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TomTom Satnav - 'average speeds'

Keith T

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I recently updated my TT 920 Live, though have no idea what actually was updated except there seems to be quite a few different/new 'symbol's' on screen and even sounds gonging at me.

However, having just travelled some distance on the M25/M1 where there are seemingly miles of roadworks at 50mph 'average speed' cameras, I noticed what I thought initially that although the speed limit shwing had adjusted correctly, the actual speed I was driving seem not to be changing/showing, then saw that there was a figure remaining realtively static, with a little line above it - untimately having gone through several of these areas, I worked out that what was showing was in fact my average speed though this section.

I assume this must mean the unit 'read' from the cameras at the start of the roadworks, then continously re-calculated my average, as once I reached the end of the restricted stretch it reverted to my actuall speed of driving....


Has anyone else noticed this, or can offer any other explanation? I have to say if my understanding is correct, I am quite impressed.

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Guest ChrisB
My Garmin has a similar function in average speed camera areas. It calculates your average speed and will warn you if this is being exceeded, even if you current actual speed is below the limit. I agree it can be a little disconcerting the first time - but on reflection is a sensible way of warning you if you are at risk of exceeding the limit over the measured stretch.
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l did notice a speed symbol that was 'diferent' on my via live when going around m25 last week, not sure what it was, but one thing that i've found is speed limits on tomtom are often wrong despite supposedly updating on live services.
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colin - 2012-04-16 10:36 AM


l did notice a speed symbol that was 'diferent' on my via live when going around m25 last week, not sure what it was, but one thing that i've found is speed limits on tomtom are often wrong despite supposedly updating on live services.

Which is why I don't think it wise to place too much reliance on either speed camera or speed limit data on sat navs.


Better on the whole, I think, to switch the alerts off and use Mk 1 eyeball. All mapping is, pretty much by definition, out of date by the time it is published. Speed limits change far faster that map makers can update maps, as do camera locations, and the result can be a false sense of security engendered by a very clever piece of technology.


The same rule applies as for routing, they gives advice based on what they "know", but they are far from infallible.

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Keith T - 2012-04-15 10:52 PM


I recently updated my TT 920 Live, though have no idea what actually was updated except there seems to be quite a few different/new 'symbol's' on screen and even sounds gonging at me.

However, having just travelled some distance on the M25/M1 where there are seemingly miles of roadworks at 50mph 'average speed' cameras, I noticed what I thought initially that although the speed limit shwing had adjusted correctly, the actual speed I was driving seem not to be changing/showing, then saw that there was a figure remaining realtively static, with a little line above it - untimately having gone through several of these areas, I worked out that what was showing was in fact my average speed though this section.

I assume this must mean the unit 'read' from the cameras at the start of the roadworks, then continously re-calculated my average, as once I reached the end of the restricted stretch it reverted to my actuall speed of driving....


Has anyone else noticed this, or can offer any other explanation? I have to say if my understanding is correct, I am quite impressed.


Yes that is absolutely correct and is one of the updates/ improvements in the latest Navcore, V 9.431. You can also, if you wish, asign a different warning tone to the 'Average Speed Camera' notification so that as you enter the average speed area it will notify you with the different tone and as you reach the final camera it will notify you with the same tone.



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Whilst I agree with Brians sentiments, a Sat Nav is only an extra tool at the end of the day and should not be used to replace the brain, I always use the alert facilities and find them and safety camera warnings (certainly on my Tom Tom) excellent and extremely useful!

With the daily updated user updates I have not found the speed limits for road to be incorrect anywhere as yet, that is in the UK and on mainland Europe, that is with Tom Tom but I can't say the same for the other two makes I have owned in the past which were regularly incorrect.



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Guest ChrisB
Brian Kirby - 2012-04-16 11:35 AM



....... The same rule applies as for routing, they gives advice based on what they "know", but they are far from infallible.


There is a lovely new road sign down here in Dorset near a new/modified road system now leading to a narrow dead-end and village.




Clearly the villagers are getting fed up with cars and lorries blocking their narrow streets with nowhere to go.

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colin - 2012-04-16 3:31 PM


I've had a lot of wrong speed cam and limits on tomtom, most I think are roadworks ones which are outdated, but couple of times new 30 limits where there are new housing estates.


Yes I agree with the comments about the speed limits - it does help, but it is necessary to check with teh limits showing on the roads where possible.

As far as the actual driving speeds are concerned however, I find it easier to see the figuers showing on TomTom than the dials on the motorhome, especially when on the continent as the KPH in red are virtually invisible - and oddly enough, having had some 5 motorhomes always on the Fiat/Peugeot base the speedometer readings in KPH have got progressively less visible.!


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