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Too Much on Home Sweet Home?


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Anyone agree with us that MMM devotes too much space to U.K. touring and not enough to travel on the continent? Over the years the number of articles covering touring countries outside the U.K. certainly seems to have declined. This seems strange as the U.K. is perhaps the most motorhome unfriendly country in Europe, with high site fees, need for advance booking, no aires network, high priced fuel etc, etc. Why not a "So Many Roads" series for France, Italy or Germany (with a focus on using official motorhome stop overs such as the "aires de service" in France)? If its a lack of contributions then we, and we are sure many others too, would be willing to help. What do you think? All the best Robert and Jean
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As we spend virtually all our limited time touring in the UK (mostly pretty close to home), Sue and I can only dream when reading the reports from further-flung corners of the earth - and from our perspective there do seem to be plenty of these in MMM. Without wishing to be disrespectful to our hosts on this forum, we do find the 'Snail Trail' series in Practical Motorhome to be extremely interesting and useful, particularly for the little hints about where to park, stay, eat and drink. I guess it's up to all of us to keep all the magazines updated with reports on our exploits, home and away.
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I've gone back over the last years mags and there were 34 on Continental & 40 on UK touring. It was fairly even over year but the last two months had more articles on the UK than on the continent. It would be interesting to find out how many never venture over the water with their van. Why not e-mail Jane & Mike and put your views to them. Safe travelling Don
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Rosie & I have never taken our van over the water (I don't suppose that going over the Skye Bridge counts). In our 30 years plus of motorcaravanning we always seem to have found more than enough to do in the UK, visiting new places and revisiting old favourites. In fact last year I was rather glad that we were not abroad when I had to get Rosie home, overnight, from Scotland to the South Coast when she was taken ill. I believe that MMM receives more travel articles than it has room for. Personally I would rather see less and have more van reports. But I must confess to being guilty in that after every major trip I write a holiday report which I send to my friends. These are rather like one of those horrible letters that you get included with a Christmas Card except that these poor souls get one 4 or 5 times a year. Re the comment from Mike Moss about Snail Trail I see that Motor Caravan Magazine have followed the same format over the last few months. Even to the "trail" running from page to page.
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Roberandjean, England may be the most unfriendly country in the world to M/homes, but there are a hell of a lot of people who do not cross the ditch. I have a friend who wouldnt be seen dead in France let alone go there for a holiday. We go over the ditch whilst we are able ie, young enough, can afford it and England will be here when we dont want to go to far., although we have seen a lot of this country in our thirty years plus caravanning and M/homing. David
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I agree with John Dinning.More van reports and less trips although I do enjoy reading the trips but I still think thats part of the fun of motorhoming,rambling and finding new places,I think they call it an adventure!! :-)
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