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CC, C&CC, Aires, ACSI GPS POI downloads


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Hello all.


Someone suggested I posted here as I am normally found on other motorhome forums (which I won't name here!)


Anyway, if you are not aware I've got loads of GPS databases available for motorhoming spots in he UK and Europe etc as well as the CC and C&CC locations. The CC & C&CC make their locations available on GPS, but not in the formats I use or others use judging by the amout of people who download them.


So if you are intersted, I have the 2012 CC and C&CC data available to download FREE in the following formats:-


* Autoroute 2010

* Autoroute 2011

* Google Earth Single Files

* Google Earth Combined files

* TomTom single file download

* CSV (Garmin etc) single file download


Info on the caravan club sites here: http://www.doyourdream.co.uk/2012/05/caravan-club-2012-gps-poi-download/

Info on the camping and caravanning club sites here: http://www.doyourdream.co.uk/2012/04/camping-and-caravanning-club-gps-pois-ccc/

Info on municiple sites in Europe here: http://www.doyourdream.co.uk/2011/06/municipal-campsites-france-beyond-gps/

And ACSI, Camping Cheque, BordAtlas and general European Aires and stop over database here: http://www.doyourdream.co.uk/2011/12/2012-gps-database-aires-service-acsi-etc-available/


And the direct download page for this and our other databases see: http://www.doyourdream.co.uk/resources-downloads/download-gps-poi-files/


I've also got lots of tips and advice and blogs from our 1000+ days away in the last few years.


Hope it is of use to someone on here!


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Thanks for these Ryan


We've been reading your site for ages and finally on the road ourselves, glad to see you're trying out the 'other' forums too. We've had lots of friendly help and advice from the people on here - usually when a bit of Dave (our Hymer) has gone kaput.


Look forward to reading about more of your trips soon and good luck with the house hunting.



OurTour - a mid life European wander in a motorhome

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Thanks Ryan, this will be really useful.

I've looked in on your site occasionally, ever since Steve Wood mentioned you when we bought OUR Cavarno - 4 years ago now.

Glad to see you on here - why not join in on the PMH forum too? some of the same people, but a few others and all reasonably well-behaved!


Thanks again, and happy travelling!

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Hi Ryan and Mel.

Thanks for all the info you give out.

Cant think it is over a year since we were on the Moroccan trip.

Keep up the good work and stay safe.

We are just coming to the end of an 8 week trip Spain,Portugal, Switzerland and back home through France.


David and Ann.

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I've downloaded the c&cc club listed and cs's onto my tomtom as when using the recomemded conversion site from c&cc they would not display, these now display on my vialive125 when in navigate mode, and I can 'search' for them. So thats good.

A problem I do have which I believe is more to do with my tomtom than anything else is that it displays all extra poi's I've added as just a red shield(? ) and not with the correct image, and irritatingly won't display poi's in map mode. Any one else had this problem with a tomtom?

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Thanks for the nice comments - never knew so many people knew us lol!

And another Cavarno owner... If only Steve paid comission eh?! Can you match our 1000+ days? ;) We do of course maintain it and have changed bits out, as well as running repairs, but all things considered its done well!

Hi Dave & Ann - Morocco was indeed over a year, and very good indeed. Gave us confidence for our 4 months backpacking in Asia which we may not have done had we not enjoyed Morocco. Highly recommended and good enough to say Asia was best trip ever (okay - without van!)


As for the TomTom quesiton - the image is stored in a separate "bitmap" file which I have included. So for each data set there should be a corresponding bitmap. It is essential that these have the same main name, so if you have squares, I'd say you've either only copied the data over (.ov2 files) and not the image (.bmp file) - or you've renamed the data file and not the image fie to the same name. Failing that your TomTom could be strugglng to render it if you have loads of other POIs.


And as for the house hunting, an offer has been made/accepted and its all chain free - so all being well we'll have a house in Wiltshire within a month...!


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activecampers - 2012-05-13 7:14 PM


As for the TomTom quesiton - the image is stored in a separate "bitmap" file which I have included. So for each data set there should be a corresponding bitmap. It is essential that these have the same main name, so if you have squares, I'd say you've either only copied the data over (.ov2 files) and not the image (.bmp file) - or you've renamed the data file and not the image fie to the same name. Failing that your TomTom could be strugglng to render it if you have loads of other POIs.


Well I can't rule out that I've done something wrong, but as far as I can see alls as it should be, but thinking about it I think it may possibly be something to do with french speed cameras being changed to danger point POI's as thats when I first noticed the icon.

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Hmmm. I've not done that yet as My TomTom isn't "standard" so doesn't connect to TomTom to get the Dangerzone update. I'll find a way around though :) There is a "mod" to allow a "panic" button - which if you get pulled quicly "hides" all the camera databases lol I may go with that.


Can't offer you any more afvice though - apart from maybe extracting and copy/pasting the contents directly in your "Map" folder on your tomtom?


Good luck


colin - 2012-05-13 8:06 PM


activecampers - 2012-05-13 7:14 PM


As for the TomTom quesiton - the image is stored in a separate "bitmap" file which I have included. So for each data set there should be a corresponding bitmap. It is essential that these have the same main name, so if you have squares, I'd say you've either only copied the data over (.ov2 files) and not the image (.bmp file) - or you've renamed the data file and not the image fie to the same name. Failing that your TomTom could be strugglng to render it if you have loads of other POIs.


Well I can't rule out that I've done something wrong, but as far as I can see alls as it should be, but thinking about it I think it may possibly be something to do with french speed cameras being changed to danger point POI's as thats when I first noticed the icon.

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activecampers - 2012-05-13 7:14 PM


And another Cavarno owner... If only Steve paid comission eh?! Can you match our 1000+ days? ;) We do of course maintain it and have changed bits out, as well as running repairs, but all things considered its done well!


No, but you've had longer to achieve it than we have, and I'm still working. Even so, in 4 yrs we've clocked 50,000 miles, and seven continental trips, stretching from Murcia in Spain to Budapest.

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Glad to see the vans gettig use! Barry & Hazel have a HU Innovation (same size but slightly different) and have also done loads of miles. We're on 57k now! :(


First 3 years we were full time working, and now we're getting a house we'll be doing more work and less play :(. Me IT work - see http://www.yourithelp.co.uk for my home stuff, and http://www.pqservices.co.uk for business offerings. Funny, sitting in Brighton as its tipping it down and raining, and sorting out a few days work for next week to sort out someones server issues in London! Not bad from comfy van in a campsite!


(Also "earned" 2x bottles of wine, chocolate, and some hot-X buns fixing some laptops and TomToms on the site yesterday!) So yeah, working...!


What age van is yours? Ours is 55 plate, and just had to replace the sliding door central locking motor :( Apart from that, mechanically its been faultless (bar EGR valve which is now decomissioned!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
colin - 2012-05-13 4:18 PM


I've downloaded the c&cc club listed and cs's onto my tomtom as when using the recomemded conversion site from c&cc they would not display, these now display on my vialive125 when in navigate mode, and I can 'search' for them. So thats good.

A problem I do have which I believe is more to do with my tomtom than anything else is that it displays all extra poi's I've added as just a red shield(? ) and not with the correct image, and irritatingly won't display poi's in map mode. Any one else had this problem with a tomtom?


Well on 10/5/12 before posting this I had asked the question of TomTom support and they have solved half the problem.

On my vialive if it displays traffic info in mapping mode it is unable to display POI's, so I can now switch off traffic info and see POI's select a suitable one I wish to go to then switch traffic info back on, not too much trouble as it's only couple of clicks, I guess this is someting to do with it's (lack of) computing power.

They are still working on why every POI I've added comes up as a red square.

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