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Autotrail Parts

Big Momma

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Just for the Info of other Autotrail owners. I have a 2010 Comanche. On a recent trip a bottle dropped out of an upper cupboard (I know, it shouldn't have been there, I have learnt my lesson) and fell, bottle top first onto a lower cupboard surface and put a lovely round hole in the laminate. In order to colour match the laminate I quesried the dealer I purchased it from on getting it repaired. Initially they told me that the whole top would have to be replaced at a cost of £125 8-) I queried this with Autotrail who said that was correct, HOWEVER, Autotrail do not make the internal cabinetry themselves, they purchase it through a third party supplier, who has now gone bust !! Autotrail say that they have no replacement provider but were able to provide me with a piece of Laminate 1metre square at a cost of £80 !!


I have recently made an enquiry to Laminate Solutions to quote me for the repair and am still awaiting a response. Failing that, it looks like a DIY job :-S

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Guest Tracker



I did the same thing in a Nuevo in 2005 and A/S wanted silly money for a new top plus it meant pulling all the cabinet work apart so I recovered it with an inexpensive bit of Formica and a can of EvoStik time bond from my local DIY store and it looked fine once the edges were 'faired' in!


So much so that the dealer didn't notice it when I traded it in - I didn't hide it but not that I mentioned it being slightly different to the other surfaces!

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Thanks Tracker, good to know that it's not just me that does these silly things :-S I actually do have a work colleague who is pretty good at DIY. He has had a look at the worksurface and found that there are only 4 screws holding the top to the main bit. He reckons he has a tool called a 'nibbler' that will do the job as far as cutting the laminate to the right shape so it looks like a nice weekend, a BBQ and a few beers are called for :-D
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Guest Tracker
Big Momma - 2012-04-22 11:24 AM

Thanks Tracker, good to know that it's not just me that does these silly things


I think most of us do silly things at least once - the trick is not to do the same silly thing more than once - after all there is no point when there are still plenty of new silly things to try!


Good luck and let us know how you get on so that any other silly thing doers can learn from the experience!

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Guest pelmetman
Just a thought Eric ;-)..............passed a van today whilst out doing deliveries........called "Damage Doctors"..........the van said they did repairs to worktops, upvc, etc etc :-S...............might be worth a Google? :D
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