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French police and customs searching UK campers

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2012-05-31 8:41 PM


Tolerance is a two way process - and when faggers show their tolerance of non faggers by not fagging anywhere near the non faggers, the faggers might then be entitled to be shown some tolerance by the non fagging 80% of society - but until that day dawns - if it ever does - zero tolerance of faggers rules!!


Anywhere near, oh you mean like a no go zone, maybe a machine gun post patrolled Berlin wall type no go area , an Israel / Palestine type no mans land, or perhaps you'd go further and look for a more permanent solution, like a kind of final solution for us smokers, I think your attitude shows everything that has gone rotten in the UK. I never smoke by anyone that may object, but you take the biscuit for intolerance. Years ago everyone would groan when their pipe smoking uncle showed up filling their room with smoke, even the faggers, but trust me life was a lot more civilised back then, when it was a case of live and let live, what an embittered society we have changed into now as you so perfectly illustrate with your "zero" tolerance .

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Guest Tracker
pelmetman - 2012-05-31 8:56 PM


Tracker - 2012-05-31 8:41 PM


Tolerance is a two way process - and when faggers show their tolerance of non faggers by not fagging anywhere near the non faggers, the faggers might then be entitled to be shown some tolerance by the non fagging 80% of society - but until that day dawns - if it ever does - zero tolerance of faggers rules!!


If you posted that post on a American MH forum Rich........It would have a completely different meaning 8-)


(lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)


Yes Dave - I realised that before I first said it - but I am sure the faggers will appreciate it being drawn to their attention!!

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Faggots I think is the term, not faggers



A no go zone and zero tolerance.

Anywhere near, oh you mean like a no go zone, maybe a machine gun post patrolled Berlin wall type no go area , an Israel / Palestine type no mans land, or perhaps you'd go further and look for a more permanent solution, like a kind of final solution for us smokers, I think your attitude shows everything that has gone rotten in the UK. I never smoke by anyone that may object, but you take the biscuit for intolerance. Years ago everyone would groan when their pipe smoking uncle showed up filling their room with smoke, even the faggers, but trust me life was a lot more civilised back then, when it was a case of live and let live, what an embittered society we have changed into now as you so perfectly illustrate with your "zero" tolerance


Of course the nett effect on Pub closures has been nothing short of catastrophic, so smokers and non smokers have all been the losers like us with our local pub shutting down.



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Guest Tracker

So yet again we have the holier than though smokers preaching about losing the same sort of freedom of choice that they so enthusiastically deny everyone else at every opportunity - the freedom to breath air of their choice - polluted or unpolluted!


However as a majority non smoker I now know that I am an an intolerant zero tolerant fascist - and I'm proud to be so!


Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it - I'm off to my local machine gun shop!



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Guest 1footinthegrave
Tracker - 2012-05-31 9:14 PM


So yet again we have the holier than though smokers preaching about losing the same sort of freedom of choice that they so enthusiastically deny everyone else at every opportunity - the freedom to breath air of their choice - polluted or unpolluted!


However as a majority non smoker I now know that I am an an intolerant zero tolerant fascist - and I'm proud to be so!


Stick that in yer pipe and smoke it - I'm off to my local machine gun shop!



Enjoy your polluted air, after all you contribute more to it in one outing in your van than a lifetime of a smokers output. Nothing is Black and White mate, and if you think someone smoking outside with all the other crap floating about in the air, including your vehicles exhaust, is a real problem your are ( with respect ) NUTS. Here's the deal you stop polluting the air with your van ( ownership of which puts you in a minority of road users so that levels it up with us minority smokers) and I'll give up the fags and my van, hows that, no thought not.

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Guest Tracker
That's a very generous offer Mike - but coming from one who drives a 2.8 diesel I rather think that my van already puts out no more pollution than your's and I personally, unlike you, put out no pollution at all - so here's the real deal - you give up whingeing about loss of smokers rights and stop trying to divert attention from your unnatural pastime and I'll carry on enjoying my van in clean air!
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Getting back to the subject Police stopping and searching vans .Came back through Dunkque port on Thursday,no sign of increased poilce presence at Dunkque, no checks in vans for iilegals.At Dover whole group of secruity(15-20) people standing watching as you drive through the shed ,despite this being our 4th time through this year never gave us a second look.

Beware though as we approached the port they had at the time closed the road to port ,the deveation signaged was terrible ,even freight lorries where going round the roundabouts twice trying to find way.

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1footinthegrave - 2012-05-31 9:04 PM

what an embittered society we have changed into now as you so perfectly illustrate with your "zero" tolerance


A very accurate statement. I have noticed over the last couple of year’s a downward spiral of intolerance in this country. People can’t wait to jump on the bandwagon to give some minority or other they don’t particularly like a damn good kicking.


Smokers at the moment but it could easily be immigrants, poor people, rich people, young people, old people, foreigners, unemployed spongers you name it, mention it on a forum these days and there are some that will jump on it like a tramp on a bag of chips.


I think some of you need to book a ferry and sod off to France for a while, chill out, have a beer and a fag and stop spitting bile at everything and everyone that doesn’t fit your vision of a model citizen.


I’m off next week over the water, who's with me!


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Guest 1footinthegrave
Barryd999 - 2012-06-02 8:58 AM


1footinthegrave - 2012-05-31 9:04 PM

what an embittered society we have changed into now as you so perfectly illustrate with your "zero" tolerance


A very accurate statement. I have noticed over the last couple of year’s a downward spiral of intolerance in this country. People can’t wait to jump on the bandwagon to give some minority or other they don’t particularly like a damn good kicking.



I think some of you need to book a ferry and sod off to France for a while, chill out, have a beer and a fag and stop spitting bile at everything and everyone that doesn’t fit your vision of a model citizen.




Obviously doesn't work for Tracker, as France is one of his preferred destinations, perhaps it's the free aires that allow him to put aside his prejudices, and considering the closeness of parking at some, and the fact that most French smoke like chimneys it is surprising, or he spends his time muttering about their unnatural habits, mind you I'd concede that one, grown men carrying around dogs in little bags is a bit odd. :D

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Guest JudgeMental
FRANKP60 - 2012-06-02 8:29 AM


Getting back to the subject Police stopping and searching vans .Came back through Dunkque port on Thursday,no sign of increased poilce presence at Dunkque, no checks in vans for iilegals.At Dover whole group of secruity(15-20) people standing watching as you drive through the shed ,despite this being our 4th time through this year never gave us a second look.

Beware though as we approached the port they had at the time closed the road to port ,the deveation signaged was terrible ,even freight lorries where going round the roundabouts twice trying to find way.


The problem is that smokers either do not, or don't want to realise what a disgusting habit they have..and neither side will ever agree......so best just drop it?


bumping this to get thread back on track *-)


we came back last week and all vehicles were checked while waiting to board...luckily my 2 Chinese gentleman where away at toilet 8-)


I bought spirits in Spain at an excellent price. because of weight purchased wine near Calais. I bought a sparkling wine for £6 a bottle (£12 here) and Champagne at £16 a bottle (£24 here) so still good savings to be had......weather not looking good for the party next weekend though *-)

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Guest pelmetman
JudgeMental - 2012-06-02 12:10 PM

I bought spirits in Spain at an excellent price. because of weight purchased wine near Calais. I bought a sparkling wine for £6 a bottle (£12 here) and Champagne at £16 a bottle (£24 here) so still good savings to be had......weather not looking good for the party next weekend though *-)


Cor you've got expensive tastes Eddie 8-)......................


I bought 40 litres of the finest giggle juice.......14 ish quid for 10 litres :D


As for customs not even a second glance *-)..........and I was wearing my number one thong just in case I got frisked :D

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JudgeMental - 2012-06-02 12:10 PM


FRANKP60 - 2012-06-02 8:29 AM


Getting back to the subject Police stopping and searching vans .Came back through Dunkque port on Thursday,no sign of increased poilce presence at Dunkque, no checks in vans for iilegals.At Dover whole group of secruity(15-20) people standing watching as you drive through the shed ,despite this being our 4th time through this year never gave us a second look.

Beware though as we approached the port they had at the time closed the road to port ,the deveation signaged was terrible ,even freight lorries where going round the roundabouts twice trying to find way.


The problem is that smokers either do not, or don't want to realise what a disgusting habit they have..and neither side will ever agree......so best just drop it?


bumping this to get thread back on track *-)


we came back last week and all vehicles were checked while waiting to board...luckily my 2 Chinese gentleman where away at toilet 8-)


I bought spirits in Spain at an excellent price. because of weight purchased wine near Calais. I bought a sparkling wine for £6 a bottle (£12 here) and Champagne at £16 a bottle (£24 here) so still good savings to be had......weather not looking good for the party next weekend though *-)




Personal recommendation for fizzy wine buyers.......


Should've bought Spanish Cava whilst in Spain (or indeed whilst in France, but it is cheaper in Spain).

It's exactly the same stuff as Champagne, made from exactly the same variety of grapes, using exactly the same double-fermentation method.


It costs miles and miles less than the French-made stuff.


Tastes exactly the same.

But 'cos it ain't made in the tiny little area of France that legally is the only place where the product can be labelled "champagne", it is called "cava" instead..


You can get a VERY good vintage brut or semi-sec cava in Spain for maybe 8 to 10 euros. Non-vintage for a lot less.


Good stuff!

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Guest JudgeMental

I did intend to get Cava in France ..but french supermarkets have become very nationalistic! *-) FRENCH signs up everywhere even on tomatoes :-S Probably fed up with all the french scurrying over the border to Spain for BIG monthly shop 8-)


I wont make that mistake again......France far more expensive with worse produce then Spain. And before anyone starts...For things to grow and flourish (both animal and vegetable) sunlight and warmth are essential and France don't get a lot of neither.:D

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Hubby gets his wine from Leader Price - they do some very nice stuff, so he tells me, for around €1,05-€1,20 for 1.5 litres (depends whether you want rose, red or white) - it's their 'own' table wine in plastic screw top bottles so no heavy glass bottles to lug around either. They also do some other more well known wine, in glass bottles, for around €1,50 for 70cl.


And if you want cheap beer, go to Lidl in France, the cheapest we saw was 28c for a 330cl can and it wasn't 'weak' either. :D

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Guest pelmetman
Mel B - 2012-06-02 10:25 PM

Hubby gets his wine from Leader Price - they do some very nice stuff, so he tells me, for around €1,05-€1,20 for 1.5 litres (depends whether you want rose, red or white) - it's their 'own' table wine in plastic screw top bottles


Blimey 8-)..............and I thought I was a cheapskate 8-) 8-)..........


I've been outclassed :$ :$

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pelmetman - 2012-06-02 10:40 PM


Mel B - 2012-06-02 10:25 PM

Hubby gets his wine from Leader Price - they do some very nice stuff, so he tells me, for around €1,05-€1,20 for 1.5 litres (depends whether you want rose, red or white) - it's their 'own' table wine in plastic screw top bottles


Blimey 8-)..............and I thought I was a cheapskate 8-) 8-)..........


I've been outclassed :$ :$


(lol) (lol) (lol)

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Mel B - 2012-06-02 10:25 PM


Hubby gets his wine from Leader Price - they do some very nice stuff, so he tells me, for around €1,05-€1,20 for 1.5 litres (depends whether you want rose, red or white) - it's their 'own' table wine in plastic screw top bottles so no heavy glass bottles to lug around either. They also do some other more well known wine, in glass bottles, for around €1,50 for 70cl.


And if you want cheap beer, go to Lidl in France, the cheapest we saw was 28c for a 330cl can and it wasn't 'weak' either. :D




That exact same cheapo Lidl own-brand beer is only 24 cents a can in Spain........I know 'cos I buy it in both countries.

Jolly good stuff it is too. :-D

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