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Parking in Scarborough

Guest Peter James

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Had Enough - 2013-01-09 6:57 PM


maggyd - 2013-01-09 6:38 PM


Had Enough - 2013-01-09 6:11 PM


Peter James - 2013-01-09 5:26 PM


1footinthegrave - 2013-01-08 7:36 PM

My next van will be a "stealth" van, sign written with Joe Bloggs plumbing on the side, that should wrong step them.

Can't see the point of having it signwritten. Mine is just a plain van like hundreds of others on the streets every night. ;-)


Has anybody looked through the councillors Register of Interests by the way?


I didn't bother as I guessed just asking this 'Had Enough' character why banning motorhomes from car parks overnight is supposed to stop them 'clogging the streets' would be enough to see him off *-)


You really can't let it go can you? You've already been made to look very silly and been totally humiliated by having your ludicrous conspiracy theory totally demolished.


Just to remind everyone, this is what you claimed:


'Unfortunately it is usually the Landlord / Campsite Owners who take the trouble to get on the council and so have all the clout. Even though they are probably in the minority.'


I have pointed out that no councillor has a camp site that takes tourers of any kind and that out of fifty councillors only one is a hotelier (with a small B & B).


I have also pointed out that there are more councillors who will benefit from motorhomes, as they are retailers. I've listed the link to all the councillors' interests in order to back up my statements with facts, unlike yours which you seem to simply make up, God knows why?


So having been made to look like either a stirring liar or just a simple fool, you now, whilst refusing to acknowledge your error, seek to divert from the core of my argument with you, by rabbiting on about dirty cars and clogging streets.


My only reference to clogging streets was to point out why the residents of Scarborough may object to motorhomes as on many occasions there have been up to 50 parked on one road alone.


I really couldn't care less about Scarborough's parking laws and what their results may be. I just object to people such as you who come onto forums making unsubstantiated claims about councillors and I find myself pretty disgusted by your refusal to acknowledge that your claims have no basis in fact and that no undue influence is being used by mythical hotel and campsite owners.


Now, please do everyone a favour and stop this silly sniping. You've already been exposed as a foolish person who jumps in with both feet without any evidence to back his claims. If you've any brains at all you'll stop digging yourself even deeper in this very large hole that you are already in.


Finally, you haven't 'seen me off', I just decided that enough is enough. You haven't the intellect to 'see me off' so don't flatter yourself!


So give it a rest please.



Actually No he hasn't :-S you being a new member probably don't know ? but on this forum we often have heated discussions on things that we don't agree with ! it is allowed and tolerated ! in a democracy we are allowed to differ and then move on to something else !! so if you don't like it, you then have the option to move on.


You may not have noticed but I did move on and told him that I'd had my last word. Unfortunately he couldn't resist a silly little jibe that he'd seen me off!


I had no desire to carry on this argument with him but he seems to want to continue having his snide little dig, so I've answered it.


He's very foolish. His claims about a shadowy cabal of camp site owners and hoteliers having undue influence over the entire council has been shown for the idiocy that it is and you'd think he'd want to let the matter drop. But still he digs his hole. Very odd!


What mystifies is why do you care at all about sticking up for the council, or any council come to that, whom you must realise are held in very low esteem by most members of the public, or are you a councillor by any chance :D :D

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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-01-09 7:19 PM


What mystifies is why do you care at all about sticking up for the council, or any council come to that, whom you must realise are held in very low esteem by most members of the public, or are you a councillor by any chance :D :D


You find it mystifying that someone can defend a group of people who have been libelled? Does this mean that you will only ever defend people that you like?


And what evidence do you have to state that councillors are held in low esteem by the members of the public? Do you live in Scarborough? Councillors are usually people interested in their towns who give very freely of their time. They often exemplify what is good about Britain.


Whom do you prefer, takers and scroungers or those willing to pitch in and help society?


The councillors in Scarborough may have made decisions that are not favoured by visiting motorhomers who think it's their God-given right to park anywhere they like but their job isn't to favour motorhomers, it's to do what their constituents want.


Finally, if I thought that you had been libelled and had lies told about you, I'd be the first to defend you as well. It's called fairness and decency.



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Motorhomes aside...Is it only me that is intrigued by the 1.5t weight limit that's on the bulk of their carparks...?

..wouldn't your average Ford Mondeo(esque)type saloons struggle to get below that figure..? :-S


Or have I just misread it...?


(Oops Sorry "Had Enough",I missed/crossed your post.. :$ )

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Guest Peter James
Had Enough - 2013-01-09 6:57 PM

so I've answered it.




You still haven't answered how banning Motorhomes from Car Parks overnight relieves the problems of their 'clogging the streets', or anywhere else for that matter.

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Guest Peter James
Had Enough - 2013-01-09 7:36 PM

takers and scroungers

Presumably third rate 'hoteliers' who think visitors owe them a living.


I don't see how you can mean Motorhomers who have paid many times over for the roads in tax, then paid again for the car park.

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Guest Peter James
pepe63 - 2013-01-09 7:43 PM


Motorhomes aside...Is it only me that is intrigued by the 1.5t weight limit that's on the bulk of their carparks...?


I think its 1.5 tons (pre metric) which shows how old it is. Most cars would be below that weight in those days.

The stupidity is the regulations they put on street parking - 'No Overnight Sleeping' 'No Overnight Occupancy' would be impossible to prove. But the regulations they put on the car parks would not.

All the regulations, and charges, conspire to move people off the car parks and on to the streets.

Is this just plain stupidity on the part of the council. Or is there some sinister motive behind it. Force people to park on the street and get the plebs falling out amongst themselves over car parking spaces - divide and rule?

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Guest Had Enough
Peter James - 2013-01-09 8:49 PM


Or is there some sinister motive behind it. Force people to park on the street and get the plebs falling out amongst themselves over car parking spaces - divide and rule?


I'd like to apologise for being a little forceful with you earlier when I demolished your theory about the cabal of hoteliers and camp site owners on Scarborough Council.


If I'd realised the true extent of your problem I'd have been a little more gentle. If you don't mind some friendly advice I would consider going to see your doctor as soon as possible and telling him about all these conspiracies that you clearly believe are true.


If you don't do something they will come to totally dominate your life with serious consequences for you, your family and your friends.


Good luck and best wishes. I hope that you can find some peace.

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Guest Had Enough
flicka - 2013-01-09 9:50 PM


OMG Frances Graham is still alive & KICKING >:-(


I don't know who he's supposed to be but maybe that's the reason for his paranoia in that he's a split personality? But you could have a point.


Anyway, I've been meaning to thank you for promising never to come to Scarborough. We're a family destination and I have to say that if that's your true picture you look a little scary, and we wouldn't want you frightening the children.


Thank you again.




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Guest 1footinthegrave
Had Enough - 2013-01-09 9:58 PM


flicka - 2013-01-09 9:50 PM


OMG Frances Graham is still alive & KICKING >:-(


I don't know who he's supposed to be but maybe that's the reason for his paranoia in that he's a split personality? But you could have a point.


Anyway, I've been meaning to thank you for promising never to come to Scarborough. We're a family destination and I have to say that if that's your true picture you look a little scary, and we wouldn't want you frightening the children.


Thank you again.




You stated in an earlier post that councillors give a lot of their time "freely" I think you'll find that these days councillors get extremely generous allowances. Here where we live it is quite obvious that they follow their own agenda most of the time, with their pet projects favoured, and bringing with them their prejudices as well.


And if people don't believe the old nudge nudge wink wink isn't alive and well in local councils they simply don't live in the real world. All of our vehicles are taxed and insured and there is NO justification for them to be treated any differently from any other vehicle of a similar type anywhere, end of.


I'm guessing however this is more personal to you, otherwise for the life of me I cannot understand why you have got in to such a lather over it. I think your energies could be better used, we are NOT the enemy you know.

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Guest Had Enough
1footinthegrave - 2013-01-09 10:14 PM



You stated in an earlier post that councillors give a lot of their time "freely" I think you'll find that these days councillors get extremely generous allowances. Here where we live it is quite obvious that they follow their own agenda most of the time, with their pet projects favoured, and bringing with them their prejudices as well.


And if people don't believe the old nudge nudge wink wink isn't alive and well in local councils they simply don't live in the real world. All of our vehicles are taxed and insured and there is NO justification for them to be treated any differently from any other vehicle of a similar type anywhere, end of.


I'm guessing however this is more personal to you, otherwise for the life of me I cannot understand why you have got in to such a lather over it. I think your energies could be better used, we are NOT the enemy you know.


I'm sure you're right and they're all out to get us! But it's not me that's in a lather, I'm totally laid back about the parking situation for motorhomes. When I bought it I accepted that it isn't a car and that there'd be restrictions. The ones in a lather are you and whatisname who are getting incredibly upset because you can't just park the damn great things anywhere you like without consideration for others. I wouldn't like a row of motorhomes outside my house, would you?


Anyway, our vehicles are taxed just like others that's true. Lorries and coaches are taxed, and much more highly than motorhomes. By your logic then lorries should be able to park up overnight on any residential street. Is that your view?


Apart from which our motorhomes are very different from cars. My motorhome costs less than half of my private car in annual road tax. My car is just that, a car. It's low and smallish.


My motorhome on the other hand is a caravan on wheels. It's large and high and has living and sleeping accommodation and it's really nothing like a car.


I don't mind a few cars on my street but I'd object to a few coaches and lorries and motorhomes, and so would most people if they were honest.





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There are tens of thousands of motorhomes/camper vans registered in the UK and the vast majority of them have never been to Scarborough. Please target your bile at the perpetrators that ruin lives in Scarborough and not all motorhomers. Frankly, you are just coming across as Victor Meldrew on Acid.
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Guest 1footinthegrave

I think we are wasting our time with "had enough" he obviously thinks the vast majority of Motor home owners are inconsiderate and only one step up from "travellers" and perhaps some park right outside his house and that is what really rattles his cage, otherwise his angst is hard to fathom.


I'm amazed he owns one at all. I for one would never park in a residential street and "camp", the further away from the human race I can get the better, and with folk like " had enough" that can never be too far.

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maggyd - 2013-01-09 6:38 PM


Actually No he hasn't :-S you being a new member probably don't know ? but on this forum we often have heated discussions on things that we don't agree with ! it is allowed and tolerated !....


Although the "Had Enough" user-name was first registered on 3 December 2012, the person using that name is not new to this forum. On Page 9 of the following thread




Had Enough says "I was a member of this forum for some years..." and explains "I couldn't remember my password and the email address I had is no longer in use so the forum couldn't email me my password reminder, so I had no choice but to create a new user".


There have been two forum personae whose postings have resembled Had Enough's. One was Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007 for constantly bickering with "Starspirit" (who nowadays participates as "Tracker") and who rapidly resurrected himself under other aliases. The other was "GypsyTom", a user-name first used in late-2007, ceasing active participation in 2010. It was suspected (but never satisfactorily proven) that "GypsyTom" might be another of Frank Wilkinson's aliases.


A potential snag with an 'Oh no - it's GypsyTom again' theory is that, although GypsyTom stopped posting in 2010, his profile reveals a last-logon date of 28 November 2012. On the face of it, this would appear to conflict with Had Enough's statement that he couldn't remember his password and, consequently, had to create a new user-name. If Had Enough were GypsyTom, as GypsyTom logged on to this forum on 28 November 2012 (when he would have been able to post to the forum) it would be odd if, just a few days later, GypsyTom would have forgotten his password and needed to create a new user-name. An altenative scenario is that GypsyTom looked at the forum on 28 November, decided that he wanted to participate, but wanted to avoid using his existing (and well-remembered!) user-name and created "Had Enough" as camouflage.


I can happily accept Had Enough's "I couldn't remember my password..." explanation for needing to create a new user-name, but I'm certain that he is able to remember the name(s) that he used when posting to this forum previously. If he is unprepared to reveal that information, you can draw your own conclusions.


GypsyTom, and the Frank Wilkinsin incarnations, all caused more trouble than they were worth. Both could contribute productively when they occasionally chose to do so, but both preferred never-ending confrontational argument. That they did this very effectively was, in some ways, to be admired, but it wasted a lot of time and definitely damaged the Out&AboutLive forum's reputation.









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Guest 1footinthegrave
Derek Uzzell - 2013-01-10 9:34 AM


maggyd - 2013-01-09 6:38 PM


Actually No he hasn't :-S you being a new member probably don't know ? but on this forum we often have heated discussions on things that we don't agree with ! it is allowed and tolerated !....


Although the "Had Enough" user-name was first registered on 3 December 2012, the person using that name is not new to this forum. On Page 9 of the following thread




Had Enough says "I was a member of this forum for some years..." and explains "I couldn't remember my password and the email address I had is no longer in use so the forum couldn't email me my password reminder, so I had no choice but to create a new user".


There have been two forum personae whose postings have resembled Had Enough's. One was Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007 for constantly bickering with "Starspirit" (who nowadays participates as "Tracker") and who rapidly resurrected himself under other aliases. The other was "GypsyTom", a user-name first used in late-2007, ceasing active participation in 2010. It was suspected (but never satisfactorily proven) that "GypsyTom" might be another of Frank Wilkinson's aliases.


A potential snag with an 'Oh no - it's GypsyTom again' theory is that, although GypsyTom stopped posting in 2010, his profile reveals a last-logon date of 28 November 2012. On the face of it, this would appear to conflict with Had Enough's statement that he couldn't remember his password and, consequently, had to create a new user-name. If Had Enough were GypsyTom, as GypsyTom logged on to this forum on 28 November 2012 (when he would have been able to post to the forum) it would be odd if, just a few days later, GypsyTom would have forgotten his password and needed to create a new user-name. An altenative scenario is that GypsyTom looked at the forum on 28 November, decided that he wanted to participate, but wanted to avoid using his existing (and well-remembered!) user-name and created "Had Enough" as camouflage.


I can happily accept Had Enough's "I couldn't remember my password..." explanation for needing to create a new user-name, but I'm certain that he is able to remember the name(s) that he used when posting to this forum previously. If he is unprepared to reveal that information, you can draw your own conclusions.


GypsyTom, and the Frank Wilkinsin incarnations, all caused more trouble than they were worth. Both could contribute productively when they occasionally chose to do so, but both preferred never-ending confrontational argument. That they did this very effectively was, in some ways, to be admired, but it wasted a lot of time and definitely damaged the Out&AboutLive forum's reputation.









Blimey, how do you find all this stuff out ? :D :D

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Had Enough:


Visiing motorhomers who think it's their God-given right to park anywhere they like but their job isn't to favour motorhomers, it's to do what their constituents want.




Visiting Motorhomers do NOT expect to be able to park 'anywhere they like' BUT we DO expect EQUAL treatment as any other visitor,who arrives in a Vehicle not 'Favoured' over them. IE somewhere to Park.


Question ; as you seem to represent Scarborough Councils posistion on parking law.

What would happen to a Motorhome dispayng a Valid Blue Disabled badge that parked in a 1.5tonne limited Car Park ? (the Motorhome would quite obviously be over 1.5Tonne) but HAD paid the required parking fee (possibly double the fee if two bays were taken up).


I am interested in the Mentality of the Anti-Motorhome lobby, and why they hate us.




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Derek Uzzell - 2013-01-10 9:34 AM


maggyd - 2013-01-09 6:38 PM


Actually No he hasn't :-S you being a new member probably don't know ? but on this forum we often have heated discussions on things that we don't agree with ! it is allowed and tolerated !....


Although the "Had Enough" user-name was first registered on 3 December 2012, the person using that name is not new to this forum. On Page 9 of the following thread




Had Enough says "I was a member of this forum for some years..." and explains "I couldn't remember my password and the email address I had is no longer in use so the forum couldn't email me my password reminder, so I had no choice but to create a new user".


There have been two forum personae whose postings have resembled Had Enough's. One was Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007 for constantly bickering with "Starspirit" (who nowadays participates as "Tracker") and who rapidly resurrected himself under other aliases. The other was "GypsyTom", a user-name first used in late-2007, ceasing active participation in 2010. It was suspected (but never satisfactorily proven) that "GypsyTom" might be another of Frank Wilkinson's aliases.


A potential snag with an 'Oh no - it's GypsyTom again' theory is that, although GypsyTom stopped posting in 2010, his profile reveals a last-logon date of 28 November 2012. On the face of it, this would appear to conflict with Had Enough's statement that he couldn't remember his password and, consequently, had to create a new user-name. If Had Enough were GypsyTom, as GypsyTom logged on to this forum on 28 November 2012 (when he would have been able to post to the forum) it would be odd if, just a few days later, GypsyTom would have forgotten his password and needed to create a new user-name. An altenative scenario is that GypsyTom looked at the forum on 28 November, decided that he wanted to participate, but wanted to avoid using his existing (and well-remembered!) user-name and created "Had Enough" as camouflage.


I can happily accept Had Enough's "I couldn't remember my password..." explanation for needing to create a new user-name, but I'm certain that he is able to remember the name(s) that he used when posting to this forum previously. If he is unprepared to reveal that information, you can draw your own conclusions.


GypsyTom, and the Frank Wilkinsin incarnations, all caused more trouble than they were worth. Both could contribute productively when they occasionally chose to do so, but both preferred never-ending confrontational argument. That they did this very effectively was, in some ways, to be admired, but it wasted a lot of time and definitely damaged the Out&AboutLive forum's reputation.










Well done Watson (lol) I did smell a rat but couldnt be pestered to do any digging!!


I think its naive though to think that local business people arent having a say in who should be allowed to park. We are members of both clubs but do know that they have had a lot to say in stopping Aires in this country :-S I did read about their objections a few years ago ! but cant for the life of me remember where!!!

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Guest Had Enough
Rayjsj - 2013-01-10 11:59 AM


Had Enough:


Visiing motorhomers who think it's their God-given right to park anywhere they like but their job isn't to favour motorhomers, it's to do what their constituents want.




Visiting Motorhomers do NOT expect to be able to park 'anywhere they like' BUT we DO expect EQUAL treatment as any other visitor,who arrives in a Vehicle not 'Favoured' over them. IE somewhere to Park.


Question ; as you seem to represent Scarborough Councils posistion on parking law.

What would happen to a Motorhome dispayng a Valid Blue Disabled badge that parked in a 1.5tonne limited Car Park ? (the Motorhome would quite obviously be over 1.5Tonne) but HAD paid the required parking fee (possibly double the fee if two bays were taken up).


I am interested in the Mentality of the Anti-Motorhome lobby, and why they hate us.




I really can't get excited about Scarborough Council's policy on parking. What I found appalling was the accusation that behind it is a cabal of camp site owners and hoteliers who wield undue influence. I have a connection with Scarborough and know this to be nonsense. I have published a link to the councillors' occupations and interests and the largest number of people who may be affected by large numbers of motorhomers are actually retailers who will benefit. All three of them!


And the myth goes on as another person 'seems to remember but really doesn't know when or where an aire was scuppered by local businesses'. Why would they? An aire would benefit most local businesses! Hoteliers don't believe that if motorhome parking is banned we'll all leave our 'vans at home and flock to their establishments. Come on folks, think about it for five minutes.


And as for the same privileges as other visitors, we are not the same. Other visitors come in cars and go home. Many of us stay and park in the streets, often for days on end.


For me this post by Wooie at the bottom of page two says it all:


'I just think it`s one way of stopping people " Setting Up Camp " for days on end.


Just the same as they have done at Princes Way. Cleveleys. Lancs. There was people staying

there for a week and more without moving.


On other forums they " Brag " that they pitch in places for several days often on Seafronts.


If everyone Played The Game it would be fine but life`s not like that and it`s always the few

that spoil it for the majority.'


And that sums it up. Some of us can understand why we are disliked and what amazes me is those who fail to see! Talk about blinkered!


I'd love to see aires. I'd be all in favour of them but that's another debate. What this is about for me is trying to see things from both sides as opposed to the "I've taxed my vehicle and should be able to park where I want" brigade. They do none of us any favours.


Can't you see were it would end? If motorhomes, why not lorries, why not travellers?


I am now out for all day and evening so can't respond I'm afraid but please carry on with this speculation. It's great fun!


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Guest 1footinthegrave

I will agree that some take the proverbial, we live in a holiday area with a car park directly opposite our home, this is often used as a free "aire" by some, last year though one bloke really took the biscuit when he unrolled his awning, table and chairs come out, bar-b-que was lit complete with copious smoke, and to complete the picture a rabid dog barking it's head off at any one passing by, I could have personally strangled him and his missus. However he WAS the exception, most who do stay over do so in a low key way. ( mind you this will be a thing of the past as there is now a proposal to make it pay and display, and a height barrier will soon be in place)


Look there are good and bad in every walk of life, and as I've said earlier in the thread many car day visitors dump their crap all over the car park, I know I walk past it ( and pick up ) on many occasions, on balance if anything it's the bloody cars I'd ban.


The bottom line is it is becoming more and more difficult to find anywhere to park our vehicles in the UK,, height barriers, car size parking bays only, and now weight limits for us, it simply should not be the case, this is no better illustrated by going on to any service area and you will find designated parking for cars, trucks, coaches, and caravans, but do we get a mention, no. , :D

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Derek Uzzell - 2013-01-10 9:34 AM


There have been two forum personae whose postings have resembled Had Enough's. One was Frank Wilkinson who was banned in 2007 for constantly bickering with "Starspirit" (who nowadays participates as "Tracker") and who rapidly resurrected himself under other aliases. The other was "GypsyTom", a user-name first used in late-2007, ceasing active participation in 2010. It was suspected (but never satisfactorily proven) that "GypsyTom" might be another of Frank Wilkinson's aliases.



Nearly, but not quite Derek. I have never made any secret of my rift with Frank Wilkinson and the resultant switch to Tracker.


Just for the record - I have no user names other than Tracker - never have had and don't intend that to change.


Frank did reappear for a while under the title of something like 'caravanexpert' or 'caraprof' - I don't think it was that but it was something similar and he made no secret of it. Sorry but the memory fails me.


Whatever else you can say about Frank, he was always transparent and upfront never feeling the need to hide his identity or switch usernames for his own ends.


On that basis I would be very surprised indeed if FW was behind any of the recent troll appearances since he left as he did have a lot of experience as I recall and was able to advise in his own inimitable style - as well as argue!

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I agree with Tracker because I believe I know who Hadenough is. One of his comments may have given him away.


"On other forums they " Brag " that they pitch in places for several days often on Seafronts"


As I only come on this forum now and again I will keep shtum. I look forward to his future sparring with some of the members on here. Some of them need a good tongue lashing. :D

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Guest pelmetman
flicka - 2013-01-09 9:50 PM


OMG Frances Graham is still alive & KICKING >:-(


I don't think he's FG John ;-).........................shame.............as I miss him :D

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Had Enough - 2013-01-10 1:37 PM


I am now out for all day and evening so can't respond I'm afraid but please carry on with this speculation. It's great fun!


This phrase has many similarities to those written by written by Frank Wilkinson in the past ... usually off out to have a meal with his 'high powered etc' type friends ....


I'm NOT convinced that Frank Wilkinson isn't Had Enough ... so I'm with flicka on this one! :-D

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Had Enough's last post sign off, is very much in the style of FG, also his personal snide remark directed at me, so I remain to be convinced otherwise. Also his annoyance at being identified as FG, rather substanciates it as fact.


On another slant - Will Scarborough Council do an about turn for the Race Trucks at the Oliver's Mount Motorcycle Racing ??????????????????????????????


If so, then obviously they are in the Anti-Motorhome brigade.


Also for "Had Enough's" benefit, (although IF he was a regular on the forum, he would have gleaned this info)

my scrubbing Scarborough off our "to visit" list, is due to my wife being a wheelchair user & as parking would not be available anywhere close to where we would like to be.



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