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On board water tank


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Hi All, your advise please. I am having difficulty in getting the taint out of my on-board cold water storage tank. I've tried Aquasol liquid, scrubbed as best as I can reach, tried leaving it full between trips and draining it bone dry, but still the water is far from drinkable and even rinsing a cup leaves a taint. I have had on board tanks before but not the same problem. Does any one have any thoughts please, thanks in advance and apologies if the subject has been covered before, Merle
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Guest ChrisB

Is it the tank? Could be the pipework?

What is the "flavour"

A few years ago there were reports of problems with some of the flexible PVC tubing used in caravans and motorhomes. Left a phenolic ("TCP") taste.

I believe it was with a whole batch and many (hopefully all) were replaced under warranty.

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Perhaps it's not the tank but the pipes running from it, try a Milton solution and run this through the system , let it remain in the pipes for a time and then flush it through with  plain water, I  had to do this once to get rid of a taste in the water, many will say that you should not use Milton as it can damage  the Stainless Steel of the water heater, but I have used it for years  with no problems,Your decision,I even put a drop in the tank from time to time, { a couple of cap fulls to a full tank } and use the water with the solution in it, we don't drink the water from the tank but carry drinking water in a couple of 5 litre  bottles for drinking, tank water is used for  washing, cleaning teeth and showering etc.
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Hi, I'm very careful to use food grade hose when filling from a tap, otherwise it's via an aquaroll, and before you ask no there's no taste from there. We are not drinking the tank water but would like to be able to on occasions, it's not always convenient to find fresh water to fill up our 5ltr can, hence the question. Being an old cynic I don't care to trust the advertisers claims a lot of the time and was hoping I could tap into that wealth of knowledge behind this forum. Merle.
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Merle - 2012-04-12 7:15 PM


We are not drinking the tank water but would like to be able to on occasions, it's not always convenient to find fresh water to fill up our 5ltr can, hence the question. Merle.


If you are not drinking the water why should it be a problem?


Get two 5 litre cans and fill them up when it’s convenient!


Use a water filter!


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If you are not drinking the water why should it be a problem?


Get two 5 litre cans and fill them up when it’s convenient!


Use a water filter!


We are both 'tea & coffee holics' and get through 15 - 20 ltrs of fresh water in an average day, filling cans away from sites is sometimes difficult. The 'problem' is that the taint is bad enough to prevent even teeth cleaning, if there wasn't a problem I wouldn't have asked for advice

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If you don't find an answer you may find some help by using the search facility, using the obvious words like tainted and tank etc etc.


What has changed though, has someone else used your van, and accidentally mis filled the tank, presumably not.


I can't imagine that the tank has just suddenly developed this taint, though doubtless someone will put me right?


Your food grade pipe isn't shot at I presume?


Is it a new (to you) van that someone else has been less than careful with the tank?


Can't think of much else!



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Hi Merle


I feel for you, we carry water in a 5 Ltr bottle and we drink a lot of boiled water - hot and quite often it tastes tainted. I have invested in a filter jug, but you get through a lot more water than we do.


I also belong to another forum and on there a member has a blog with a big section on cleaning water tanks, here is a link.




I think he knows loads about water and water tanks, it may be worth contacting him via his blog and I am sure he can advise you.


Good Luck

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Thanks for your thoughts Lord T, we've had the motorhome about 3 years now but only more recently been spending more time away from sites. I had hoped that cleaning the tank and treating the water as I had done on previous units would work but to no avail. The problem has been there since buying but we have managed around it but would like to sort it now if poss. I have looked at the inline filters but rather assumed I needed to cure the tank problem first, or are the filters that good? I have seen the filters that have a seperate outlet tap but to be honest have not looked at the economics of them. Merle
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Merle - 2012-04-12 8:45 PM


Thanks for your thoughts Lord T, we've had the motorhome about 3 years now but only more recently been spending more time away from sites. I had hoped that cleaning the tank and treating the water as I had done on previous units would work but to no avail. The problem has been there since buying but we have managed around it but would like to sort it now if poss. I have looked at the inline filters but rather assumed I needed to cure the tank problem first, or are the filters that good? I have seen the filters that have a seperate outlet tap but to be honest have not looked at the economics of them. Merle


Can you access your tank direct? If so, have you tasted the water in the tank, direct? If this tastes Ok, then it can't be the tank (obvious) Maybe the filters need changing? I can't believe they last for ever! How old is your van?

we buy bottled water for drinking, and use the 6ltr bottles as standy.to fill our tank, which can be accessed from in the van, as it is under the dinnet seat.



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PJay - 2012-04-12 10:53 PM


Can you access your tank direct? If so, have you tasted the water in the tank, direct? If this tastes Ok, then it can't be the tank (obvious)




My thoughts too ...


Merle - you need to get into the tank and see what's going on - if the problem has been there from the start there might be sometihng 'in' the tank that's causing the problem - if you can't see try taking some pictures with a digital camera and having a look at them, and for the bits you can't reach to clean, try using a cheap toilet brush (new I hasten to add! 8-) ) as they are better at scrubbing than such things as kitchen pot brushes etc if that's what you were using.


What IS the taste though, you haven't said Merle.

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What IS the taste though, you haven't said Merle.


Edited by Mel B 2012-04-12 11:06 PM


Mel B I suppose it's a plastic taste, a bit similar to tea out of a cheap plastic beaker if you know the sort of taste. I will try your idea of the loo brush, and I guess a new one would be best!! I can access the tank via a screwed on cap (3/4" dia) under a cover plate in the hab area floor. I had considered trying to get the pressure washer in there but knowing me I'd end up creating more problems.

From all of the helpful pointers you nice people have given I reckon a good scrub out followed by a good soaking of one of the proprietory cleaners well flushed through and see how it goes. Thanks to you all again, and may I wish you all good motorhoming, Merle


Sorry that should read 3" to 4" not 3/4"

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I had it from the boss of one of the biggest supplier of tanks that the bleach type sterilising agents etch what should be the shiny inside of the tank so that any taint becomes very persistent. He recomended the use of the sterilising agent used by wine/beer making from new.


Just how you get rid of taint is a different matter and it sound like good filter is the best bet.


For several years now we have relied on the chlorination from municipal supplies but in order to keep drinking water fresh keep it in half a dozen recycled 2 litre plastc milk containers so turnover is rapid.


My heavily abused taste buds can barely tell one lot of water from another but I appreciate others are much more discerning.

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Try drawing some water from the tank direct, through a hose you know to be untainted. Even if you just suck some into your mouth to taste. If the taint is present, it is the tank.


However, my money is on the plastic (presumed) water pipes from tank to tap/s. These were instances of non-food grade pipes having been used a few years back, that imparted a strong "plastic" taste to the water.


It may also be worth first tasting water from the tap, then drawing off several litres, and then tasting again, so that what you then taste has had minimal dwell time in the pipes, to see if the taint is lessened between samples. If it is, then I think you have to suspect the pipes. Hope this helps.

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If after trying all of the above the 'Taint' is still there, rather than 'lugging' water containers or buying bottled water (expensive and bulky) for drinking, I can recommend one of these :




I know it is fairly expensive, we were lucky,our second hand van already had one installed, but it certainly does work. I accidently left a gallon or so of steriliser in our fresh water tank, meaning to drain and flush a couple of days later....but didn't. We went away, and the first Tankful was very 'tainted' from the standard cold tap , but from the nature pure tap (for tea) it was perfect. Thank You first owner, I wouldn't be without it now, if only the replacement filters were a bit 'cheaper', it would be even more 'Perfect'. Ray

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Rayjsj - 2012-04-14 1:07 PM


If after trying all of the above the 'Taint' is still there, rather than 'lugging' water containers or buying bottled water (expensive and bulky) for drinking, I can recommend one of these :




I know it is fairly expensive, we were lucky,our second hand van already had one installed, but it certainly does work. I accidently left a gallon or so of steriliser in our fresh water tank, meaning to drain and flush a couple of days later....but didn't. We went away, and the first Tankful was very 'tainted' from the standard cold tap , but from the nature pure tap (for tea) it was perfect. Thank You first owner, I wouldn't be without it now, if only the replacement filters were a bit 'cheaper', it would be even more 'Perfect'. Ray


Wow you could buy a hell of a lot of bottled water to come close to that price. I may be being thick but what's wrong with a cheapo filter jug from Tesco?

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The taint often varies with different water supplies, minerals in the water supply react with the plastics that is why sometimes you get the horrible taint other times the waters fine, you get the same problem when you fill a separate container for your drinking water often not so obvious as the water is not usually in the container for as long as it sits in the tank & pipes.


Never had a bad cupper since we started using a jug filter a few years ago.

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The water tank is always drained after use and fresh water added when neaded. Tap water will keep without degradation for months if air and light are excluded, the military and emergency services use large black inflatable plastic containers without problem.


We use a 10 litre water container bought from Millets and decant this into 2litre old plastic milk bottles. Cost about £6 on special offer a couple of years ago.


The bottles are recycled after a while as they do wear and we always have fresh ones available.


The bottles are then kept in the fridge so we can have a cool glass of water.


When we have time we utilise a household water filter jug to take away any taste.

The jug was purchased several years ago as our local mains water pipes were changed to plastic, this tainted the water for about a year, but the taint has now cleared. The water has probably now generated a chalk lining to the pipes, a benefit of hard water!


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We have tried our Brita water jug from home, still get the taint through in a hot drink. I will give the whole system a b....good clean and then check the pipes and tank seperately. With regards to in line filters, has anyone ever used one of these?




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We have something similar on our tap at home and it is very good. Would like one in the mh but we just have a filter jug at moment. I must say that you can tell the difference when it is not filtered.


Shame you still get the 'taint'.

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Merle - 2012-04-14 7:57 PM......................... I will give the whole system a b....good clean and then check the pipes and tank separately. ..................Merle

On the whole, I would not do this before tasting a sample from the tank, and a sample drawn at the same time, from the tap. Fill the tank, leave for 24 hours, then sample. Otherwise, if the taint is leaching from unsuitable plastic and you clean/sterilise aggressively, you may find all is well until the effect of the cleaning etc wears off, when the taint will re-appear. Sample it as it is.


If the tank is OK and the tap water tainted, you will probably have to replace the pipes to cure the problem.


If both are tainted, the source may be the tank, or what is in the tank and/or pipes. Then, IMO, would be the time to try the aggressive sterilisation.


Elsan make a couple of products, one called tank clean that is safe with stainless steel if your van has a Truma Combi or boiler, the other called Elsil, that will maintain the water safe and drinkable in storage for up to six months (claimed). Should be available from a caravan dealer near you! :-)


If the source is the tank, and sterilising doesn't work, you'll have to replace the tank, or use bottled water. If the tank is a more or less standard type, CAK Tanks should be able to sort you out, and should be a reliable source for the right kind of pipe/tube if that is also required.

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