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French police and customs searching UK campers

Guest JudgeMental

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Tracker - 2012-05-28 10:00 AMThe latest scourge of smokers is all hanging around cafe and pub doorways making it a gauntlet to run for any non smokers trying to enter or leave plus almost all Pub outdoor eating areas and beer gardens are still polluted by those with no consideration for others who may be eating nearby. The sheer arrogance of smokers continues to astound me!
They cannot go inside.....but now you aren't happy they are outside either. *-)The sheer arrogance of anti-smokers continues to astound me.
RogerC - 2012-05-28 11:41 AMBanter?.....after 28 years in the military where banter was rife this is about as far from 'banter' as you can get.  Your personal disclosures regarding these points illustrates a controlling streak which has unfortunately permeated the country in recent times and has severely curtailed civil liberties in oh so many ways.  This country was a much nicer place when people knew how to live and let live instead of having the 'Liberal establishment' (ha Liberal! that's an oxymoron if ever there was one)control our every waking moment.


Maybe you could get together a group of 'Liberal thinking persons' and tell the rest of us what we can and cannot do?.......in the meantime I for one will drink, smoke etc where it has not been banned (like pub gardens for instance  because it is the 'anti smoking gestapo who forced me outside)

I entirely agree.
Tracker - 2012-05-28 11:50 AMLet me guess Roger - are you a smoker by any chance?
He stated so in his post. The reason you had to guess is because you don't read posts which don't fit your agenda.
RogerC - 2012-05-28 12:08 PMInstead of 'controlling' and banning there should be 'compromise' not confrontation........live and let live.  Unfortunately there is too much of a  'do as I say' mindset in this country.....
Anti-smokers don't want any compromise. They relish whipping up the hysteria and antagonism. The only thing missing is jackboots and whip.
Tracker - 2012-05-28 12:25 PMFor myself and thousands of others the day smoking in pubs was banned was indeed a joyful day because it opened up a new source of refreshment to us without closing it to smokers - all they have to do is not smoke - is that degree of consideration for others asking too much of smokers?
Yet even now you are still not satisfied. You complain about having to 'run the gauntlet of smokers' standing outside, daring to pollute your air. You even complain when they are outside in the Beer Garden......though i'm sure you couldn't give a flying fig when they in the Beer Garden during winter.
Tracker - 2012-05-28 3:14 PM....why do you consider that non smokers do not have any rights to breath unpolluted air........
You need to move and live in the Antarctic if you crave 'unpolluted air'. *-)
pepe63 - 2012-05-28 3:54 PMI'm with Tracker on this....if smokers had've had the common courtesy not to smoke in situations where it was quite clearly inappropriate and just bad mannered(..e.g small,crowded pubs or where food was being served).....
Eh?? Where have you been living?? Smoking has not been allowed inside any public buildings in the UK since 2007........apart from Westminster so that all the MP's who smoke can continue 'as normal'.
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This thread no longer relates to its original purpose, which somewhere along the line involved motorhomes and the carrying of certain goods. So thanks Tracker for hijacking it to your own ends, by taking it completely off topic. Why not shove in your opinions on politics and religion, light the blue touchpaper, stand back and enjoy.



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Guest pelmetman
Shaun - 2012-05-28 7:06 PM


This thread no longer relates to its original purpose, which somewhere along the line involved motorhomes and the carrying of certain goods. So thanks Tracker for hijacking it to your own ends, by taking it completely off topic. Why not shove in your opinions on politics and religion, light the blue touchpaper, stand back and enjoy.




If you think this is bad you want to visit the dark side once in a while................ >:-)

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Guest Tracker
Shaun - 2012-05-28 7:06 PM


This thread no longer relates to its original purpose, which somewhere along the line involved motorhomes and the carrying of certain goods. So thanks Tracker for hijacking it to your own ends, by taking it completely off topic. Why not shove in your opinions on politics and religion, light the blue touchpaper, stand back and enjoy.




And just who do you think you are to dictate to others what they might or might no say?.


Have you never heard of free speech - or does that only apply to you?


If you don't like the way it is going why not steer it back the way you prefer instead of whinging?


I am not the only one who has contributed on this thread so why not have a bleat at everyone else too?

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Bulletguy - 2012-05-28 6:30 PM


pepe63 - 2012-05-28 3:54 PM


I'm with Tracker on this..

..if smokers had've had the common courtesy not to smoke in situations where it was quite clearly inappropriate and just bad mannered(..e.g small,crowded pubs or where food was being served).....

Eh?? Where have you been living?? Smoking has not been allowed inside any public buildings in the UK since 2007........apart from Westminster so that all the MP's who smoke can continue 'as normal'.


May I suggest you concentrate slightlty less on your ranting and a little more on reading what folk have posted ..?? :-S


My post was clearly written in the past tense....


.."..IF smokers HAD'VE HAD common courtesy..".

.. "..then maybe a ban WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN NEEDED in the first place.."



And as for the demise of local pubs(..which smokers supposedly hold/held so dear?)..well,it appears as if they'd rather let them go to the wall,than cut back on a few fags for an evening or two..*-)

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pelmetman - 2012-05-28 7:09 PM


Shaun - 2012-05-28 7:06 PM


This thread no longer relates to its original purpose, which somewhere along the line involved motorhomes and the carrying of certain goods. So thanks Tracker for hijacking it to your own ends, by taking it completely off topic. Why not shove in your opinions on politics and religion, light the blue touchpaper, stand back and enjoy.




If you think this is bad you want to visit the dark side once in a while................ >:-)


Just which forum is the dark side these days as they all refer to the "Dark Side". If there is a dark side I wanna be a member of it! B-)

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Seeing as this has digressed into a smoking/no-smoking debate, I note that there is a new health warning TV advert out at the present which I caught part of the other night - it shows a woman in her home with 2 kiddies, and she'd been smoking. The ad stated that 80% of the 'smoke' emitted couldn't be seen and if you could see it, you would be horrified and wouldn't smoke, or something to that effect.


Smoking in pubs - I do not smoke, hate the smell/effect it has etc on me etc, but I too do not understand why smoking rooms were not allowed in pubs so long as they had sufficient ventilation to prevent the fumes from coming into the main pub (remember when pubs had a 'smoking area' in the corner of an open plan room ... what a joke that was!


As for the argument about garden rooms being non-smoking places, I can see both sides of the argument but as these places are frequented by FAMILIES (lots of pubs have play areas for kiddies) and those who WANT to sit outside in the FRESH AIR, then surely having people smoking there isn't very polite is it? Surely smokers can see this side of the debate? Is it really so difficult for a smoker to move away to smoke and then go back to his/her seat so as not to cause offence etc to those who do not smoke?


As for pubs having to close due to the direct effect of being deserted by their smoking punters, surely any pub that wanted to keep it's smoking customers would surely have put up 'shelters' for them, thus meeting the requirements of the law for them not to smoke inside but still keeping their smoking punters as happy as they could (within reason), the fact that most didn't to me seems to indicate that the loss of their custom wasn't quite as great as some suggest. Yes it would cost money to do this, but surely if the revenue they generated was so great, it would have been money well spent?



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pepe63 - 2012-05-28 7:15 PM


May I suggest you concentrate slightlty less on your ranting and a little more on reading what folk have posted ..?? :-S


My post was clearly written in the past tense....


.."..IF smokers HAD'VE HAD common courtesy..".

.. "..then maybe a ban WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN NEEDED in the first place.."


BOSIPP had absolutely nothing at all to do with 'common courtesy' of smokers.......nothing whatsoever. It would not have changed anything even if Smokers had (just as one example) settled for a Smoke Room in Pubs as used to be. (note; past tense). When that suggestion was put forward there was much crowing from the anti-smoke Fascists about smoke 'wafting' into their territory.


The Fascists demanded everything......and got it.


But now they are still not happy as there isn't much left for them for them to crow about except people daring to be seen outside with a cigarette.


I used to think that I lived in a civilised Western society but quite frankly the UK anti-smoke Fascists have turned it into something more akin to a Totalitarian regime waging a campaign of venomous hatred against smokers.


In fact I am staggered that any of you venture outside of this regime you so defiantly uphold as your venom and hate would be ridiculed by the non-smokers in European countries where logic and sense prevail.



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Guest Tracker

So basically Paul, what you are saying is that anyone who dares to disagree with your philosophy that smokers should be allowed to pollute poison and inconvenience everyone else because it is their right to be so selfish and arrogant, is a fascist?


If so I'm happy to be called whatever you want as long as a law exists to curb the inconsideration of people like yourself who know all about their rights but know nothing of their responsibilities towards the rights of others.


In a truly civilised society a smoker would not even consider inconveniencing anyone else much less demand that he should be allowed to do so and I am very fortunate that I no longer live in a society that conforms to your beliefs that smoking in public places - be they indoors or outdoors - is civilised.

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Original thread was in effect whether the Police/Duane had the right to "hassle" Motor caravaners" over the amount of Tobacco products they where carrying (or not)? Right?


Well My understanding of EU Regulations is that the sale and transport of any amount of goods upon which all taxes have been paid in the EU country of purchase IS LEGAL.


HOWEVER we have the problem of a certain landlocked NON EU European country, whose Taxation regime for tobacco products is virtually non existent. this poses a great problem for the French Authorities as "duty free" allowances are the same as anywhere coming from Outside the EU, Only in this case it does not involve airline travel or hours waiting at airports etc; So when traveling in parts of France it is not uncommon to be stopped (in my case near Le Mans) and asked to account for the source of purchase of Tobacco and or Alcohol. The "smuggling" of these items is a great source of illegal income in certain parts of the french countryside!!! It is theses items the French "cops" seek NOT your cheap (er than the UK) case(s) of wine or supermarket purchases of Cigarettes.



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Guest pelmetman
Barryd999 - 2012-05-28 7:50 PM


pelmetman - 2012-05-28 7:09 PM


Shaun - 2012-05-28 7:06 PM


This thread no longer relates to its original purpose, which somewhere along the line involved motorhomes and the carrying of certain goods. So thanks Tracker for hijacking it to your own ends, by taking it completely off topic. Why not shove in your opinions on politics and religion, light the blue touchpaper, stand back and enjoy.




If you think this is bad you want to visit the dark side once in a while................ >:-)


Just which forum is the dark side these days as they all refer to the "Dark Side". If there is a dark side I wanna be a member of it! B-)


The dark side is "Chatterbox"where we are tormented by the devil FG 8-) ........ but........we are safe at the moment coz he's uppa mountain..........I thought it was a fat bird........but apparantly its a big hill :D





I do apologies to those of a sensitive disposition........for my sense of humour ;-)

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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2012-05-28 10:04 PM


pelmetman - 2012-05-28 9:47 PM






The dark side is "Chatterbox"where we are tormented by the devil FG 8-) ......









I'm not.





I know Malc.......... ;-)









For some less is more :D

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pelmetman - 2012-05-28 9:47 PM


Barryd999 - 2012-05-28 7:50 PM


pelmetman - 2012-05-28 7:09 PM


Shaun - 2012-05-28 7:06 PM


This thread no longer relates to its original purpose, which somewhere along the line involved motorhomes and the carrying of certain goods. So thanks Tracker for hijacking it to your own ends, by taking it completely off topic. Why not shove in your opinions on politics and religion, light the blue touchpaper, stand back and enjoy.




If you think this is bad you want to visit the dark side once in a while................ >:-)


Just which forum is the dark side these days as they all refer to the "Dark Side". If there is a dark side I wanna be a member of it! B-)


The dark side is "Chatterbox"where we are tormented by the devil FG 8-) ........ but........we are safe at the moment coz he's uppa mountain..........I thought it was a fat bird........but apparantly its a big hill :D





I do apologies to those of a sensitive disposition........for my sense of humour ;-)


Oh that Dark side. I like it there. You meet a better class of nutter. :-D

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Guest Tracker

I really would like to add to this new debate about the dark side but as it would be off topic I am fearful of the revenge of the fascist pigs topic gestapo!


It's bad enough having the pro smoking fascist gestapo on my case as I really am such a timid, sensitive and lovable kinda guy - well my dog loves me anyway and everyone else is insignificant in her mind - which by the way I sometimes think is a lot more amenable than some of the alleged minds on here!

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Guest pelmetman

Talking of nutters........No not you Rich ;-)


I have discoverd the necter of the God's............ Walnut oil :-D ...........


It must be why he designed them to look like b*****ks........because they they make the most devine oil......



Unfortunately they do need crushing to get at the oil 8-) 8-) ..........Ooops.........OT again :$

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Guest pelmetman
BGD - 2012-05-28 10:57 PM


Methinks this thread has meandered too far now. Time to call time on it.


Spoil sport :-( ..........I was just about to give my recipe for the most delightful salad dressing........ :-S

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Tracker - 2012-05-28 9:38 PM


So basically Paul, what you are saying is that anyone who dares to disagree with your philosophy that smokers should be allowed to pollute poison and inconvenience everyone else because it is their right to be so selfish and arrogant, is a fascist?


For one my view and opinion of people talking about "polluting poisons, selfish, arrogant, and 'inconveniencing' everyone"......(errr hello.....everyone?), waging campaigns of hatred, spitting venom and bile, is not a philosophical one.....it's a factual one.


Are these people Fascists?




Their extreme views are representative of a right wing Totalitarian nationalist regime behaving like demagogues.


Smokers have been driven out of everywhere......and driven totally to the edge. The vindictiveness and intolerance shown to them, all fuelled by hate and a controlling authoritarian presence, has to come to a stop. Looking back on historical events as well as watching the state of current political affairs taking place right now, the major 'cause' ingredient of which is HATRED......it's time to put and end to it and begin learning how to live with each other. That means tolerating......with a capital T.


Some things I indulge or enjoy which you may not like or indeed disapprove of, you need to change your mindset into a more tolerant approach. There may well be certain things you enjoy which I possibly don't, but I would not disapprove of it because I am neither an intolerant or authoritarian 'control freak'.


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Humans are strange creatures...


Adam and Eve are in the Garden ogf Eden and everything is going swimmingly. God has said "Keep your mitts off my favourite tree or there will be trouble" but, of course, that's too difficult a concept for Adam and Eve to understand. So they've scoffed God's favourite fruit and what do they do? Stick leaves on their genitalia - weird!


As far as the peculiar tobacco habit is concerned, this must surely say it all.


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i havent smoked for ten years, but wouldnt dream of telling (demanding?) others not to. its choice, especially as my diesel motorhome churns out enough noxious substance to make a dozen smokers cough. (i hate it when people drive up by the beer garden when im trying to have a pollution free meal). apart from the pollution there is also the chance that when they've had a drink (or more?) they could run me over.

come on guys, get a life.

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Mel B - 2012-05-28 9:07 PMSeeing as this has digressed into a smoking/no-smoking debate, I note that there is a new health warning TV advert out at the present which I caught part of the other night - it shows a woman in her home with 2 kiddies, and she'd been smoking. The ad stated that 80% of the 'smoke' emitted couldn't be seen and if you could see it, you would be horrified and wouldn't smoke, or something to that effect.Smoking in pubs - I do not smoke, hate the smell/effect it has etc on me etc, but I too do not understand why smoking rooms were not allowed in pubs so long as they had sufficient ventilation to prevent the fumes from coming into the main pub (remember when pubs had a 'smoking area' in the corner of an open plan room ... what a joke that was!As for the argument about garden rooms being non-smoking places, I can see both sides of the argument but as these places are frequented by FAMILIES (lots of pubs have play areas for kiddies) and those who WANT to sit outside in the FRESH AIR, then surely having people smoking there isn't very polite is it? Surely smokers can see this side of the debate? Is it really so difficult for a smoker to move away to smoke and then go back to his/her seat so as not to cause offence etc to those who do not smoke? As for pubs having to close due to the direct effect of being deserted by their smoking punters, surely any pub that wanted to keep it's smoking customers would surely have put up 'shelters' for them, thus meeting the requirements of the law for them not to smoke inside but still keeping their smoking punters as happy as they could (within reason), the fact that most didn't to me seems to indicate that the loss of their custom wasn't quite as great as some suggest. Yes it would cost money to do this, but surely if the revenue they generated was so great, it would have been money well spent?


Publicans did ask for the 'leeway' to put in or allocate 'smoking rooms' with the appropriate 'air scrubbers' in place.  I used to work in a pub with these fitted so I know they work.  Obviously this course of 'compromise' was ignored.


Smoking shelters work in a limited capacity.  Yes it allows smokers to visit the pub and 'nip out' for a drag.  Unfortunately, according to an ex landlord (he had three pubs but has none now!) the smoking ban was the reason for his pubs demise.  All pubs were what I will refer to as 'working mens' pubs not these 'theme drinking places'.  A group of regulars used to meet every Friday.  A few of them smoked.  So the smoking ban comes in and mid conversation one of the group goes outside to the 'leper colony smoking area/shelter' for a smoke.  This is no big deal.  Then another, and another goes to join him.  Sure enough throughout the course of the evening the conversation becomes disrupted by these coming and goings.  Eventually the group decides that they will forgo the pub and meet in one or other of the smokers homes every Friday.  There they can drink, smoke, converse and relax as they used to down the pub before the smoking ban came into effect.  The loss of 'punters' in this way has been multiplied hundreds of thousands of times throughout the country and is cited by landlords as the single biggest contributor to pub closures since drink driving laws were introduced......though I suspect there will still be an element of society that will dispute this 'fact'.


While I agree that smokers should be considerate referring to the 'outdoor beer garden' scenario I was once asked by someone to stop smoking in one once.  We had been there for some time when this couple came and sat at the table next to us.  Yes one of our party was smoking as these people sat down.  There were lots of other tables around they could have chosen.  I/we declined pointing out it had been their choice to sit next to us and as we could not sit and socialise other than in the beer garden as a group which included 'smokers'.  We suggested they move to another table.  They complained to the landlord who fortunately (once the facts were known) agreed with us.


The 'anti-smoking' brigade really should have more tolerance.  It is they who forced smokers (partaking of a 'legal' habit) outdoors so they really should either sit well away from smokers or stay indoors where they had us banned from so they could enjoy the smoke free atmosphere.  They can't have it both ways.


As for smokers not being 'polite' and not moving away from non smokers.....this simply moves the 'indoors conversation/socialising break up of the group' illustrated above outdoors.....smokers have been 'forced' outdoors and now it is suggested they 'move on' again!  Sorry Mel I disagree.  Smoke disperses pretty quickly outdoors so if non smokers still don't like it then like I said they should either stay indoors or go elsewhere.


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