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Breathalisers in France Update


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Wilf - 2012-04-25 8:07 PM


Just a quick question!!


As I understand from 1st July I need to carry a breathalyser in the motorhome to be legal in France. But do I also need to carry a breathalyser in the car I tow behind on an A-frame. Do I move the breathalyser from the motorhome to the car when I use the car solo; if I don’t have breathalyser’s in both?


What are your thought please?


Since A-frame users haved all decided to tell the Spanish police their cars have magically become trailers, might as well tell the French police the same. So, no need for a breathalyser in the car - until the moment of transformation when you uncouple, at which point it all depends whether you're leaving the van anywhere the law applies to!

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PJay - 2012-04-25 8:10 PM


Get two . Be safe



At 2 euros for two why not get four to be safe and as the wise old saying from my younger days states - buy two and be one jump ahead!


Even if they never get used - for 2 Euros what price peace of mind whilst in France?

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What’s the betting it will only be a matter of days after the 1st July that some French supermarket chain will be giving breathalysers away free when you buy extra booze.

It would be typical French logic!

Like this stupid breathalyser law; which has been brought in supposedly to reduce the number of road deaths?

What percentage of the breathalyser cost goes to the French government?

It will be very interesting to see what happens or is this law to become like a vast array of French legislation; just ignored by the majority of the French!

I must stop being cynical..


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Just got back home here in Spain from our latest 3-week chug up to and around the Provence region of France.

Beautiful as ever.

As MH-friendly everywhere as ever. Stayed on free Aires/wildcamped for the whole trip apart from a couple of pay-Aires.

But expensive as ever though for any sort of eating/drinking out, so we bought food from supermarkets/ local shops, and ate and boozed in the MH throughout once again.


Diesel also in the 1.40 to 1.50€ per litre range, which is well above the 1.30ish we pay locally in Spain.

No probs getting fuel on any sundays/nights either when the gas stations are not manned, simply by using a Visa debit card.



I can report that stocks of the breathaliser thingies do seem to be seeping in to a lot of retailers there now...I bought one from an "Auchan" supermarket for about 1.70€, just to keep in the glove compartment of the van from now on.

The whole idea of the things seems loony to me, but if the law there says carry one, I'll carry one.

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