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Shock and Horror!!


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We are off to France in a few days, circumstances dictate that we will spend much of our time in France using campsites.


Being a caring sort of person I spent some time hunting out the better campsites, the ones with all the mod cons.


Since it is going to be very hot and sunny I thought it would be nice to have a swimming pool so I researched the sites with this rather exotic (for us) facility.


Reading through the blurb and only vaguely taking it in my attention was suddenly riveted to the written word.

"All guest using the swimming pool must wear speedo style swimming trunks".


WHAT WHAT B£00DY WHAT!!! they are going to make me wear speedos? No way, "We will never, never, surrender".


My old khaki shorts have always been good enough for me, I have even bought a pair of decent swimming shorts, but speedos? How can I delicately put this? I do not fit into them, Not that I have ever tried, of course.

Why would I? I am not a pervert or something.


The only men I have seen wearing them were covered in oil and had their arms round each other, not British at all.


Again I will be delicate in how I phrase this, but are there any trunks that will satisfy the stupid French law and still allow me a modicum of decency? Something that will fit my ample frame, is not see through, (Oh yes, I have seen that particular style of perversion in use in Italy) and is preferably made from good old British wool?



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I'm shocked! That you're not open minded enough to enjoy the... erm.... foreign customs


When in Rome and all that...


Yet yerself a pair of budgie smugglers and show em you're proud to be British!


If it makes you feel more comfortable, baby oil's pretty cheap....

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hallii - 2012-04-28 8:41 PM




Again I will be delicate in how I phrase this, but are there any trunks that will satisfy the stupid French law and still allow me a modicum of decency?





As Colin says, Speedo doesn't mean tight little ' thongs ' - some are just like shorts.



What the French don't like are the big baggy Bermuda 'shorts'






p.s. .... and as Bolly says - when in Rome.............................

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Guest JudgeMental
for Gods sake its all about hygiene.....sitting about for days in sweaty smelly shorts..then dive into pool multiplied by 400 odd sweaty men..........Now please, just think about it! Some pools you need to wear caps as well, think yourself lucky......
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If they just said "swimming shorts" or "swimming trunks" rather than "Speedos" it would all be a lot simpler.

Fit for purpose: swimming shorts have mesh budgie smugglers inside, but do allow us a little modesty.

I agree that general purpose "bermuda" type shorts are dodgy; could have been worn for weeks!

In the past I've just not bothered, this time I'll be prepared to stand my ground.

I think the french find us just a little bit amusing on this; but no way will they make it easy!



alan b


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I don't think this swimming pool garb rule is to do with sweat - it is I suspect rather to try to stop.....how do I put this.........others getting one or more of your "short 'n curlies" in their mouths as they frolic in said water........ 8-)
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One of the reasons for not wearing shorts is water management people exiting the pool in shorts also remove a larger quantity of water and with evaporation causes the water levels in the pools to receed. Seems a bit hard to believe , but multiply the number of bathers in shorts and the number of days of pool use it can amount to a large amount of water loss.
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Randonneur - 2012-04-29 8:48 AM


We are in the South West of France and its never stopped raining for 2 weeks and there doesn't appear to be any letup in this awful weather.


By the way, a lot of the Municipal pools require men to wear "swimming trunks" and the ladies bathing hats.


Ladies - ---Just Hats??? Wow......!!

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