of juggernauts on slip roads without a care in the World.


Beware drivers reversing back onto Motorways having taken a wrong exit!


Watch overhead gantry arrows - arrows showing 3 lanes ahead, often the right one peals off! They fork Motorways too! so you can find yourself in the wrong lane quite easily.


Expect everyone to drive too fast, they do, watch for dozing lorry drivers wandering across lanes in the hot sun.


Many service stations have Motorhome dump points. Pumps are Self Service usually on the outer aisles and Attendant Served nearer the office.


Service Areas are on the whole awful, can't recall a good one! If you are refuelling line up on your intended pump on approach and don't deviate, drivers approach the pumps and toll booths surprisingly quickly from the Motorway!


Staying overnight in the Services feels a lot more secure than in France, and often there are many Italian Motorhomers doing the same to keep you company.


Switch your headlamps on during the day it's the law.


Make sure your tyres are good for the heat - the roads get pretty hot in the sun!


Expect the unexpected, it's a lot quieter on the whole and a lot easier than driving in the UK - enjoy yourselves - the lakes and the food are fantastic!


Our favourite lakes are Bolsena and Trasimeno




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I would agree with all above especially the state of the motorway round Rome.


The only thing I would add is that we only had a problem at a toll both once when it wouldn't take our card we pressed the assistance button spoke in English and after a short reply in Italian (not understood) a red ticket was issued that had to be paid in 14 days. As we never went near a motorway in the following 14 days it was never paid and we never heard anything about it. It was only a small amount.


Have a great trip

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Brian Kirby - 2012-04-10 10:13 PM


No Syd, that is a boat. The lake is the pretty, but rather wet, bit underneath it. You would have photographed the lake if some pillock in a boat hadn't arrived just as you pressed the shutter release! Shame, I do sympathise. :-)




Where the hell did that come from it wasn't there when I posted that picture

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Oh one more IMPORTANT thing about Italy

If you have the disability badge then in Rome you can park almost anywhere and it isn't that bad to find a parking space either.

I was taken completely by suprise by how easy it was in Rome both driving and parking.

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