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Lucy slow off the mark ?


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We have usually had a reminder from Lucy each month when MMM has left the depot & anticipated delivery day.

We received June 2012 magazine yesterday. Don't remember seeing any update so maybe she was busy with the Peterborough Show or off on her jollies. 8-)

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Warners' Brand Manager, Lucie Cranfield, has been posting about MMM's availability for a full 12 months now, so perhaps a years' worth of 'warnings' is considerd enough as the magazine has usually become available pretty much on the on-sale date published in the preceding issue.


Or, perhaps it's because Lucie is just fed up with forum members misspelling her first name or (following her last bulletin) whinging about the magazine's content.

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Guest Tracker

After the shambles of Peterborough I expect that everyone at Warners has been advised to keep a low profile until the dust settles - sorry I meant until the mud hardens!!


Hardly their finest hour!!


Poor Lucie - complaints if she posts and complaints if she don't - I do sympathise Lucie - you just can't win can you!!

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Tracker - 2012-05-03 1:59 PM


After the shambles of Peterborough I expect that everyone at Warners has been advised to keep a low profile until the dust settles - sorry I meant until the mud hardens!!


Hardly their finest hour!!


Poor Lucie - complaints if she posts and complaints if she don't - I do sympathise Lucie - you just can't win can you!!


Crocodile tears?? ;-)



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It's nice to see that you've all been missing me! I was at Peterborough Show on Friday and therefore wasn't able to let you all know that you could expect to receive your copy of the June issue of MMM on Monday/Tuesday this week. I did consider posting on Monday but as most of you would have already received your copy, there didn't seem much point! Normal service will resume again with the July issue reminder!


:-D Lucie

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Guest Tracker

Did you escape from Peterborough with your wellies Lucie or are they still sat there in a sea of sogginess waiting for some brave soul to retrieve them!


Do you or anyone else from Warners have any observations to make about the Peterborough 2012 experience and the lessons learnt (if any) and what might be changed for 2013 (if anything) as thousands of us are waiting with bated breath to know - well me and one or two others are anyway!

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