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Campingcars.Broken down again.


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:-S The day began in the town center where id spent the night,


People really are not able or willing to read,in this case the no parking signs,which while indeed mean no parking complete with a sign of a tow truck with disobedient car on toe. 8-) But its says the 10th May B-) i spent a peaceful night no longer surrounded by millions of camping cars :-D


I went for a walk trough town,its wonderful walking just before the shops open theres so much to see that one misses during the hectic day,today was no exception,Napoleons signal tower looked far more prominent than when surrounded by parked white vans and traffic :-S Thank goodness that dreadful man was not re elected 8-)


Back at the camping van i looked and felt sad,this might be the last days together :-(I have to be at our house hear in France (im a one of the many victims of the Olympics evicted by my sport mad family)Where my uncle wants to see his camping car & assure himself all will be well *-)


Ive been practicing what ill say but know it will do no good,


A group of people called "man" become very excited & unreasonable about the slightest scratch 8-) The damaged corner bits of plastic will be enough to return me to my camper :-( I want to explain that they are there for protection,and protected :-S I knew it would be hopeless


I drove to the supermarket,arrived and broke down again


This time the garage could only call the fiat garage,i went shopping while it was towed away It was the best thing imaginable the camping car felt a need to protect us and continue our travels 8-) My uncle called me to ask if i would be coming for Friday?I told him i coulnt and why *-)


He was very sympathetic told me he would put 1500euros on my account to cover the garage,asked me if i was ok,and hoped he would see me at christmas :-D


Yippeeee.Some time ago id split the bumper of a small Lotus elan which is something im never to forget.I found a horse in its place and was told that if i treat the horse as badly it may bite me 8-) :-S Its interesting parking a horse in town 8-)


Its stopped raining almost summery Life isnt so bad after all :-D

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plumbersvan - 2012-05-09 11:57 AM


Back at the camping van i looked and felt sad,this might be the last days together, I have to be at our house hear in France where my uncle wants to see his camping car & assure himself all will be well.


Ive been practicing what ill say but know it will do no good,


He was very sympathetic told me he would put 1500euros on my account to cover the garage,asked me if i was ok,and hoped he would see me at christmas :-D


Yippeeee. Life isnt so bad after all :-D

Hmmmmm, you're right - it did no good whatsoever.

Sorry, I've bashed up your (new Pilote wasn't it???) motorhome. Don't worry, here's 1500 Euros, lol!!

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sooty10 - 2012-05-09 4:22 PM


Is that it, or has it to be continued.




...Oh,they'll be more...you can bet in that! (lol)

(..although whether the next "instalment" will have any relevance what so ever, too what has already been posted is anyone's guess... ;-) )





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Well-read forum-members will have recognised that Fiona's challenging literary style marries Joyce's "Ulysses" stream-of-consciousness with Sterne's "Tristram Shandy" quirkiness. I'm not sure it truly 'comes off' on an internet forum, but I can see a serialised version - with some cartoons by Paul Sample (of Ogri-fame) perhaps - rapidly gaining a cult following within the pages of MMM.
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Derek Uzzell - 2012-05-09 6:17 PM


but I can see a serialised version - with some cartoons by Paul Sample (of Ogri-fame) perhaps - rapidly gaining a cult following within the pages of MMM.

.............Derek, I think recent postings already have!


Just like Saturday morning cinema cliffhangers.............I can't wait for the next episode.

I do hope Fiona gets out alive and goes on to even more daring stuff.

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Its a form of narrative of Fiona's travel in her own unique style. She types her thoughts down as they occur, and I for one quite enjoy reading it. Hopefully the jibes and thinly disguised sneers won't drive her away.

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michele - 2012-05-09 7:57 PM


Look I know I am daft but whats this about





its about. someone.

in a campervan who likes to right :-| down things. not all - ways 8o| too clear what but neverthe less

can b 8-) of some interest - hang on I've dropped my pen :-> but then again not everyone can follow it, but never the mind :-S it makes a nice chgange from.

all the aruing that gos on :-|







p.s. My view is that all input is welcome - long may plumbersvan continue !

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:-S Perhaps i shouldnt have posted *-) Ive been living in fear for days,standing behind the van trying not to see the broken corner bits,make of platic :'( what can one expect (?)


Knowing how unreasonable people can be when they see a tiny mark on a vehical 8-) over time causes fear of( posiable) confrontation,i was teriffied he would have someone else take his camper back to the UK for sale,which was what im(supposed to )Be doing


The remainder of my excile to Europe for the periond of the London games,would have been spent in my camping car which is a very good camper *-)


Once i discoverd the comfort of a small bathroom,in what is still a relitivly small camper,and the willingness of my uncle and arnt to extend the period i might use it is somthing very hard to give up just becouse of a few mishaps,which unfortunatly left there marks *-)


I beleive that the campervan felt it wants to travel a little more before being returned to the UK for an uncertain future refusing to start at all yesterday.Notiably i drove from the central parking to the garage parking where for the second time it refused to start & yesterday the mechanic could only call the Fiat garage :'(


Today we decided to have a few days at the sea front,its 24c outside thes sun is visiable life is as it should be B-)


I did almost hit another tree 8-) I was being VERY carful i didnt hit it but why do trees have such large low branches.I must put up a washing line.



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Fiona, I thought your uncle's camper was a relatively new Pilote - why does it keep breaking down?


Today I have to go to Shepton Mallet :-D to have the rear bearing of my bike looked at :-( as I cycle regularly and need it. It is very dull here.


Yesterday I went to Yeovil in the car ;-) as I was trying to get a present for my parent's Wedding Anniversary - it rained :-( The car park was full. I had a Chinese for dinner :-)


Tomorrow I am hoping to go for a long cycle ride to Burnham on Sea :-> provided the bearing issue is resolved. Looks like rain again.


I have an overhanging branch on my driveway that needs trimming to avoid contact with the van when returning from a trip :-| they can be a pain (lol) 8-)

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Yes indeed and why they being cut,i imagain,on the central parking *-) Alls well what ever it was cost 329.85€ TTC


During my short time as a campingcar ist :-D Ive seen many new campers broken down mechanicaly (stopped)and many more with electrical problems *-) saying they have to dirve their one year old HUGE 8-) 8-) camping truck with their fridge running on gas *-) *-) I was shocked that they could do such a thing *-) *-) They were from Belgium red plates for danger *-)


Coments made by garages imply one should have 4 years use before the troubles start 8-)


Gosh im so releived Sunday my Uncle will be safely back in the USA :-D

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bob b - 2012-05-09 9:47 PM

...She types her thoughts down as they occur...

What an incredible talent.

The only really interesting bit is the diversity of responses these threads create. From the hardened cynic to the abject gullible.

I agree the threads are fun and useful; they offer some real insight into the character of forum members.

I had a mate who would verbalise thoughts. It was funny from time to time trying to work out the depth of meaning from the random snippets.

He has special carers now.
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:-S Indeed.there those that consider anyone abroad for more than a long planed two week "bash"should be forbbiden,brought back and put to work in a labour run camp 8-) 8-) :-D


Ive met another British fellow with a Burstner Marano T580,which is much the same as this van :'( He considers it only just big enough for one B-) He has been in touring for longer than i have :-|


Theres another with a new vw camper who is now in his third year 8-)


And others not always from Britain that LIVE in there vans,become there only home *-) *-) Ive met several on my travels :-)


Last weekend before the elections we were a small group of (as we concluded) disadvantaged people that found a camping car a mostly agreeable place to live while facing economic hardship *-) 8-) :-S


We agreed that if we could work life could be much improved,economicaly,alternativly joining the majority in maximising the by now countless benifits that unempolyed & employed receive. :-(


We also agreed that it is far better we continue as we are,


We are a small but brave group of people that suffer hardship and excile (during the olimpics)in order not to take emplyment from others that seek it *-) :-D B-)


My washing is almost dry 8-) :-D The British rain is nearing but as yet hasnt arrived,i may even be able to walk to town to buy fish when the fishermen arrive :-D *-)

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plumbersvan - 2012-05-11 12:27 PMLast weekend before the elections we were a small group of disadvantaged people that found a camping car a mostly agreeable place to live while facing economic hardship


In other words a bunch of long haired, left wing, loonnies lol.


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