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Why do so many campers watch TV?Why so early?


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:-S What am i missing? *-)


My ever so humble campingvan dose not have a TV nor sat dish :-D From time to time i do watch a film :-S B-) Since the rain began what seems to have been weeks ago :-( I realised today i havnt watched a film. for ages


In a small village aire i Emptied my tank,filled the water tank & found a good place to park, :-D The village has a good bread shop a hotel and nothing much else :-| All the same a pleasent stop for the night more so as i could fill the tank.


Once installed i picked up my ebook(sony 505) and continued reading.A camper arrived parked,then moved,moved again and finnaly left (?) 8-)


Another arrived the same manovers 8-) Whats wrong?Flooding?


The next campers arrived in convoy drove about back and forth then parked :-| I saw the Sat dishes turning around and around,they moved forward backwards changed place asked me if i was leaving (?) Why i asked,they couldnt get a TV signal 8-) They almost could by driveing as far as they could forwards,they said *-) They all left


Another aire i found a campingcar watching TV at 9am???


Is there a a special channel thats so interesting?? 8-) At home ive tried TV several times but never found anything

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If we are are on a hook-up we will have a TV on early in the morning.


Why? Simply because my husband is very very hard of hearing. He is unable to listen to the radio and relies on subtitles to the news programmes to keep up to date, especially about the weather and traffic conditions.


Those who were not prepared to forgo their viewing were probably football fans. They must view the match.


We do not read novels, however we do crossword and other puzzles to keep our brains ticking over, especially when it is wet..



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Last year we were parked on the Aire at Langres waiting for our son to " Pop in " on his way to Chamonix , we were the only motorhome on the aire , when a French motorhomer pulled along side us nearly taking off my o/s mirror after a couple of minutes his TV was on rather loudly they had lunch parked for a good hour then upped sticks and moved off thank goodness it was a beautifull day , but we never saw the French couple come outside. Its amazing we pull up settle down put the gas on then the kettle and relax , The other nations seem to prioritise the satalite tuning as the norm .
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We've NEVER had a TV in any of our vans, although we watch it a lot at home. It's part of the "difference," being on holiday. When the kids were younger we convinced them for a while that it wasn't possible to get TV in a motorhome!

Yes, I know that was deplorable dishonesty but I plead a "public interest defence" - they still rarely watch telly on holiday as adults.


We both have Kindles (btw, have you all bought my book yet?) and a Travel Scrabble set, as well as dominoes, cards and boules, so we've neever been bored.

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French & Spanish don't seem to be able to live without the TV on, saw a small coachbuild in France last year with 32" CRT TV shoehorned in they could hardly move in the van.


Our van has a TV & Satellite dish it was standard on the van only use it in the morning occasionally for a weather forecast if we can't get internet, only time it is used during the day is for Moto GP & F1.

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Last month, while we were staying on the campsite at Chateau-Gontier, we were treated to afternoon entertainment courtesy of a French motorhome using the campsite's aire de services.


The motorhome was a large Burstner A-class, clearly brand new, and the 'servicing' (as is usual) was to include dumping the waste water. Chateau-Gontier's campsite motorhome service area is odd, as the service-pedestal is very inconveniently positioned and there's no obvious ground-level point for waste-water emptying. Basically, unless you empty the waste-water by bucket (or empty it into one of the campsite's several easily accessed large rainwater drains) you'd be well advised to drain the waste-tank elsewhere or take the water home.


However, this lack of a ground-level drain did not deter the Burstner owner, who decided to manoeuvre the motorhome so that its drain-hose could reach to the little grille directly beneath the service-pedestal's water taps. Backwards and forwards went the Burstner, with several people giving directions. Time passed and eventually the vehicle was positioned as close to the service point as it was possible to get without hitting the adjacent sanitary building. Next thing we see is a tsunami of waste-water pouring down the campsite's tarmac road.


The 'servicing' took a whole hour from start to finish - I kid you not - I've never seen anyone take so long. But the best bit was that the somebody inside the Burstner had obviously been trying to watch TV, as the sat-dish had been going up and down and waving about regularly while the servicing and manoeuvring was going on. Now that's real TV addiction!

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bolero boy - 2012-04-25 5:21 PM


Plumbersvan, I don't want to criticise but the word is'DOES' not 'DOSE'. Many thanks.


Planelee u did wont too critasize, utherwyze u wood knot hav dunn it.


Dose ani1 reely ker?


(Seriously though, there's no point trying to 'correct' a person's spelling, or use of English, when they can't tell when it's wrong and have admitted that they have a literacy problem. If you insist on doing it (and this isn't the first time), you better be damn sure that your own future postings are beyond reproach, otherwise you should anticipate getting some of your own medicine.)

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IMHO these type of post's "I cant understand why" are pointless.


I can't understand why people tow !

I cant understand why people have dogs !

I cant understand why everyone does not have an A Class !

I can't understand why you would have a Kindle !

I can't understand people using aires / sites !

etc etc


The list is endless, the majority of ours friends can't understand why we have a motorhome at all.


But is it not great that we are all different, and IMO that should be celebrated and not denigrated.


Mind you, if I believed what I just typed then I wouldn't be posting this.




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I'm totally in agreement with Tony on this one. I have never had a TV in either Caravan or Motorhome - (in fact I took the pre-existing omnidirectional aerial off recently, as well as the booster gubbins in one of the cupboards.)


I find it difficult enough to find something worth watching at home!

Our TV explodes if any soap comes on?


Books, music, games, puzzles, conversation and exploring the locality are far more worthwhile - but that is just my opinion. But there - I can sit & read a map for an hour or two & be engrossed!

Sad init?

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We have never had a TV in any of our campers or previous touring caravans. As Tony says, it’s part of the difference of being on holiday. We too play Scrabble, read and play cards.

We have recently discovered Viking Chess; more correctly called Hnefatafl - but I can’t pronounce that. It’s actually nothing like conventional chess and because of its simple rules looks deceptively easy at first glance.

Although TV on holiday may not be for us I can well understand that many people enjoy it and as always each to his own.

Cattwg :-D


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We used to have a tv in the caravan, but not in the motorhome, just more junk to carry around.

Having said that, if we were retired and spent longer using it, ie in Spain or wherever, then would get a tv to keep up with the news, archers etc.

I agree with the comment why do this or that? For example Why are there bus spotters, seen one bus of a type seen the lot, but there they are in Plymouth, every Saturday taking pictures. Does not float my boat, but people think I'm odd going away in a small box on wheels. (sigh)

However, I do miss the internet. Do miss reading stuff, like this site, learning things that are probably useless but give me something to think about. 8-)

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When we got our first motorhome last year the first thing i did was to go out and buy a 12 volt flat screen TV with freeview and built in DVD.


On testing it out in the 'van we discovered there was no signal from the aerial. Managed to work out the booster was faulty and drove 30 miles to buy a replacement. Also bought a suitcase sattelite dish (We don't even have sattelite at home!!)


Our first trip out (and many subsequent ones) were to areas without decent TV signals nor phone signal and nor could we get the Sattelite dish to work...... Bliss!


I think we must have watched about half an hour or news in the whole of our camping last year - what a waste of money.


I used to be an avid reader but now in my mid forties I have to wear reading glasses, which i find irritting, so I hardly ever read for pleasure now. I have not had any experience with Kindles - can the text be enlarged so I can do away with my reading specs?

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WE really need the TV its great for background noise for the kids, for colour, for cartoons when I am seeing to one and leaving the other out . Lastly for our sanity one can only do so much chatting to a child that does DEOS not have a clue nor care what the hell you are saying .



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I would have been one of the vans moving about to get a signal. If your staying a few days or even one night and you want to watch something later, your not going to get set up and then come 9pm or whatever switch on your Satellite only to find your under a tree or something.


I love telly but Im never without a novel or none fiction book and there has never been a time I havent been reading since I was a kid. Same with the internet I post on forums nearly everyday even when away. I play guitar and if Im pi$$ed enough I might even start singing but I make no appologies for watching TV in the van. We are away 50% of the time in the van so I want exactly the same home comforts as I have at home.


That said when its summer in the south of France or whereever and its a long sunny evening you wont catch me inside the van at all until bedtime which may well be the early hours. Mrs D made me watch a whole series of Big Brother across six countries one year!

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:-D I am sorry :'( Its not so much spelling but as ive said before my wish to get the post typed and sent B-)


I have three laptops one an old French IBM X40 with French keyboars an asus i bought in New york(USA)with US keyboard.And this Toshiba i bought in Zurich (Switzerland) With a Swiss German keyboard


Even now i find myself pressing the shift to use numbers and qwert is or was a nightmere having used aztry for so long :'(


I do need an XP laptop for things that simply wont work as they should or at all with Vista which is win 7


The asus is Linux for wifi i dont trust This toshiba is for very very long battery life super audio and the camper. B-)


Another facttor is sitting in Mac do or another cafe with noise dirt smell and wish to get what ever needs to be done done and leave 8-)


Or as now in a camping with excellent wifi but have to leave tommorow or pay a large surcharge ive been online more or less all day to send sms email and skype as well as to find a note pad for linux where i have a spell checker for English


Ive been online more or less all day as its been pouring with rain and quite chilly B-) :'(

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michele - 2012-04-25 7:44 PM


WE really need the TV its great for background noise for the kids, for colour, for cartoons when I am seeing to one and leaving the other out . Lastly for our sanity one can only do so much chatting to a child that does DEOS not have a clue nor care what the hell you are saying .


Nice one, Michele. ;-)
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plumbersvan - 2012-04-25 4:37 PM :-S What am i missing? *-)

Is it credibility?

Seriously, I too have seen the endless pursuit of signal shenanigans and immediately thought a resigned 'jeez', but then quickly reminded myself that the people doing the 'signal jiggle' are just doing what they enjoy - and probably think we're half cooked for wandering off into the distance with binoculars and a flora key.

I only care if they are selfish enough to spoil my enjoyment by encroaching too close and hence 'sharing' their telly experience. 

But that's less about telly and more about prats.
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peter - 2012-04-25 10:50 PM


We have a tv because that is our choice, end of. It's no business of anyone else. Why should it be.?.



I agree with you absolutely Peter - the fact that you have got a TV has nothing whatsoever to do with anyone else.



Makes me wonder why you told us that you've got one.





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We have TV and Sat (freeview) in the van, because we don’t have the time to sit and watch it at home. So for us going out in the van is the time to relax and do the things we do not do at home, it is nice to watch a film, catch up with the news and view the weather (especially for this country). That does not mean that we have it on all the time it is a choice we make, also my OH does not like to read books so for him watching a film is the same as reading a book.


That does not mean we sit in the van either we get out and explore, however on a dark and rainy night there is nothing better than snuggling down and watching a film with a glass of wine.


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Last year in L'Ardeche in early August we were parked next to a French family on a private campsite Aire at Vallon-Pont-d'Arc. It was 30+ degrees every day and the place was packed. Superb Atmosphere and the family were very friendly. They setup camp outside and had their telly hung outside on the side of the van. Every evening they had it on and I have to say I will never complain about British TV again. Some of the Dross that they were watching was just beyond belief!


We had a good laugh with them though and their telly and the father and me became friends despite our language barrier, sharing cigars and the odd beer and laughing at their wacky programs.


There is nobody who seeks solitude and calmness at times more than me but in that barmy packed holiday resort the noise and cacophony of people just having fun was enchanting. People milling around all hours, talking, singing or watching their boxes outside and then spending the days in the river. Brilliant.

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Just as an afterthought to those who dont have a telly and cant understand why others do. What do you do in the Winter if your in the UK and its pitch dark at 4pm, pouring down so you dont want to go out and freezing? Ok you can read a book (for a while) or play a game or even have an early night! 8-) but I would go mental I think without a telly in the winter.
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