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Flyscreens falling apart!!


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Two of the window 'flyscreens' on my five year old Avondale are coming adrift. The nylon chord which is threaded through the bottom of the netting has started to come adrift & the chord is showing at one side of the window, leaving the netting flapping loose at the other end. I have tried, in vain, to push the chord back through the netting but it just doesn't want to go!!


My questions are: Do I have to remove the inner fascia of the window frame to get access? Will everything come falling out & leave me in a bigger mess if I go down this route?


I would be grateful for any advice on how to best tackle this problem. If it's a job for the experts then so be it.


Thanks in anticipation of you help.

Sorry looks like I managed to post this twice (another senior moment!) :$

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I believe you own a later version of of the Avondale model reviewed here:




It looks like the windows on the reviewed vehicle may be Seitz S4, in which case accessing the blind mechanism would involve removing the window's inner frame.


Installing this type of window involves positioning the window's outer frame against the motorhome's outer wall and attaching the inner frame to the outer frame via screws that pass right through the wall. Watertightness is obtained via a gasket and mastic-sealant joint between the outer frame and the outer wall. In principle the connecting screws should be tightened to a recommended torque-setting.


I don't know what would happen in your case if you removed the connecting screws; in particular, whether the outer watertightness seal would be adversely affected. I'd certainly be ultra-careful to avoid the possibility of the window falling out when the screws were removed by using plentiful quantities of duct-tape to secure the outer frame to the outer wall BEFORE beginning to remove the screws.


You might also find it difficult to remove the plastic caps covering the screw heads.

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Derek - Thanks for your valuable information. It has helped me decide that this is a job for the 'professionals' & I will ensure I get a water ingress warranty from them. So looks like I will be dusting down my wallet shortly :'(
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hi Birder

Much of the Avondale "stock" when they went into administration, was bought up by Magmum Motorhomes at Grimsby.

From their website

"In 2008 we bought the entire contents of Avondale Caravans after they went into administration.


We have thousands of Avondale spares and replacement parts.


The only problem is we did not get any part numbers or computer systems so we cannot go from part numbers


If you need any part for an Avondale that you cannot see on our website then please contact us"



There are links to a selection of parts on the left of the screen

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Flicka, Thanks for the info - I did know that Magnum had bought up the Avondale stock but I had no idea of your connection with Magnum. I will give a look at your stock &/or give you a call.
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Hi Birder

I don't have any connection with Magnum.

It's just that they are only a minute off my route into town.

So when I've a few minutes spare, I like to pop in, have a browse & a chat.


For anyone visiting Magnum & see their old premises closed, they have moved but just drive another 10/20yds to the last unit in the block.


They should have their signs on the new Unit now.



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Hi Birder

I don't have any connection with Magnum.

It's just that they are only a minute off my route into town.

So when I've a few minutes spare, I like to pop in, have a browse & a chat.


For anyone visiting Magnum & see their old premises closed, they have moved but just drive another 10/20yds to the last unit in the block.


They should have their signs on the new Unit now.



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