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Where is my aerial connection?

Ken P

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My Pilote Galaxy 270 has a TV cupboard (designed for a CRT). In the side of it there is a 240v socket, what I assume is a 12V socket (I'm new to MHs ) and an aerial socket.

I have unscrewed the aerial socket and there is cable attached to it but I can't find the other end so that I know where I could attach an aerial.

Anyone any ideas?



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I can only suggest you try checking inside the wardrobe...often a common place to have a directional TV aerial on a mast so you open the wardrobe and can rotate it. Hopefully someone will come along who actually knows.
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I echo both earlier replies.


It's likely that Pilote will have led the TV-aerial cable from the TV cupboard into the wardrobe (that's what Hobby has done with my motorhome). Also - as your Galaxy is a 2001 model - it's probable that, sometime in its life, a previous owner will have fitted some sort of external TV aerial and that there will be visible evidence of this if you inspect the motorhome's roof.

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Thanks for all the help.

"He that was lost is found" - under the rear bumper.

From the TV cabinet, (very discreet) trunking along one side of the van in the cupboards, through the shower and toilet into the wardrobe (as suggested). The cable runs down one corner of the wardrobe and is very hard to see but then goes through the floor and reappears at an aerial socket under the rear bumper.

Another quickie - is this coax cable only for an aerial or can I connect a satellite dish to it?



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Hi, for best reception it should be sat low loss cable, but it should still work, connect a dish and try it,you will need a satellite receiver of course.

Brian B


ps If the sockets are push in coax types, they will still work, you do not have to change them to F types,

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Ken P - 2012-05-03 7:59 AM


Thanks for all the help.

"He that was lost is found" - under the rear bumper.

From the TV cabinet, (very discreet) trunking along one side of the van in the cupboards, through the shower and toilet into the wardrobe (as suggested). The cable runs down one corner of the wardrobe and is very hard to see but then goes through the floor and reappears at an aerial socket under the rear bumper.

Another quickie - is this coax cable only for an aerial or can I connect a satellite dish to it?



I doubt that the cable-run you describe was originally installed by Pilote and the below-bumper socket suggests that a previous owner used to use an external 'stand alone' TV aerial of some sort.


Presumably you are anticipating using this type of portable dish?



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