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New pet passport help please


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Our new boy is arriving tomorrow and I need to organise his passport, he as a micro chip so no problems.


I have looked through Deffra site, but I can't find whether or not the vet will issue the passport there and then, or as someone thought when I mentioned it today, that it will take three weeks to be issued.


I understand he can't re enter for the first 21 days but I was under the impression you got the passport with the rabies injection.


Help as anyone had the new passport issued.



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Yes ask your vet because you will also require vacination confirmation too and if you don't have them you will not be allowed back into the UK until 6 months after the successful blood test for rabies

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Hi Roy

Please take a note of what Sid mentioned about the 6 month period.

There has been some alteration to this ruling, but the old ruling stated that you could not bring an animal back into the UK until 6 months after the verification of the blood tests for the rabies injections are confirmed successful. This part, I believe has been amended but presumably your vet will be as knowledgable as ours who has been most helpful with the up to date rulings, which are much easier to handle.


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Why not ask your vet?


Because it was Sunday and my Vet was not available !!


and the vet nurse I asked wasn't sure.


However I have spoken to a vet this morning and their practise issues the passport 3 weeks after the injection, he told me this was a legal requirement.


But on further investigation this is not correct, dependant on the vet you see is whether or not the passport is issued there and then. You have to see a OV (Official Veterinarian) who is authorised to sign the passport if you wont the passport straight away.


You can then take the animal out of the country but it's a 21 day period before it can return.



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Hi, although this is back to front, we have just had our rescue dog passported here in france, at a cost of 45euros, and we had no problems travelling back to England 3 weeks later, the vet issued the passport at the time of vaccination, no blood test here, all was fine at the port appart from the the dogs date of microchipping, which we didnt know, as it was done at the rescue center, so we just guessed it and the lady at the desk accepted that.

Good luck, and have fun. Cheers, Nigel & Dee.

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Guest peter
Blood test is now not required. But 3 weeks must elapse between vaccination and bringing pet back into u/k. So if you leave it to 1 week before travelling, you cannot return before 2 weeks.
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Thats interesting, I thought you had to wait until the dog was blood tested to see if the vaccination had taken before the passport was issued, I know we did but the last one was done last year before these new rules came in. Let us know how you get on .
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Re guessing the date of microchipping this is very dangerous. We were stopped coming back into the UK after 5 years travelling backwards and forwards when some obnoxious official decided to check the passport against the microchipping database. The date did not tie up as the database company had wrongly put the date we registered him ( he was a rescue dog ) and not the date of original microchipping. The obnoxious jobsworth told us that we had 3 options, go back to France immediately, put him into quarantine or you can guess the 3rd one!!!

Thankfully they eventually tracked down our vet who confirmed he had been checked before the passport had been issued and they eventually let us go after over 3 hours when they would not even let the dog out of the motorhome. We got him a new passport and letter from the database company which we carry at all times.

Be very careful.

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