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Parking in Scarborough

Guest Peter James

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2013-01-07 9:40 PM


PS: I don't get this argument there may be a few dirty motorhomers so ban them all.

There are a few dirty car drivers as well, so why not ban all the cars?

Only difference I can see is that car drivers don't bring their own beds with them.


And this, once more, sums up the ludicrous level of your argument. Dirty car drivers go home and don't park in the streets all night in front of houses and hotels. And who's banning motorhomes? All that Scarborough wants to do is get them off the street overnight and into designated car parks.


The problem is dirty motorhomers, not dirty cars or even dirty motorhomes. People in dirty cars don't pour effluent into drains and ditches and don't discharge grey water all over the road.


It only takes a few inconsiderate motorhomers to do disgusting things such as this to poison the minds of the locals. It doesn't matter how many motorhomes are parked on Marine Drive or anywhere else. If just two or three are seen to be behaving badly people assume that we are all capable of doing the same. Is it so difficult to grasp or are you just so selfish that you feel that you should just be able to park anywhere you like without consideration for others?



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Guest 1footinthegrave
I'm only confused as to why anyone would want to stop in Scarborough in the first place, passed through it once a couple of years ago and it seemed just another very tired, out of its time UK resort, like so many others full of DSS claimants in run down properties, and druggies, a bit like Rhyl in north Wales another dump, so no loss to me.
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pepe63 - 2013-01-07 3:05 PM


.and I'm slightly disappointed to hear that you'd park your MH "...in unsuitable places..outside peoples houses etc.." :-S )...

...Surely if there's nowhere "suitable",in the immediate area,then you should be seeking out somewhere that is?..(..maybe a 'site or CL and bus/taxi in? or P&R? etc...) :-S


I would only Park where it was 'Legal' to do so, BUT if there was nowhere else to park locally then yes, I would park 'where I could'. My wife is disabled so we have to park close to our destinations. If the local councils think so little of their constituants that they fail to provide suitable M/H parking, then expect to find a M/H parked outside your house, if it is legal to do so. That is what a Tax disc is for : access to the road system, including parking. I do NOT mean overnight parking, for that a site or a CL,

This is for daytime parking, and I'm not talking about Scarborough exclusively. Ray


as for 'Dumping effluent' I have a Cassette Toilet, and a grey water tank with 90 litre capacity, why ? would I need to discharge it in the street ? a spurious accusation, a Myth.

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Sorry Ray,in the main I've been referring to Scarborough(hence the links)

Although personally,I would still prefer "Legal" AND "Suitable",when it comes to parking... ;-)


..and on the subject of "parking"...didn't it ever occur to folk ,that when buying 7-8+mtr long x 2.3mtr wide motorhomes,that parking the things, "where and when" they wanted, may,at times,be slightly "problematic"?.. (lol)

I know when we bought ours',we did so in the knowledge that we probably wouldn't be able to just shoehorn into every town centre or supermarket carpark or plonk it on proms,nor at some beauty spots etc...

As for MHers dumping waste just being a "myth",well there have plenty of MHers on this forum who have posted,having witnessed it happen.... :-S


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As far as we are concerned we have never up to press 'wild camped' and don't really find car parks or on street parking attractive enough to stay the night. After all there are loads of CL's and CS's at reasonable cost (and a lot of overpriced ones) so we have never found the need to overnight 'wild'. However what the news about Scarborough has done is put us off ever visiting the place, as what it does is tar every motor-home owner with the same brush. So well done Scarborough in these times of austerity when every region is looking to increase tourism and maximise footfall into local business you have done the exact opposite.
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Guest Peter James
Had Enough - 2013-01-07 10:20 PM

All that Scarborough wants to do is get them off the street overnight and into designated car parks.


Its like talking to a 9 year old ;-)

If Scarborough Council wants to get motorhomes into Car Parks overnight why is it banning them from Car Parks overnight?

(and car drivers do park on the streets overnight outside houses & hotels)

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2013-01-08 5:44 PM


Had Enough - 2013-01-07 10:20 PM

All that Scarborough wants to do is get them off the street overnight and into designated car parks.


Its like talking to a 9 year old ;-)

If Scarborough Council wants to get motorhomes into Car Parks overnight why is it banning them from Car Parks overnight?

(and car drivers do park on the streets overnight outside houses & hotels)


What is it about the word 'designated' that you don't understand? Scarborough Council reacted to complaints from traders about large numbers of motorhomes parking overnight. At times there were up to 50 motorhomes lined up on the streets and people witnessed some disgraceful behaviour.


Consequently they have banned overnighting on streets but have a designated car park which is Scalby Mills, next to the North Bay’s Sea Life Centre.


I understand that you feel that because you've bought a motorhome you should be able to just park it anywhere without consideration for others. I also understand that you have this totally unfounded conspiracy theory that all Scarborough's councillors own camp sites or hotels and believe that if they can ban motorhomes then we'll all leave our 'vans at home and flock to their sites or guest houses.


However, your delusions are of no concern to anyone of sound mind so I think that the best thing to do is to let you revel in your paranoia whilst we get on with living in the real world.


I'm sure you also realise that behind this shadowy conspiracy lurks our 'unelected Queen' who secretly owns all the camp sites and hotels in Scarborough and is determined to force everyone into them.


So I'll bid you goodbye. My work here is done. I've posted a link detailing the real people on Scarborough Council (as opposed to your fictional ones) and I've exposed you as a rather strange man who flaunts the most ludicrous conspiracy theories that have not one iota of evidence to support them.


Goodbye, and I hope that you may one day come back to join us who are in the real world.






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Guest Peter James

I take it you are walking away because you cannot explain why they have banned overnighting on the Marine Drive Car Park.

Incidentally, when I cycled through the Sea Life Car Park you mentioned I notice they have banned motorhomes overnighting there as well.

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This is a link to Section 15 of Scarborough Borough Council Cabinet agenda/minutes for their October 16 2012 meeting




Section 15 relates to the subject that's been discussed in this thread (though I'm certain that, for some of the time, "discussion" could hardly have been considered the appropriate word).


There are two downloadable .pdf files in Section 15 and it would be worth viewing both of them. Particularly interesting perhaps are the objector/officer comments in Appendix A on the first .pdf file.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Isn't it the fact that M/homes are easily identifiable, and so make an easy target for these small minded moaners and petty minded council twits, I say again what on earth difference does it make if vans stay overnight ANYWHERE, they are taxed and insured, and just because they may be occupied with a couple of old farts like us what bloody difference does it make, the UK really makes me despair more and more.


I have a PVC, it in fact takes up less space than a LWB Sprinter van, thousands of which are parked up all over the country every night by tradesmen etc. Perhaps if these numpties on the council concentrated on the car visitors and all the crap they dump,as we witness here, the "problem" would be kept in perspective, and as a result would be seen to be no problem at all in the grand scheme of things.


My next van will be a "stealth" van, sign written with Joe Bloggs plumbing on the side, that should wrong step them. Mind you on second thoughts we long ago gave up on the UK as being a place worth the hassle to use a van, Vive-le-France. ;-)

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We have to face it, people (in the UK) that are not involved in our lifestyle, 'don't get it' do they? IF, and i do mean IF, i stayed overnight in a Car Park in Whitby/Filey/ Scarborough which i probably wouldn't, it would only be for one night , either until i moved on somewhere else (most likely) or until i found a local CL or Campsite to investigate further. Unfortunately 'Little Hitlers' seem to be at Most UK resorts, and make Visiting or staying at them an 'unpleasant' experience, either when visiting for the day (ordinary parking) or staying No Aires de service ( for a couple of days) and Height Barriers or 'Small print' wrong type of vehicle exclusions. Not very M/home friendly at all.

And yet there ARE hundreds of us 'Old farts' out there with money to spend. Driving m/homes, and we don't ALL boast at how little we spend on our 'tours'. Ray


Bye bye Scarborough.


By the way, you would be very welcome at Fishguard, plenty of places to overnight before catching the ferry to Ireland, or to stay longer, also LOADS of places to park up all day while you have a look around.

The local council HAVE started charging for some parking (against much opposistion) but M/homes are still welcome.

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Ref; Available parking:- (http://www.scarborough.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=15611)


Marine Drive. weight limit 1.5t /parking bay. So that rules out Most I Think.


Victoria Park weight limit 1.5t /parking bay.


Albion Road weight limit 1.5t /parking bay.


William St Car Park As Above But Motorhomes may use the Coach Bays.


Friars Way Car Park weight limit 1.5t /parking bay. .


Burniston Road As Above but Motorhomes can use Coach bay


Northstead Upper Car Park weight limit 1.5t /parking bay.


Westwood Car Park weight limit 1.5t /parking bay.


Spa Drive Car Park weight limit 1.5t /parking bay.


Spa Forecourt Car Park weight limit 1.5t /parking bay.


Weaponness Valley Road Car Park As Above but Motorhomes can use Coach bay


That would appear to be the limit of "officially" Available parking.. The issue would appear to be a restriction of 1,5tonne on all car parks, and begs the question what happens if you are a commercial vehicle Over 1.5t (the proverbial "white van")? You are therefore theft with the option of Roadside parking. the main subject of dispute in this thread?


Time to get back to the subject of creating a "British" "Aire" system?



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pepe63 - 2013-01-08 7:32 PM


Facts?...FACTS!?...Just what the hell are folk supposed to do with facts??... (lol)



Love it, Pepe.......


Quote David Byrne (Talking Heads):


Facts are simple and facts are straight

Facts are lazy and facts are late

Facts all come with points of view

Facts don't do what I want them to

Facts just twist the truth around

Facts are living turned inside out



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If "Had Enough" is a representation of Scarborough folks attitude, it's definately off my "to visit" list &

NO, I never have & don't park / camp overnight on the streets.

But an overnight ban will not stop those who are inconsiderate enough to empty their waste tanks in the gutters. They'll just do it during allowed hours. (unfortunately).


Scarborough (& surrounds) loss not mine.

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Guest Peter James
flicka - 2013-01-08 11:01 PM


If "Had Enough" is a representation of Scarborough folks attitude, i.


It isn't though flicka, at least not in my experience.

Like many seaside towns, the hostility from local people is towards the multiple home brigade, leaving homes empty most of the time, and forcing house prices beyond the price of local people - like Jimmy Savile who Scarborough Council welcomed with open arms, naming parts of the Esplanade after him and erecting monuments.

If more visitors brought their own beds, that would free up much needed affordable accommodation for homeless local people.

To that end, I shall continue doing my share.

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PeteH - 2013-01-08 9:02 PM


The issue would appear to be a restriction of 1,5tonne on all car parks, and begs the question what happens if you are a commercial vehicle Over 1.5t (the proverbial "white van")?




If that limit applies to all vehicles(which I assume it would),with it being set that low(1.5t)they obviously don't want anyone who's driving the likes of Range Rovers(at 2.5t) or big Mercs etc or even some "people carriers" turning up then?.. :-S


Oh well..look on the bright side"!..at least they haven't just "picked on" us "poor,hard done by" motorhomers then eh?.. (lol) (lol)

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Guest 1footinthegrave

There are a few forum members who have disabled spouses, or children, it would be interesting to know if they were displaying a blue badge and parked in an otherwise "restricted by weight limit" or " no motorhomes " area how they would be treated.


Last year we met a lovely couple touring with their van, the gentlemans wife was confined to a wheelchair, and was almost blind following a stroke,but both of them were determined to live their lives as fully as possible and not give up their motor home, I must say I felt very humbled by their situation, and it really makes my blood boil that petty minded officialdom would and does have a major impact on these type of folks, and the less able bodied amongst us, bloody councils.



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Guest Peter James
1footinthegrave - 2013-01-08 7:36 PM

My next van will be a "stealth" van, sign written with Joe Bloggs plumbing on the side, that should wrong step them.

Can't see the point of having it signwritten. Mine is just a plain van like hundreds of others on the streets every night. ;-)


Has anybody looked through the councillors Register of Interests by the way?


I didn't bother as I guessed just asking this 'Had Enough' character why banning motorhomes from car parks overnight is supposed to stop them 'clogging the streets' would be enough to see him off *-)

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2013-01-09 5:26 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-01-08 7:36 PM

My next van will be a "stealth" van, sign written with Joe Bloggs plumbing on the side, that should wrong step them.

Can't see the point of having it signwritten. Mine is just a plain van like hundreds of others on the streets every night. ;-)


Has anybody looked through the councillors Register of Interests by the way?


I didn't bother as I guessed just asking this 'Had Enough' character why banning motorhomes from car parks overnight is supposed to stop them 'clogging the streets' would be enough to see him off *-)


You really can't let it go can you? You've already been made to look very silly and been totally humiliated by having your ludicrous conspiracy theory totally demolished.


Just to remind everyone, this is what you claimed:


'Unfortunately it is usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.'


I have pointed out that no councillor has a camp site that takes tourers of any kind and that out of fifty councillors only one is a hotelier (with a small B & B).


I have also pointed out that there are more councillors who will benefit from motorhomes, as they are retailers. I've listed the link to all the councillors' interests in order to back up my statements with facts, unlike yours which you seem to simply make up, God knows why?


So having been made to look like either a stirring liar or just a simple fool, you now, whilst refusing to acknowledge your error, seek to divert from the core of my argument with you, by rabbiting on about dirty cars and clogging streets.


My only reference to clogging streets was to point out why the residents of Scarborough may object to motorhomes as on many occasions there have been up to 50 parked on one road alone.


I really couldn't care less about Scarborough's parking laws and what their results may be. I just object to people such as you who come onto forums making unsubstantiated claims about councillors and I find myself pretty disgusted by your refusal to acknowledge that your claims have no basis in fact and that no undue influence is being used by mythical hotel and campsite owners.


Now, please do everyone a favour and stop this silly sniping. You've already been exposed as a foolish person who jumps in with both feet without any evidence to back his claims. If you've any brains at all you'll stop digging yourself even deeper in this very large hole that you are already in.


Finally, you haven't 'seen me off', I just decided that enough is enough. You haven't the intellect to 'see me off' so don't flatter yourself!


So give it a rest please.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
As motor home users I would have thought we'd all be singing from the same hymn sheet, about the ever more restrictive actions taken against all of us, not in just that dump called Scarborough, but all over the UK, even given the "sins" of a few that are always quoted, apparently not then, lets just attack each other, makes you laugh really. :-S
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Had Enough - 2013-01-09 6:11 PM


Peter James - 2013-01-09 5:26 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-01-08 7:36 PM

My next van will be a "stealth" van, sign written with Joe Bloggs plumbing on the side, that should wrong step them.

Can't see the point of having it signwritten. Mine is just a plain van like hundreds of others on the streets every night. ;-)


Has anybody looked through the councillors Register of Interests by the way?


I didn't bother as I guessed just asking this 'Had Enough' character why banning motorhomes from car parks overnight is supposed to stop them 'clogging the streets' would be enough to see him off *-)


You really can't let it go can you? You've already been made to look very silly and been totally humiliated by having your ludicrous conspiracy theory totally demolished.


Just to remind everyone, this is what you claimed:


'Unfortunately it is usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.'


I have pointed out that no councillor has a camp site that takes tourers of any kind and that out of fifty councillors only one is a hotelier (with a small B & B).


I have also pointed out that there are more councillors who will benefit from motorhomes, as they are retailers. I've listed the link to all the councillors' interests in order to back up my statements with facts, unlike yours which you seem to simply make up, God knows why?


So having been made to look like either a stirring liar or just a simple fool, you now, whilst refusing to acknowledge your error, seek to divert from the core of my argument with you, by rabbiting on about dirty cars and clogging streets.


My only reference to clogging streets was to point out why the residents of Scarborough may object to motorhomes as on many occasions there have been up to 50 parked on one road alone.


I really couldn't care less about Scarborough's parking laws and what their results may be. I just object to people such as you who come onto forums making unsubstantiated claims about councillors and I find myself pretty disgusted by your refusal to acknowledge that your claims have no basis in fact and that no undue influence is being used by mythical hotel and campsite owners.


Now, please do everyone a favour and stop this silly sniping. You've already been exposed as a foolish person who jumps in with both feet without any evidence to back his claims. If you've any brains at all you'll stop digging yourself even deeper in this very large hole that you are already in.


Finally, you haven't 'seen me off', I just decided that enough is enough. You haven't the intellect to 'see me off' so don't flatter yourself!


So give it a rest please.



Actually No he hasn't :-S you being a new member probably don't know ? but on this forum we often have heated discussions on things that we don't agree with ! it is allowed and tolerated ! in a democracy we are allowed to differ and then move on to something else !! so if you don't like it, you then have the option to move on.

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Guest Had Enough
maggyd - 2013-01-09 6:38 PM


Had Enough - 2013-01-09 6:11 PM


Peter James - 2013-01-09 5:26 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-01-08 7:36 PM

My next van will be a "stealth" van, sign written with Joe Bloggs plumbing on the side, that should wrong step them.

Can't see the point of having it signwritten. Mine is just a plain van like hundreds of others on the streets every night. ;-)


Has anybody looked through the councillors Register of Interests by the way?


I didn't bother as I guessed just asking this 'Had Enough' character why banning motorhomes from car parks overnight is supposed to stop them 'clogging the streets' would be enough to see him off *-)


You really can't let it go can you? You've already been made to look very silly and been totally humiliated by having your ludicrous conspiracy theory totally demolished.


Just to remind everyone, this is what you claimed:


'Unfortunately it is usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.'


I have pointed out that no councillor has a camp site that takes tourers of any kind and that out of fifty councillors only one is a hotelier (with a small B & B).


I have also pointed out that there are more councillors who will benefit from motorhomes, as they are retailers. I've listed the link to all the councillors' interests in order to back up my statements with facts, unlike yours which you seem to simply make up, God knows why?


So having been made to look like either a stirring liar or just a simple fool, you now, whilst refusing to acknowledge your error, seek to divert from the core of my argument with you, by rabbiting on about dirty cars and clogging streets.


My only reference to clogging streets was to point out why the residents of Scarborough may object to motorhomes as on many occasions there have been up to 50 parked on one road alone.


I really couldn't care less about Scarborough's parking laws and what their results may be. I just object to people such as you who come onto forums making unsubstantiated claims about councillors and I find myself pretty disgusted by your refusal to acknowledge that your claims have no basis in fact and that no undue influence is being used by mythical hotel and campsite owners.


Now, please do everyone a favour and stop this silly sniping. You've already been exposed as a foolish person who jumps in with both feet without any evidence to back his claims. If you've any brains at all you'll stop digging yourself even deeper in this very large hole that you are already in.


Finally, you haven't 'seen me off', I just decided that enough is enough. You haven't the intellect to 'see me off' so don't flatter yourself!


So give it a rest please.



Actually No he hasn't :-S you being a new member probably don't know ? but on this forum we often have heated discussions on things that we don't agree with ! it is allowed and tolerated ! in a democracy we are allowed to differ and then move on to something else !! so if you don't like it, you then have the option to move on.


You may not have noticed but I did move on and told him that I'd had my last word. Unfortunately he couldn't resist a silly little jibe that he'd seen me off!


I had no desire to carry on this argument with him but he seems to want to continue having his snide little dig, so I've answered it.


He's very foolish. His claims about a shadowy cabal of camp site owners and hoteliers having undue influence over the entire council has been shown for the idiocy that it is and you'd think he'd want to let the matter drop. But still he digs his hole. Very odd!

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