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Ongoing damp spell

josie gibblebucket

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Can't help but wonder how many folk with old (or maybe not so old) coachbuilts, that had hitherto had no damp problems, will now find that this prolonged wet spell has managed to find a way in? It must be awful to have your van sitting there on your drive and be unaware of any problem until you are next ready to get packed and go away.


Although I sometimes long for the extra space a coachbuilt would give us, I still think we did the right thing choosing a panel van conversion. They just don't have the same issues with water ingress, even as they age. *-)

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Yes but it doesn't always need to that way...

For some strange reason there seems to be some sort of "mystique" about "water ingress",with folk either thinking, "..I've had the damp check done and got the warranty ,so I'm fine.." or that it'll never happen to them or if it does,it was somehow "inevitable" anyway!?..


People do need to be more "proactive"....Just spending some time regularly washing the roof of the van and keeping an eye out for any "suspect" seams,is all it takes to spot problems before they occur, in many cases...


During the sunny spell we had(remember that?) I cut out and "rebeaded" a seam on our roof..it wasn't leaking and probably didn't need it but now I know it's done properly... ;-)

While I was at it I tidied up the original "snotty" bits of mastic that were around the rooflights(the bits that end up all "mossy" if you're not careful!)and rebeaded those....I also run a bead around our windows..leaving the bottoms open to "vent" (..or "drain" in worst case scenario (lol) )...


All in all,one tube of Sikaflex @ 7-8 quid and 2-3hrs worth tattin' about on the drive, is all it took..


...and doing similar,could end up saving folk hundreds of pounds..


Also,don't just think it's coachbuilts that leak...from what I can make out a good many leaks come from rooflights and windows...which I assume you have on your pvc..? ;-)

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