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Fiat 12 volt dashboard supply socket


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I am sure I could find out by doing some Googling but there must be a lot of peeps on this forum who can tell me the easiest way to enable use of the normal cigar lighter type plugs in the Fiat 12 volt socket on the dash of our 2004 Ducato as the normal socket needs the ignition switched on.






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vindiboy - 2012-04-13 11:20 PM


There is a topic already running on this forum with all the answers you need on this, see Solar panels and 12v Cigar socket thread.



That thread relates to converting the normal 12volt socket to be live with the ignition off.


May be I haven't been clear. My question relates to the second socket which does not accept the standard plug, it appears to be a Fiat unique socket,


I was wondering if there is an adapter available or would it be OK to replace it with another standard socket?





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Possibly what you have fitted is the European DIN type socket where most actually have two British style sockets. Was your van a left hand drive import possibly! I expect you can get adapters but you can get DIN type 12 volt plugs. to match and actually make a more reliable connection. Yes, to changing the socket for a 'normal' cigarrette type socket, it can be done.

Do look back at previous posts as I did mention one of the sockets also shares a relay switched supply with the heater fan if you do decide to mod to a permanently on supply.


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I know what you mean by the two sockets, one seeminly a different size from the other.


From experince a "standard" 12 V plug is any thing but standard in its diameter and you do now have a choice of either having a socket where some lplugs may wobble and fit, or you need two hands and feet on the dash board to get it out !





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The handbook says use only Genuine Fial appliances in this socket.

It could be that it takes the Din type plug I have tried to fit the Sat Nav lead in and it does not get a connection and does not feel right when I put it in (rough and clicky).


The MH is in storage at present so I can't check out for sure if the Din plug might go in.

The base vehicle was not originally a left hand drive.

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