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French police and customs searching UK campers

Guest JudgeMental

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Nobody has "banned" or "forced" smokers anywhere.. :-S


People who smoke, are just as able to use the same pubs,clubs,restaurants etc today,as there were "pre-ban"....it's just that they have to refrain from smoking for the,relatively short,time they are there...how hard can that be...? *-)


Take a look over in "Chatterbox",as a thread has been started over there....

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Guest JudgeMental
JamesFrance - 2012-05-29 11:33 AM


The best thing I ever did was give up smoking 25 years ago having smoked for about 40 years.


I just regret all the money I wasted before then.


and me over 20 years ago......My brother in laws lungs are shot, he gave up for 6 months and now back on them!! People are a danger to themselves and others..and a drain on NHS


Going to Croatia soon, and there not uncommon to see a family at table in restaurant with adults literally chain smoking with a table full of kids....they say ignorance is bliss.......You go into some bars in Brugge for instance and the atmosphere is unbelievable.... you cant even see the bar!


I am so glad we have the legislation we have to protect us from these pig ignorant selfish people. You only have to look at some of the responses on here....Astonishing stuff *-)

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pepe63 - 2012-05-29 10:41 AMNobody has "banned" or "forced" smokers anywhere.. :-S People who smoke, are just as able to use the same pubs,clubs,restaurants etc today,as there were "pre-ban"....it's just that they have to refrain from smoking for the,relatively short,time they are there...how hard can that be...? *-) Take a look over in "Chatterbox",as a thread has been started over there....


Spin doctor language methinks......the signs in place are indicative of a 'prohibition'........in little words 'a ban' or banned:


Extract from politics.co.uk report:


In 2006, parliament voted to ban smoking in all workplaces, on public and work transport, in pubs, clubs, membership clubs, cafes, restaurants and shopping centres in England and Wales.


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Guest Tracker

At the end of the day you smokers can argue all you like but the plain fact is that smoking kills and if you want to kill yourself that's fine but please leave everyone else to breath clean air and live a bit longer than you choose to.


Fortunately because smokers are incapable of showing restraint and consideration there are laws to protect the innocent from tobacco poisoning and you smokers can protest all you like but the law remains.


It is plain that the sheer selfishness and arrogance of smokers will never allow them to admit that their habit is lethal and unpleasant to others and that same attitude will not allow them to curtail their addiction even when others may be eating or plainly offended by the pollution.


It never fails to amaze me how vehemently smokers will defend the indefensible and you can call us all the names you like but the plain fact is that a massive 80% of the population does not smoke and in a democratic and civilised society you would expect the majority wish to be respected instead of lambasted.


So maybe it is the smokers who are the fascist pigs for insisting on behaving so anti socially?

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donna miller - 2012-05-29 2:34 PMI have a very good friend who deals in ladders, both step and extending, he could make an absolute killing on here selling his wares to the anti-smoking brigade.After all, they must need some help getting on and off horses that high. *-)


I was thinking of marketing 'designer soap boxes'.....:-D


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Am in France and heading to Roscoff. Is there anything new I should know regarding the French police.......usually they just ask if you were in Spain, as I have come up from Santander is there anything I should know ???!! B-)
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KeithR - 2012-05-29 9:30 AM


i havent smoked for ten years, but wouldnt dream of telling (demanding?) others not to. its choice, especially as my diesel motorhome churns out enough noxious substance to make a dozen smokers cough. (i hate it when people drive up by the beer garden when im trying to have a pollution free meal). apart from the pollution there is also the chance that when they've had a drink (or more?) they could run me over.

come on guys, get a life.


You should see the blue fug our 2 stroke scooter churns out at full chat!


bgrobbins@hotmail.co - 2012-05-29 4:17 PM


Am in France and heading to Roscoff. Is there anything new I should know regarding the French police.......usually they just ask if you were in Spain, as I have come up from Santander is there anything I should know ???!! B-)


Yes. There is a brilliant Kebab shop in Roscoff.

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RogerC - 2012-05-29 2:57 PM
donna miller - 2012-05-29 2:34 PMI have a very good friend who deals in ladders, both step and extending, he could make an absolute killing on here selling his wares to the anti-smoking brigade.After all, they must need some help getting on and off horses that high. *-)


I was thinking of marketing 'designer soap boxes'.....:-D

I thought that 'pelmetman' was already doing that?! :D
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RogerC - 2012-05-29 10:26 AMPublicans did ask for the 'leeway' to put in or allocate 'smoking rooms' with the appropriate 'air scrubbers' in place.  I used to work in a pub with these fitted so I know they work.  Obviously this course of 'compromise' was ignored.


Smoking shelters work in a limited capacity.  Yes it allows smokers to visit the pub and 'nip out' for a drag.  Unfortunately, according to an ex landlord (he had three pubs but has none now!) the smoking ban was the reason for his pubs demise.  All pubs were what I will refer to as 'working mens' pubs not these 'theme drinking places'.  A group of regulars used to meet every Friday.  A few of them smoked.  So the smoking ban comes in and mid conversation one of the group goes outside to the 'leper colony smoking area/shelter' for a smoke.  This is no big deal.  Then another, and another goes to join him.  Sure enough throughout the course of the evening the conversation becomes disrupted by these coming and goings.  Eventually the group decides that they will forgo the pub and meet in one or other of the smokers homes every Friday.  There they can drink, smoke, converse and relax as they used to down the pub before the smoking ban came into effect.  The loss of 'punters' in this way has been multiplied hundreds of thousands of times throughout the country and is cited by landlords as the single biggest contributor to pub closures since drink driving laws were introduced......though I suspect there will still be an element of society that will dispute this 'fact'.


While I agree that smokers should be considerate referring to the 'outdoor beer garden' scenario I was once asked by someone to stop smoking in one once.  We had been there for some time when this couple came and sat at the table next to us.  Yes one of our party was smoking as these people sat down.  There were lots of other tables around they could have chosen.  I/we declined pointing out it had been their choice to sit next to us and as we could not sit and socialise other than in the beer garden as a group which included 'smokers'.  We suggested they move to another table.  They complained to the landlord who fortunately (once the facts were known) agreed with us.


The 'anti-smoking' brigade really should have more tolerance.  It is they who forced smokers (partaking of a 'legal' habit) outdoors so they really should either sit well away from smokers or stay indoors where they had us banned from so they could enjoy the smoke free atmosphere.  They can't have it both ways.


As for smokers not being 'polite' and not moving away from non smokers.....this simply moves the 'indoors conversation/socialising break up of the group' illustrated above outdoors.....smokers have been 'forced' outdoors and now it is suggested they 'move on' again!  Sorry Mel I disagree.  Smoke disperses pretty quickly outdoors so if non smokers still don't like it then like I said they should either stay indoors or go elsewhere.

What would you do if the example you give was the other way round? Put yourself in the 'non-smoker' camp and imaging that whilst sitting outside in a group and with no-one being a smoker, someone sat on the next table to you all and started to smoke whilst you were eating ... you wouldn't be happy would you. Regardless of whether smoke disperses quickly, the stink and fumes are still there initially, or longer depending on how much the smokers smoke and it isn't pleasant for anyone who doesn't smoke or has health issues which are affected by the fumes/toxins/chemicals.Smoking (including using a pipe, own-rolled, cigars) is the one habit that literally gets up other people's noses and can cause them health and other problems and that is indefensible no matter how you want to view it and especially for those who smoke inconsiderately. :-S
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bgrobbins@hotmail.co - 2012-05-29 4:17 PM


Am in France and heading to Roscoff. Is there anything new I should know regarding the French police.......usually they just ask if you were in Spain, as I have come up from Santander is there anything I should know ???!! B-)


I don't think there's anthing new you should beware of, but, as the French speed-camera warning-device law was recently introduced and the French breahalyser law comes into play from July, one might reasonably anticipate there'd be a more active than usual French police presence at the moment.


Consequently, it would be prudent to check that you've got all the legally mandatory paraphanalia onboard and to hand - vehicle-related documentation, warning triangle and high-viz waistcoat. I doubt that this will be relevant when you reach Roscoff, but it would be sensible just in case you got stopped on the way.

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Timely incident.

Was cycling to work this morning when I was narrowly missed by a lit butt-end being flicked from a car that overtook me. It then immediately got held in traffic and as I passed I said a sarcastic "cheers".

The gormless, fat, pasty early 20's face looking back at me belonged to a woman. In the back of her car were a couple of scraggy kids.

It would seem that everyone and everything came second to her own gratification.

Paradigm for smokers.

I'm glad I'm a fascist.
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Tracker - 2012-05-29 2:40 PM

Fortunately because smokers are incapable of showing restraint and consideration there are laws to protect the innocent from tobacco poisoning and you smokers can protest all you like but the law remains.


There seems to be a lot of generalising amongst the anti smoking brigade about smokers. You would think we were the spawn of Satan. Clearly all smokers are evil inconsiderate lowlifes that will eat your children and will go out of their way to polute your fresh air.


Good grief! I smoke about ten fags a day (wish I didnt but I do). I would never dream of smoking in close proximity of others and even if outside in a beer garden would not light up next to someone eating. I dont smoke in my own car if the wife is in it and never smoke in the house or the van. Im not fussed about the smoking ban in pubs. I agree with it. I wont even have a fag within 20 minutes of seeing a customer as its foul on your breath. Give us a break though. You would think the way some people are banging on we were all child killers or something. Its perfectly legal to smoke in this country, there are a lot worse things that people do and inconsideration is rife in all walks of life.


Get over yourselves! :-D

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Guest Tracker

Thanks Barry for having an enlightened view which I'm sure is much appreciated by those around you.


Ironically we will never know how many smokers do show courtesy and restraint by not smoking as it is only those who don't that get noticed and bring disrepute on all smokers but I suspect that there are many more like yourself at large.


To redress this problem perhaps all the unselfish smokers could wear a special T shirt or baseball cap with the words boldly emblazoned upon them -


'Thank me for not smoking'


Anyone else got any other ideas for a considerate smoker's logo?

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donna miller - 2012-05-31 3:29 PM


Tracker - 2012-05-30 10:27 AM



Anyone else got any other ideas for a considerate smoker's logo?


Yes, how about....



"The only difference between smokers and non smokers is...... smokers don't give a toss if you don't smoke"


How true that is Donna!


You could simplify that to say - 'faggers don't give a toss about anyone else'.

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We were asked where we'd stopped overnight when we were on an early morning channel tunnel crossing last year.  When we told them 'on the aire in Calais' we were asked whether we'd left the vehicle at any time and if anyone could have hidden in the vehicle.  After the dog decided that she obsolutely did not want this person to open the van door and made that perfectly clear to the customs official, they just said 'oh, no-ones going to get in there are they' and waved us on.

This year, on UK side on our way into france, we were asked the reason for our journey and how much cash we'd got.  I told them we had about 100euros so they asked how we intended to finance our holiday.  I was very tempted to state that I was going to try to raise cash by selling myself to the highest bidder but decided it would be prudent to admit that we were carrying pre-paid euro cards!

They're only doing their job after all and get a lot of flack if undesirables are admitted into the country.

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We travelled up from jan de luz........to Aber Wrach on the west coast and used all types of road ....never even saw a gendarmes. On asking around the various sites......several nationalities.......all had the same story, no police problems and no mention of breathalysers. No problems either with speed cameras....though there are more of the in small towns and villages than before
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2012-05-30 10:27 AM


Thanks Barry for having an enlightened view which I'm sure is much appreciated by those around you.


Ironically we will never know how many smokers do show courtesy and restraint by not smoking as it is only those who don't that get noticed and bring disrepute on all smokers but I suspect that there are many more like yourself at large.


To redress this problem perhaps all the unselfish smokers could wear a special T shirt or baseball cap with the words boldly emblazoned upon them -


'Thank me for not smoking'


Anyone else got any other ideas for a considerate smoker's logo?


What about go screw yourself I do it, it's legal.


I can't do it in a confined space any more so what's the big deal, if I come by you smoking tell me to piss off I really won't mind, many people do things I don't like, but you know what, that's life, I don't keep banging on about it, and if there is one thing worse in the universe it's an ex smoker banging on as they do.


I'm not ashamed to admit being addicted, and have been for 50 years, but I give the government £6 in tax for every packet, no wonder they keep putting the price up. Don't worry I'll die long before you anti's and my taxes paid over the years will go to supporting you in your dementia years and home help services well into your eighties, now that should bring a warm glow !


Vehicle airborne pollution is a far greater threat to all of us, but how many of you anti's are parking up your vehicles and taking a bike instead, trust me a few whiffs of passive smoke is the least of your worries in the great scheme of things, if you don't get that you wont get anything, and I have to say if it's the smell of tobacco you don't like, some of you folks with your stale body odours and bad breath can run it a close second, but what can I do about that, maybe carry around a bar of soap to hand out . ;-)

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Guest Tracker

Oh goody - another malodourous fagger having a go a making a whingeing justification of his habit!


But thanks for the offer of a bar of soap - hope it's perfumed to drown out the smell of passing faggers!


I am no expert but I did believe that your other suggestion is physically impossible but you seem to know different - and I won't ask what drove you to finding that out - it sure wasn't the frustration of giving up fags!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2012-05-31 8:19 PM


Oh goody - another malodourous fagger having a go a making a whingeing justification of his habit!


But thanks for the offer of a bar of soap - hope it's perfumed to drown out the smell of passing faggers!


I am no expert but I did believe that your other suggestion is physically impossible but you seem to know different - and I won't ask what drove you to finding that out - it sure wasn't the frustration of giving up fags!!


Tracker I'm sure your as pure as the driven snow, and no one could in any way find anything, or any aspect of your lifestyle that could possibly annoy or impact on others. Yes some of us do stink a bit of our fags, but trust me our acknowledged lessening sense of smell can be a blessing at times. None of us are perfect so lighten up about the fag thing, and maybe just maybe a little understanding and a little less condemnation would not go amiss, or has toleration become another word we can't use in the UK now, I'm not such a bad bloke in the flesh, even if I do stink of Woodbines, ;-)

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Guest Tracker
Tolerance is a two way process - and when faggers show their tolerance of non faggers by not fagging anywhere near the non faggers, the faggers might then be entitled to be shown some tolerance by the non fagging 80% of society - but until that day dawns - if it ever does - zero tolerance of faggers rules!!
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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2012-05-31 8:41 PM


Tolerance is a two way process - and when faggers show their tolerance of non faggers by not fagging anywhere near the non faggers, the faggers might then be entitled to be shown some tolerance by the non fagging 80% of society - but until that day dawns - if it ever does - zero tolerance of faggers rules!!


If you posted that post on a American MH forum Rich........It would have a completely different meaning 8-)


(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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