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DH and i are totally new to motor homing. have acquired a preloved 2001 ci riviera 141 and have spent a long weekend getting to know it, (still lots to learn). we are thinking of going to france at the end of August for 3 weeks. `we will be traveling Rosslare to `cherbourg. ~Any suggestions for an itinerary would be welcome or should we just see where the road takes us? :-D

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France is fantastic for motorhomes, my advice is to have a look at the Loire. There is so much to see and do. Most of France is worth a visit, but the Loire is our favourite area.


Buy the book "All the Aires" from Vicarious books (Google), and stay at the French aires, you will enjoy it. There are plenty of camp sites and books so I wont go into that.


The area around Cherboug is very nice and plenty of sandy beaches and "Aires" so you could spend 3 weeks around there!


If you haven't got one then buy or borrow a satnav, download the Aires POIs (Free) http://www.campingcar-infos.com/index1.htm

and you will find the aires much more easily.


Have fun!




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Welcome to the forum but before anyone can really advise you where to go a bit more info wouldn't go amiss!


Do you like towns, cities, villages, seaside, countryside, castles,touristy things, historic attractions, rivers, mountains etc etc?


Do you like driving and just seeing the countryside from the van stopping where the mood takes or do you prefer to find an area and explore in detail?


How about this as a possible starting selection -


Cherbourg - St Malo - Nantes - Loire Valley - Tours - Orleans - Le Havre - Normandy Beaches - Cherbourg?


The joy of a motorhome is that a route that starts as a plan can be modified each day as the trip progresses and either lengthened or shortened as experience gains and the trip develops.

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Hi and welcome to the forum

Don't know what time your ferry arrives in Cherbourg but if you want an overnight stop not far from the port this aire is brilliant and if you stay a few nights it is also a good place to have a look round the Normandy beaches etc in that area. It's only about 10/15 mins from the port. Could be perfect after a long ferry crossing on your first trip-not advisable to drive long distances on wrong side of unfamiliar roads when you're tired! It is also cheaper if you stay more than one night. (7 Euros 1 night- 6 Euros 2 nights+ inc services & electricity) The couple that own it are really nice as well and will even cook bread for you if you order it the night before. As it's a working farm you can also buy veg, eggs, fruit etc on site. The pitches are all marked and large enough to sit out, have a barbie etc.

We have stayed here a number of times when going via Cherbourg




Enjoy your trip



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Hi mournemaid and welsome to the forum.


France is a large and motorhome friendly country. Wherever you go frist time around there will always be some other interesting part for future tours. We love the loire but we also lied Brittany which was the first trip we ever made.


The advice to get the All The Aires book is very good. Aires vary considerably and this book will give you good information on them. One word of advice is to avoid staying on motorway aires - they are OK for a rest stop but overnighting can be dangerous as there have been many reports of motorhomers being robbed on these areas at night. It is the quick getaway on fast routes that attract the thieves but aires in villages and towns are usually very safe.


Enjoy your trip.



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Hello & welcome.


Or you could just drive to the nearest site that takes your fancy and park there for as long as you want.


Stay there for the whole holiday should you choose to do so.


Please don't let anyone tell you that because you have a motorhome you should automatically explore/drive/move every other day.


Do what suits you - once you know what it is.


Camp how it suits you - once you know what it is.


Are you familiar with the Municipal campsites in France? They are usually quite close to the Town or Village centre, are very good value for money (in my view), and offer camping on so many different levels.


Some are very basic, some have bars, pools, restaurants etc etc. They are, almost without exception, very clean and well run.


Whatever you choose, have a lovely time.




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mournemaid - 2012-04-22 1:52 PM




DH and i are totally new to motor homing. have acquired a preloved 2001 ci riviera 141 and have spent a long weekend getting to know it, (still lots to learn). we are thinking of going to france at the end of August for 3 weeks. `we will be traveling Rosslare to `cherbourg. ~Any suggestions for an itinerary would be welcome or should we just see where the road takes us? :-D



Good idea going to France !


My suggestion would be that you use camp sites at first, as you will have all the facilities you need, and, if you stay on the municipal sites in villages and small towns, they are relatively inexpensive.

Also,if you are new to touring I think that sites will also give you more sense of security.


Once you get used to touring you could then try the aires, which can be anything from a crowded ' car-park ' to a really attractively laid out area, with minimum facilities, set aside for motorhomes to overnight.


As others have said, your itinerary depends on what you are ' in' to - but France is a big place and has got a bit of everything !


Have a good trip.


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Guest pelmetman
mournemaid - 2012-04-22 1:52 PM


should we just see where the road takes us? :-D


That's the best idea...................but beware this hobby can become addictive 8-)


When we first started we were away at every opportunity........ even for a afternoon :D.............20 odd years later we rarely bother with a weekend anymore ;-)........................now only a month will do B-)

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colin - 2012-04-23 8:39 PM


Personaly I'd head down cherbourg penisular turn right and head into brittainy then see where road took me, my only reservation would be that not ever been to france in august so not sure how busy it gets.



Should be o.k. at the end of August when they are going, but Brittany could be full of Brits !




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Hi Mournemaid,

I would agree with most of the previous posts. It really depends how adventurous you want to be on your first French trip. We tended to feel our way a bit on our first foray to France staying on sites rather than Aires. There is so much to see and do in France it really will depend on what you enjoy, sightseeing, beaches etc. We travel from Rosslare to Roscoff usually and head down the coast through Brittany and then work back through central France. The Normandie region is also a great place to spend time with all the history of the D Day landings etc. What ever itinerary/route you choose your sure to have a good time in France. We are leaving for our annual French trip this Friday cant wait. Hope you have a great time

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