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Parking in Scarborough

Guest Peter James

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FRANKP60 - 2012-04-13 6:35 PM


We spent a Morning!!! in Scarborough, parked in Park and Ride and caught PR bus in .After spending morning there dodging seagulls and mess they left ,we headed back to Whitby much more Motorhome friendly.

Perhaps they need to contact Canterbury city council excellent Park and Ride with separate motorhome parking £2.50 24 hours .We stayed there before Christmas and spent over £200 on Christmas presents.

We went to Canterbury because we knew we could park.










Whitby comes under Scarborough /Council, so when they refer to surrounding area,s it is including Whitby . Someone wants to write and tell them they should put meters on the car parks allowing us to stay legal allowing 24 hr stays, I'm afraid I would complain if a MH parked on the road outside my residence!!

Only living about 40 mins away I'm not sure if its possible to get a bus from the club sites in Scarborough? but if so I think the camp sites should be used ! after all we don't want to be classed along with the "Travellers" do we!!!

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This Scarborough MH parking was touched upon on another forum(Hi Jez' ;-) ) and some "locals" to the area had said that some of the parking areas mentioned were prone to rock falls and/or high waves..and therfore safety was an issue..


Not knowing the area,I've no idea how true this is... :-S

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A bit sad that this type of predjudice is still widespread in the UK, i wonder what european Motorhome owners think when visiting our 'resorts' ? You would think that a bit of 'we could make some money out of them, lets encourage more to come'. would prevail, but no. Unless you fly in by 'Easyjet' and stay in our B&B's (out by 10.00am whatever the weather). Then don't come to our resorts. Sad,Sad.



I'm a bit ashamed of you maggyd. (I live at a seaside resort too,so i do know what this is about !).

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Guest Peter James

Not everyone in these resorts is prejudiced against motorhomes - far from it.

There was an interesting discussion on Radio Devon Easter before last.

Fantastically good weather, resorts packed out , and a local BTL landlord bemoaning the fact that all 5 of his holiday lets were empty over Easter - because people were camping.

Then another local came on and said it was a good thing - Bring on the campers - the landlord should accept a cut in rent and turn his holiday lets into much needed affordable accommodation for local people!!!


Unfortunately it s usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.

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Rayjsj - 2013-01-07 10:43 AM


....You would think that a bit of 'we could make some money out of them, lets encourage more to come'. would prevail, but no....


Ray,I agree..but as I assume that MHers have been using these carparks in the past,one can't help but draw the conclusion that "the area"(as in, local businesses) haven't been making any money out of them,then..?..if they had,they'd still be wanting them to "pitch up" ,surely...?


Earlier in this thread,someone said that(and I paraphrase) "..£20 for a site,would mean I wouldn't be able to afford to spend on a meal.." ,well,if that is genuinely the case,then just how much of MHers' "disposable income" are these areas really likely to get..?


I also notice on another thread(Cruden bay?),that they "welcome" MHs and operate an "honesty box" system,for both the "pitch" and the "free" toilets...

However a poster stated that they didn't leave anything for the loos because,quote "The OH inspected them and thought a donation was not really in order considering the lack of cleanliness.. :-S

( ..So is this another one of the,alledgedly, "big spending" MHers then..? (lol) )


Surely,if/when we use any of these "overnight stops", we really need to make an effort to ensure that any shops,cafes,restaurants etc that we use,are made aware of where we are staying?(..chat with 'em,"bigging up" the facility etc) ..Maybe then,"they"(the local businesses)would be on "our side"..?


We'll be looking at trying to make use of the MH overnight parking in North devon over the coming year...

That's if it hasn't been *fupped up* by then,resulting in height barriers being installed?! *-)


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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2013-01-07 11:11 AM


Unfortunately it s usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.


Totally unsubstantiated bilge with no vestige of truth. Why do you perpetuate these lies when you can easily search the truth for yourself?


Only one member of Scarborough Council has an interest in the camping/caravanning world. He is the son of a campsite owner whose site is several miles from the town. But guess what? His campsite is purely for static caravans and he doesn't take any tourers. Rather blows your conspiracy theory out of the water I'm afraid.


As for the other councillors, the small number that are in business mainly compromise people who would benefit from an increased number of motorhomes, such as the odd gift shop owner or cafe proprietor.


The council has simply reacted to the wishes of its constituents, which is what good councillors do. There have been numerous complaints about the behaviour of motorhomers and local people react as you would expect when they see us clogging the streets and sitting in our 'vans eating the food that we bought from Tesco back in our home town.


I would suggest that you avail yourself of the online information supplied by any local council and examine the list of councillors to see who does what. You may then consider apologising for accusing some Scarborough councillors of abusing their position and using it for their own ends. It has never happened.


The only good thing about your post is that you haven't tried to pin the blame on our 'unelected Queen', but I've no doubt that it won't take long.




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Had Enough - 2013-01-07 1:43 PM


Peter James - 2013-01-07 11:11 AM


Unfortunately it s usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.


Totally unsubstantiated bilge with no vestige of truth. Why do you perpetuate these lies when you can easily search the truth for yourself?


Only one member of Scarborough Council has an interest in the camping/caravanning world. He is the son of a campsite owner whose site is several miles from the town. But guess what? His campsite is purely for static caravans and he doesn't take any tourers. Rather blows your conspiracy theory out of the water I'm afraid.


As for the other councillors, the small number that are in business mainly compromise people who would benefit from an increased number of motorhomes, such as the odd gift shop owner or cafe proprietor.


The council has simply reacted to the wishes of its constituents, which is what good councillors do. There have been numerous complaints about the behaviour of motorhomers and local people react as you would expect when they see us clogging the streets and sitting in our 'vans eating the food that we bought from Tesco back in our home town.


I would suggest that you avail yourself of the online information supplied by any local council and examine the list of councillors to see who does what. You may then consider apologising for accusing some Scarborough councillors of abusing their position and using it for their own ends. It has never happened.


The only good thing about your post is that you haven't tried to pin the blame on our 'unelected Queen', but I've no doubt that it won't take long.




It may have escaped your notice ? But this is a 'Motorhome Forum' we motorhomers are NOT travellers we do not leave heaps of scrap or rubbish, nor do we find a bush to do 'our Toilette' behind,

We own vehicles that cost a considerable amount of money (many £50,000 plus) we are 'mainly' retired folk with disposable income (a generalisation I know). What we require is EQUAL treatment to visitors who arrive by Car/Train or Coach, we are not 'freeloaders' and are quite willing to pay for our Day parking or Night parking if any is provided, if NOT then WE WILL park where we can, ie in unsuitable places like : Along a seafront, outside peoples houses. etc., we don't do it for spite, but out of frustration at the shortsightedness of folk like YOU. Either you close your resorts to ALL vistors (that will keep it 'nice n Tidy' wouldn't it ?) or EXPECT motorhomes, and expect them to be looking for somewhere to park. An 'Aires de service' would be 'Spiffin' , but just a parking spot where we are not 'persecuted' will do for a start.

As I have already said, I also live in a seaside resort, so know what this argument is about.

'Small minded individuals' driving away the tourist trade (they usually despise the tourists anyway,even if they are their 'lifeblood'). Ray


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But Ray,unless I've read it wrong,they haven't stopped Mhs from parking during the day...only between 11pm and 7am (..so basically "overnighting")... :-S




..and I'm slightly disappointed to hear that you'd park your MH "...in unsuitable places..outside peoples houses etc.." :-S )...

...Surely if there's nowhere "suitable",in the immediate area,then you should be seeking out somewhere that is?..(..maybe a 'site or CL and bus/taxi in? or P&R? etc...) :-S


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I just think it`s one way of stopping people " Setting Up Camp " for days on end.


Just the same as they have done at Princes Way. Cleveleys. Lancs. There was people staying

there for a week and more without moving.


On other forums they " Brag " that they pitch in places for several days often on Seafronts.


If everyone Played The Game it would be fine but life`s not like that and it`s always the few

that spoil it for the majority.

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pepe63 - 2013-01-07 3:05 PM


..and I'm slightly disappointed to hear that you'd park your MH "...in unsuitable places..outside peoples houses etc.." :-S )...

...Surely if there's nowhere "suitable",in the immediate area,then you should be seeking out somewhere that is?..(..maybe a 'site or CL and bus/taxi in? or P&R? etc...) :-S




Very brave of you to publicly say that......................................LOL


You`ll have the " Good God do you think i`m made of money " brigade after your blood !

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Wooie - 2013-01-07 3:30 PM


pepe63 - 2013-01-07 3:05 PM


..and I'm slightly disappointed to hear that you'd park your MH "...in unsuitable places..outside peoples' houses etc.." :-S )...

...Surely if there's nowhere "suitable",in the immediate area,then you should be seeking out somewhere that is?..(..maybe a 'site or CL and bus/taxi in? or P&R? etc...) :-S




Very brave of you to publicly say that......................................LOL


You`ll have the " Good God do you think i`m made of money " brigade after your blood !


(lol) ...You mean the "..it's not fair..why can't I plonk my MH where I see fit,it's why I bought it?..they've all got it in for us!...HOW MUCH?!..it's cheaper in france.." lot? (lol) (lol)

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pepe63 - 2013-01-07 3:40 PM


Wooie - 2013-01-07 3:30 PM


pepe63 - 2013-01-07 3:05 PM


..and I'm slightly disappointed to hear that you'd park your MH "...in unsuitable places..outside peoples' houses etc.." :-S )...

...Surely if there's nowhere "suitable",in the immediate area,then you should be seeking out somewhere that is?..(..maybe a 'site or CL and bus/taxi in? or P&R? etc...) :-S




Very brave of you to publicly say that......................................LOL


You`ll have the " Good God do you think i`m made of money " brigade after your blood !


(lol) ...You mean the "..it's not fair..why can't I plonk my MH where I see fit,it's why I bought it?..they've all got it in for us!...HOW MUCH?!..it's cheaper in france.." lot? (lol) (lol)






Yep, them as well................LOL.......... and now there`ll be a " Contract " out on both ot us !!!!!

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Guest Peter James
Had Enough - 2013-01-07 1:43 PM

Only one member of Scarborough Council has an interest in the camping/caravanning world. He is the son of a campsite owner whose site is several miles from the town. But guess what? His campsite is purely for static caravans and he doesn't take any tourers. Rather blows your conspiracy theory out of the water I'm afraid.


As for the other councillors, the small number that are in business mainly compromise people who would benefit from an increased number of motorhomes, such as the odd gift shop owner or cafe proprietor.


The council has simply reacted to the wishes of its constituents, which is what good councillors do. There have been numerous complaints about the behaviour of motorhomers and local people react as you would expect when they see us clogging the streets and sitting in our 'vans eating the food that we bought from Tesco back in our home town.


Are you trying to tell us there is only one member of Scarborough Council who makes money out of charging visitors for accommodation?

That is as ludicrous as your assertion that banning motorhomers from parking on their marine Drive (Yes its theirs as much as yours) between 11pm and 7am is going to stop them 'clogging the streets' or eating Tesco food.

Or that its only motorhomes that 'clog the streets'

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Guest 1footinthegrave

I really do not understand the "anti" feeling so often aimed at motor homes. We live in a holiday resort, and right opposite a car park, on any given summer day a stroll across which will reveal the crap discarded by car owning day visitors, including copious amounts of take away food and drink cartons, not too mention the occasional nappy or disposable barb-b-que.


Here's the funny thing though they have yet to put up "no cars" signs, yet we do have "no motor home" signs, it really makes me furious, just another reason we head over the channel at every opportunity.

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Rayjsj - 2013-01-07 10:43 AM


A bit sad that this type of predjudice is still widespread in the UK, i wonder what european Motorhome owners think when visiting our 'resorts' ? You would think that a bit of 'we could make some money out of them, lets encourage more to come'. would prevail, but no. Unless you fly in by 'Easyjet' and stay in our B&B's (out by 10.00am whatever the weather). Then don't come to our resorts. Sad,Sad.



I'm a bit ashamed of you maggyd. (I live at a seaside resort too,so i do know what this is about !).



Would you like to elaborate on that ???? I didnt think I said anything that could cause offence to anyone!! except maybe the travelers that seem to be able to park up anywhere and be a nuisance by leaving rubbish when they go.

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1footinthegrave - 2013-01-07 6:41 PM


I really do not understand the "anti" feeling so often aimed at motor homes. We live in a holiday resort, and right opposite a car park, on any given summer day a stroll across which will reveal the crap discarded by car owning day visitors, including copious amounts of take away food and drink cartons, not too mention the occasional nappy or disposable barb-b-que.


Here's the funny thing though they have yet to put up "no cars" signs, yet we do have "no motor home" signs, it really makes me furious, just another reason we head over the channel at every opportunity.



I agree why is it or who is behind the anti-motorhome feeling in this country :-S Ive been asked a few times by French/Dutch/Belgium,s if we have Aire,s in the U.K , are the people abroad who live in nice houses near Aires complaining like the miseries over here! in Redcar near to us there is a lovely area overlooking the sea that we say every time we drive past "if that was in France it would be full of motorhomes !! and its not as if Redcar couldnt do with extra visitros spending their money here.

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2013-01-07 6:04 PM


Had Enough - 2013-01-07 1:43 PM


Only one member of Scarborough Council has an interest in the camping/caravanning world. He is the son of a campsite owner whose site is several miles from the town. But guess what? His campsite is purely for static caravans and he doesn't take any tourers. Rather blows your conspiracy theory out of the water I'm afraid.


As for the other councillors, the small number that are in business mainly compromise people who would benefit from an increased number of motorhomes, such as the odd gift shop owner or cafe proprietor.


The council has simply reacted to the wishes of its constituents, which is what good councillors do. There have been numerous complaints about the behaviour of motorhomers and local people react as you would expect when they see us clogging the streets and sitting in our 'vans eating the food that we bought from Tesco back in our home town.


Are you trying to tell us there is only one member of Scarborough Council who makes money out of charging visitors for accommodation?

That is as ludicrous as your assertion that banning motorhomers from parking on their marine Drive (Yes its theirs as much as yours) between 11pm and 7am is going to stop them 'clogging the streets' or eating Tesco food.

Or that its only motorhomes that 'clog the streets'


I haven't mentioned parking on Marine Drive, perhaps you're confusing me with someone else?


The difference between you and me is that I don't peddle myths based on nothing more than my own prejudices. I will remind you what you said:


'Unfortunately it s usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.'


These are the facts: Scarborough has 50 councillors. Only one has a direct interest in accommodation in the town and she has a small B & B. Two members are landlords and rent flats but they are both for long term rental and not for holiday lets.


She is outnumbered by another small number of members who have businesses that will benefit from motorhomers, a tea room, a mug shop and a newsagent.


That's the total out of fifty who have businesses in the leisure industry. The campsite owner, as I've already said, has a small static caravan site some miles from the town. He doesn't take motorhomes or caravans so how does he benefit from banning motorhomes from Scarborough? Which by the way the council isn't trying to do. It is simply attempting to curb overnight parking in inappropriate places.


So your claim that landlords and campsite owners are getting on to the council in order to ban motorhomes from the town is utter nonsense. And do you really think that B & B owners actually believe that if motorhomes are banned in the town that we'll suddenly leave our motorhomes at home and book into their guest houses? You may be daft enough to think this, but I can assure you that they are not.


Out of fifty councillors 26 are Conservative and the rest Labour, Lib Dem or Independent. I'd love you to tell us how the one member who has a B & B is able to dominate the council and persuade her political opponents to support your mythical claim that she is behind an attempt to banish motorhomes from the town. I suspect that the councillors with retail shops wouldn't be too keen on reducing the number of potential customers! And there are only three of them in this cabal that you imagine is behind your very silly conspiracy theory.


Here's what you should do if you have an ounce of decency. Go through this list of councillors' interests and then come back and apologise for this unwarranted and totally untrue slur on the members of Scarborough Council.


All they are doing is representing their constituents and if you lived in Scarborough and a large motorhome parked overnight in front of your house I suspect that you'd be complaining to the council very quickly.


Here is the list of councillors, and before your next claim that they are all hiding their dozens of hotel businesses in their wives' names, I will tell you that this is impossible and criminal.








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maggyd - 2013-01-07 6:57 PM


... are the people abroad who live in nice houses near Aires complaining like the miseries over here!.


I've asked the very same thing Magg'... (lol)

I reckon some of it is down to the obsession with "property ownership" there is over here... :-S

..which has resulted in a, "Get off..it's mine!" attitude.. ;-)

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Guest Peter James
Had Enough - 2013-01-07 7:10 PM


Peter James - 2013-01-07 6:04 PM


Had Enough - 2013-01-07 1:43 PM


Only one member of Scarborough Council has an interest in the camping/caravanning world. He is the son of a campsite owner whose site is several miles from the town. But guess what? His campsite is purely for static caravans and he doesn't take any tourers. Rather blows your conspiracy theory out of the water I'm afraid.


As for the other councillors, the small number that are in business mainly compromise people who would benefit from an increased number of motorhomes, such as the odd gift shop owner or cafe proprietor.


The council has simply reacted to the wishes of its constituents, which is what good councillors do. There have been numerous complaints about the behaviour of motorhomers and local people react as you would expect when they see us clogging the streets and sitting in our 'vans eating the food that we bought from Tesco back in our home town.


Are you trying to tell us there is only one member of Scarborough Council who makes money out of charging visitors for accommodation?

That is as ludicrous as your assertion that banning motorhomers from parking on their marine Drive (Yes its theirs as much as yours) between 11pm and 7am is going to stop them 'clogging the streets' or eating Tesco food.

Or that its only motorhomes that 'clog the streets'


I haven't mentioned parking on Marine Drive, perhaps you're confusing me with someone else?


The difference between you and me is that I don't peddle myths based on nothing more than my own prejudices. I will remind you what you said:


'Unfortunately it s usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.'


These are the facts: Scarborough has 50 councillors. Only one has a direct interest in accommodation in the town and she has a small B & B. Two members are landlords and rent flats but they are both for long term rental and not for holiday lets.


She is outnumbered by another small number of members who have businesses that will benefit from motorhomers, a tea room, a mug shop and a newsagent.


That's the total out of fifty who have businesses in the leisure industry. The campsite owner, as I've already said, has a small static caravan site some miles from the town. He doesn't take motorhomes or caravans so how does he benefit from banning motorhomes from Scarborough? Which by the way the council isn't trying to do. It is simply attempting to curb overnight parking in inappropriate places.


So your claim that landlords and campsite owners are getting on to the council in order to ban motorhomes from the town is utter nonsense. And do you really think that B & B owners actually believe that if motorhomes are banned in the town that we'll suddenly leave our motorhomes at home and book into their guest houses? You may be daft enough to think this, but I can assure you that they are not.


Out of fifty councillors 26 are Conservative and the rest Labour, Lib Dem or Independent. I'd love you to tell us how the one member who has a B & B is able to dominate the council and persuade her political opponents to support your mythical claim that she is behind an attempt to banish motorhomes from the town. I suspect that the councillors with retail shops wouldn't be too keen on reducing the number of potential customers! And there are only three of them in this cabal that you imagine is behind your very silly conspiracy theory.


Here's what you should do if you have an ounce of decency. Go through this list of councillors' interests and then come back and apologise for this unwarranted and totally untrue slur on the members of Scarborough Council.


All they are doing is representing their constituents and if you lived in Scarborough and a large motorhome parked overnight in front of your house I suspect that you'd be complaining to the council very quickly.


Here is the list of councillors, and before your next claim that they are all hiding their dozens of hotel businesses in their wives' names, I will tell you that this is impossible and criminal.







You said the council had reacted ... and the council has banned parking of motorhomes on their Marine Drive overnight.

So we have got another councilor who is trying to force visitors to use their beds instead of bringing their own.

What other reason is there to ban overnight parking on the Marine Drive?

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James


You said the council had reacted ... and the council has banned parking of motorhomes on their Marine Drive overnight.

So we have got another councilor who is trying to force visitors to use their beds instead of bringing their own.

What other reason is there to ban overnight parking on the Marine Drive?



It would appear that you don't understand English. I'll try to make it as simple as possible for you. Only one councillor out of fifty has a B & B. Unlike you councillors aren't so silly as to think that banning motorhomers will make us move into the guest houses. Are you really so incapable of working that out?


This has nothing to do with pressure from guest house or hotel owners. If you knew anything about running such businesses you'd know that most of them don't have time to serve on the council. I'm surprised that there's even one!


You have claimed that Scarborough Council is influenced by a large number of campsite and hotel owners who wield undue influence over the vast majority. I have pointed out that out of the tiny number of councillors who actually have a business, most will benefit from allowing more motorhomes into the town.


If the council is banning motorhomes from overnighting anywhere in the town, it's nothing to do with hotel owners. It's because the residents object to their town becoming swamped by motorhomes, which is what happens if they allow untrammelled parking on the streets.


To sum up, you have made some very nasty and untrue accusations against Scarborough councillors. Your claims have no bearing in fact as anyone who is willing to go through the list of councillors' interests can see for themselves.


Instead of waffling and squirming because you've been found out, I would suggest that you go through the list and then apologise for peddling your lies.


I have no idea why you would make these accusations which have no basis in fact. Do you think that it's fair to accuse councillors of doing things that are simply untrue?


If you've an ounce of decency you'll apologise, but I won't hold my breath.





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I am following this thread with some passing interest. largely as someone who has Visited Scarborough on and off since 1948, when with the clearing of the beaches after WW2 my family took us there as kids, a treat away from the devastation of HULL, courtesy of Her Goering!!. and we had several years of holidays there subsequently.


Since the 1960`s we have been for holidays, Day trips, Lastly camped at the CCC site, whence we used the "A" framed Smart car to visit,!! And I have done delivery work there too as an HGV driver in later years. Currently a Caravanner by default since my R-V was sold. I was intrigued to see the discussion degenerate into a "slagging match" over the "intentions" behind this decision to prohibit the overnight stay of motor-homes. I have never been a real fan of the "wild camp" when it is in Town or city although I can see it`s attraction in perhaps some wild and out of way spot where a scenic view is there to be appreciated.


It would not, however, be surprising to find that the prime motivation behind the current move had to do with the dirty habits (nothing to do with Monks) of some "Motorhomers", I have personally witnessed the discharge of "waste" (Grey AND Black) onto ditches and roadside drains. On one occasion it was clearly evident that the owner of an R-V was actually discharging the contents of his "BLACK" tank into a roadside ditch!, If it was as big as mine was we are talking up to 40Gallon!!. And the number of motor-homes generally who, when leaving a Show or Festival trail a discharge of grey water onto the road is IMHO an increasing event.


Part of the issue is the lack of an "Aire" type facility in the UK, I am aware of the argument that "travelers" would permanently park there but in France the Gendarme deal with those most effectively, so why not here?. As for Dirty Habits, Perhaps it is up to us to "weed out" the offenders, We have "Smart Phones" so a picture MMS`d to plod / local council with Number plate in View?. a few prosecutions would reduce if not eliminate the practice, providing a dump was available on an Aire or Park without height barrier. (at a small charge) there would be no excuse!!.


As a Retired HGV driver, I have every sympathy with the issues confronting them. Safe Parks are being closed, Few Have any Facilities AND the new (Digital) Taco`s cannot be overridden in order to find a safe place anymore. and 11 Hours is a long Wait!!!. So The option of the Bin Bag becomes necessary!!


Its all depressingly negative, when all it needs is "joined up" thinking on behalf of Users, Government, Local Authorities, and the "Clubs" to make available the facilities. (I actually think the CCC do offer "dumping and filling at some sites? for a fee).




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Guest Peter James
Had Enough - 2013-01-07 8:07 PM

It's because the residents object to their town becoming swamped by motorhomes, which is what happens if they allow untrammelled parking on the streets.


The new bans aren't on the streets though are they.

And the bans are not during the day when its busy.

They are on the car parks and Marine Drive 11pm to 7am - if you understand English ;-)

Are you suggesting the Car Parks And Marine Drive are swamped with traffic between 11pm and 7am so they have to ban motorhomes so others can park there?

Then the Motorhomes can return at 7am until 11pm (when the Marine Drive is most busy) and have to leave between 11pm and 7am when its empty.

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Guest Peter James

PS: I don't get this argument there may be a few dirty motorhomers so ban them all.

There are a few dirty car drivers as well, so why not ban all the cars?

Only difference I can see is that car drivers don't bring their own beds with them.

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2013-01-07 9:36 PM


Had Enough - 2013-01-07 8:07 PM

It's because the residents object to their town becoming swamped by motorhomes, which is what happens if they allow untrammelled parking on the streets.


The new bans aren't on the streets though are they.

And the bans are not during the day when its busy.

They are on the car parks and Marine Drive 11pm to 7am - if you understand English ;-)

Are you suggesting the Car Parks And Marine Drive are swamped with traffic between 11pm and 7am so they have to ban motorhomes so others can park there?

Then the Motorhomes can return at 7am until 11pm (when the Marine Drive is most busy) and have to leave between 11pm and 7am when its empty.


I just despair! It's like talking to a ten-year-old. My sole argument with you is that you claim that the reason that Scarborough wishes to regulate overnight parking of motorhomes is because there is, on the council, a cabal of hotel and campsite owners that have a Svengali-like control of the council and that if motorhomes are forbidden to park overnight we'll all flock into their premises. We all know that's tosh, except you it would appear.


I have proved to you that there is one B & B owner on the council and one person with an interest in a statics-only campsite that's miles away.


When are you going to have the decency to admit that Scarborough Council is not acting dishonourably because of the influence of this imaginary gang of hoteliers and when will you stop peddling these lies?


Whatever reasons Scarborough Council has for wishing to regulate overnight parking, and some of us can work out why they should be worried about it, it is nothing to do with undue and unfair influence from councillors who are campsite or hotel owners. They couldn't care less!


Now instead of waffling, address this subject. Read the list of councillors and their interests and have the decency to admit that you are totally wrong and that you have libelled Scarborough Council.




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