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On board water tank


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On the whole, I would not do this before tasting a sample from the tank, and a sample drawn at the same time, from the tap. Fill the tank, leave for 24 hours, then sample. Otherwise, if the taint is leaching from unsuitable plastic and you clean/sterilise aggressively, you may find all is well until the effect of the cleaning etc wears off, when the taint will re-appear. Sample it as it is.

If the tank is OK and the tap water tainted, you will probably have to replace the pipes to cure the problem.

If both are tainted, the source may be the tank, or what is in the tank and/or pipes. Then, IMO, would be the time to try the aggressive sterilisation.

Elsan make a couple of products, one called tank clean that is safe with stainless steel if your van has a Truma Combi or boiler, the other called Elsil, that will maintain the water safe and drinkable in storage for up to six months (claimed). Should be available from a caravan dealer near you! http://www.outandaboutlive.co.uk/forums/images/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

If the source is the tank, and sterilising doesn't work, you'll have to replace the tank, or use bottled water. If the tank is a more or less standard type, CAK Tanks should be able to sort you out, and should be a reliable source for the right kind of pipe/tube if that is also required.

Brian, thanks for all that. I value your input, and yours plus some other info gained I am hopefful I will beat the problem. There will either be flags or exploding motorhomes from Hampshire shortly, Merle

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I live in Hampshire, so will watch and listen .!!!

I hope you get it sorted soon.

I sometimes put the sterilising tablets in our water tank. Not sure if they help, but makes me feel safer when we fill up in some places!


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Just an update to say thank you all for your thoughts and sugggestions. I managed to get some pub pipe cleaner, gave the system a good soaking with that along with a thorough clean and after almost three years of trying we have drinkable water from the tank, so it's flags not exploding motorhomes. I have also fitted a Pozziana water filter thanks to a suggestion and that I must say produces some of the best water I have tasted. Thank you all, Merle
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Cheryl, If you are seriously considering getting a filter system Pozzani have them on offer at the moment, I paid just over £30.00 including a tap. Most of the fitting straight forward, but I did struggle a bit getting a 3/8" bore pipe to fit on a 1/2" copper pipe. I also had to buy a fitting to connect to the copper pipe, but they have an excellent customer service you can actually talk to real people!  www.pozzani.co.uk  

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