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Dogs and owners

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Just come back from Peterborough, (very soggy), I just want to have a rant about owners of dogs, here goes, WILL YOU SHUT YOUR BLOODY DOGS UP IF THEY BARK ALL THE TIME, sorry for swearing, we were parked next to a couple with a dog, it barked insesantly (sorry don't know how to spell that word) all afternoon and evening, it was raining heavily so we were unable to go for a walk to get away from it, are you deaf, or do you just not care?
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The dog probably wasn't enjoying itself either, it had probably been left in the van, while the Boss was out in the Rain 'havin fun' , agree that a constantly barking dog is like the ' Chinese water torture'. Did you tell the owners when they came back ? Some genuinely don't realise that their dog barks when left alone. ( i didn't) my next door neighbor only told me when I actually asked her ' does our dog bark while we are out'. The dog used to be ok for half an hour then start to slowly bark herself into a frenzy.

She comes with us now. It pays to good neighbors, even when on overnight stops. Ray

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Guest JudgeMental

on the site we are on in Spain, every time there is a camping announced over the tinny Tanoy (Hi De Hi stylee), it seems like all the dogs for miles around start howling and barking, Funny the first time........The poor things...


Dogs behaviour invariably the owners fault...... Some should be banned from owning one.

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Guest 1footinthegrave
fairweather camper - 2012-04-30 3:53 PM


Just come back from Peterborough, (very soggy), I just want to have a rant about owners of dogs, here goes, WILL YOU SHUT YOUR BLOODY DOGS UP IF THEY BARK ALL THE TIME, sorry for swearing, we were parked next to a couple with a dog, it barked insesantly (sorry don't know how to spell that word) all afternoon and evening, it was raining heavily so we were unable to go for a walk to get away from it, are you deaf, or do you just not care?


Don't start me off...................................................................... >:-)

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Dogs and owners, you will get good and bad in both unfortunately, and also unfortunately it is usually us poor other saps who have to put up, or clean up after them.


Currently on a popular site in south Spain which has a 'no dogs' rule, and is packed, so obviously many people can travel without pets. I am not stating one should never take pets but it does seem at times that mentioning it touches raw nerves in dog owners. This site was in marked difference to the CC site in Thirsk we stayed on before catching the ferry. It appeared that almost 90+% of putfits had a pooch and one can only wonder at the grass with all that pee being put on it every day. It wasa cold night adn invariably the door of the outfit opened and Fido was thrown out on a long lead to do the necessary and then hauled back in. Yes, they carry neat bags to the dog walk but do not worry about liquid waste. What is not seen does not count.


Now I have no problem with anyone having a pet provided they ensure it does not cause ANY inconvenience to others. The same policy should apply to kids and some blokes wives as well, of course. Oops, now I am in trouble yet again. However, I do wonder if anyone has evert tried to get on to a site with a horse box on the back ans stated 'it is the family pet'. That could be fun on the dog walk 'Hi Ho Silver etc'. and you need a heck of a big bag.


I did once as a small 8 year old demand we take my pet mouse on holiday, so my poor suffering parents had the smelly rodent in the car, but Bless them, they never said a word, but I bet they thought it and were delighted when Sammy the mouse went to rodent heaven.

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1footinthegrave - 2012-04-30 5:14 PM


fairweather camper - 2012-04-30 3:53 PM


Just come back from Peterborough, (very soggy), I just want to have a rant about owners of dogs, here goes, WILL YOU SHUT YOUR BLOODY DOGS UP IF THEY BARK ALL THE TIME, sorry for swearing, we were parked next to a couple with a dog, it barked insesantly (sorry don't know how to spell that word) all afternoon and evening, it was raining heavily so we were unable to go for a walk to get away from it, are you deaf, or do you just not care?


Don't start me off...................................................................... >:-)


Or me!!! (!) >:-)





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When I complained about a dog barking on a site I was on I was informed that "The dog is barking because he is happy! Do you want to spoil his happiness?" I replied "Yes, I do" but it still carried on barking.


I like labradors, I think they may be a bit more intelligent as they don't seem to bark without reason.



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Symbol Owner - 2012-04-30 6:01 PM


1footinthegrave - 2012-04-30 5:14 PM


fairweather camper - 2012-04-30 3:53 PM


Just come back from Peterborough, (very soggy), I just want to have a rant about owners of dogs, here goes, WILL YOU SHUT YOUR BLOODY DOGS UP IF THEY BARK ALL THE TIME, sorry for swearing, we were parked next to a couple with a dog, it barked insesantly (sorry don't know how to spell that word) all afternoon and evening, it was raining heavily so we were unable to go for a walk to get away from it, are you deaf, or do you just not care?


Don't start me off...................................................................... >:-)



Or me!!! (!) >:-)







OR ME!!! I can't stand dogs, should be banned from all sites.



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fairweather camper - 2012-04-30 5:38 PM


Hi Rayjsj,


The owners were in the van, the dog was in the awning, I asked them to keep the dog quiet, they said they would, then let it bark just the same, what more can you do?


They seriously shouldn't own a dog if they cannot control it. Out of control dogs, are what cause most of dog related problems = bad owners. Ray


I own a 9 year labrador, they are just too lazy to bark.

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I had a Bull Mastiff for 16 years and she never barked - ever - not even when we were burgled, while we were in the house. Unlike this bl!*dy chihuahua, we have inherited. Only barks when people want to leave!


I agree - if you don't like dogs there's something fundamentally wrong with you - they were man's first companions. A relationship which goes back many thousands of years.


Cats on te other hand...... they're aliens - sent here to spy on us - one day they'll take over!! (according to the crazy lady down the road who has 36 of them)

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ChrisK5 - 2012-04-30 9:23 PM


Symbol Owner - 2012-04-30 6:01 PM


1footinthegrave - 2012-04-30 5:14 PM


fairweather camper - 2012-04-30 3:53 PM


Just come back from Peterborough, (very soggy), I just want to have a rant about owners of dogs, here goes, WILL YOU SHUT YOUR BLOODY DOGS UP IF THEY BARK ALL THE TIME, sorry for swearing, we were parked next to a couple with a dog, it barked insesantly (sorry don't know how to spell that word) all afternoon and evening, it was raining heavily so we were unable to go for a walk to get away from it, are you deaf, or do you just not care?


Don't start me off...................................................................... >:-)



Or me!!! (!) >:-)







OR ME!!! I can't stand dogs, should be banned from all sites.



Such a site would be severely limiting it's customer base. Last one I saw was in Ireland, and there are several CL's mainly on Farms that ban dogs.

The main reason I took up Caravanning and then Motorhoming was that the 'Whole' family including the Dog could go. Strangely there are quite a few 'Adults Only' sites that seem to manage by keeping children out, far more than sites that Ban dogs. I wonder why that is ??

It is far easier to 'Chastise' someone else's 'out of control' Dog, but try doing it with Someone else's 'Out of Control' Child and you end up in Court. Ray

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Guest 1footinthegrave

My guess is there will always be conflict between some dog lovers and those of us not so keen, one of the things that attracts us to M/homes is to seek out nice and peaceful areas away from the din of the world, how is it some Dog lovers think that barking is not a din, but children playing is. Perhaps they forget they too were once children, don't get me wrong intrusive noise from wherever it comes is a pain, but apparently as the OP found out a dog barking does not count, even after a polite complaint that I have also found is a complete waste of time.


Someone said there is something odd about folk who don't like dogs, what exactly is odd about that. I think it odd that some folk choose to share their living space with an animal and all that comes with it, especially the poo bag thing ( for those that bother ) now doing that is really odd, but that is their choice.


For the sake of harmony and peace, please dog lovers think about it the next time Fido kicks off that your neighbour may not enjoy the racket, is that really so hard to understand.


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There are of course a few (far too few in my opinion!) sites which do not allow dogs on site -- a list of British ones is on here:- http://www.ukcampsite.co.uk/articles/view.asp?id=377


Hope this helps those, who like me, can never understand why anyone would want to keep these dreadful (nearly) wild beasts as pets and allow them to live in their (motor)homes! The smell! the filth dribble & hair all over the place! How can anyone cope with it? Perhaps as far as the awful noise is concerned, the owning of silent ( bark-free) dogs like the basenji, should be encouraged -- but they still leave their poo all over the place!


Ah well each to his/her own -- just don't inflict them on me!







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Guest 1footinthegrave
Can't think for a minute why the Wrekin View naturist site would ban dogs, I may give it a go when the weather warms up. :D :D :D
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jhorsf - 2012-05-01 10:20 AM


I prefer dogs to miserable old.....


..Hmmm?...so people commenting on how they don't want to be disturbed by dogs barking,makes then a "miserable old git" then? *-)


I dare say you'd probably class yourself as a "responsible" dog owner(..as I've never heard anyone admit to being anything other *-) )?..so with that sort of attitude,I suppose we can't expect much from the "irresponsible " ones... *-)

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1footinthegrave - 2012-05-01 10:09 AM


Can't think for a minute why the Wrekin View naturist site would ban dogs, I may give it a go when the weather warms up. :D :D :D


I counted at least three naturist camping sites, plus a few Yurts and at least one Teepee.

All perfectly normal and 'run of the mill' sites !! 'Peace Man' .

:D Ray


Dogs are the leaders of the planet, if you saw two living creatures,one of them does a poo and the other Carries it for him, Who would You think is in charge ??.

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Rayjsj - 2012-05-01 12:27 PM

..I counted at least three naturist camping sites, plus a few Yurts and at least one Teepee.

All perfectly normal and 'run of the mill' sites !! 'Peace Man' .

:D Ray


Ray..do you mean "counted" or "found" ? (..as in, "..found after a thorough search...") (lol) (lol)

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We love dogs. Sadly we lost our old Border Terrier last week but we have a new one coming to us at the end of June even though it has meant cancelling our holidays for July and August. I wanted to call her Brillo after the well known cleaning pads because of her bristly coat but I've been out voted by the ladies so Bramble it is then.


If you think barking dogs are noisy you should hear the two dogs who live out the back of us. Every time an emergency vehicle goes by they do a fair job of copying the noise. Fortunately they don't keep it up for long and my wife and I think it's rather funny.

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1footinthegrave - 2012-04-30 11:31 PM how is it some Dog lovers think that barking is not a din,.


Because it's NOT a din, every bark (and there are at least ten types) is trying to say something. It is not the fault of the dog that the stupid ignorant humans are so lazy they can't be bothered to find out what the dog is trying to tell you.


And while posting here my experience of fellow humans on camp sites is hardly peaceful, the noise they make is far worse than any dog bark.


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Next door but one has the noisiest children who spend hours jumping up and down on a trampoline and incessantly screaming - accompanied by a yapping dog.


My chihuahua deserves a holday from that lot!


Yes we carry doggy bags to pick up after our pooches - it's called being responsible - for the sake of those of you who allow your children to play with dog excrement and blame the owners when the children lose their sight


In my experience, dog owners are on the whole far more responsible than child owners - don't believe me? - you're welcome to pay me a visit in Bolton and witness the feral kids for yourself


At the end of the day it's all about give and take - i'll put up with your well behaved child if you tolerate my well behaved dog. If you don't like it - stay at home

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