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Greetings from New Zealand


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Good morning,


Barbara and I are planning an extended trip to the UK and Europe.


We are members of the NZ Motor Caravan Association and for the last two years we have lived in our motor home whilst traveling in NZ.


Currently the vehicle is advertised for sale on Trade Me (http://www.trademe.co.nz/ ,our version of ebay) sale number 460790979 where details can be seen.


My email address is michaelps@xtra.co.nz


We are curious to know how we might try to contact any motor home owners in the UK interested in coming to NZ and who may wish to exchange vehicles with us.


Thank you for your attention and in anticipation of a reply.


Michael Smith and Barbara Hewitt


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Hi Michael

There is a site www.ukmotorhomes.net that has exchanges on. Should have no problems , as lots of Uk vanners want to visit NZ in our winters. Need to arrange a long time in advance (1/2 years) in most cases.


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