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Good service


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Our 2007 Ace Capri has just completed it's third SPAIN/UK trip not missed a beat. It did about 25/27 MPG without a pressure adjuster chip and 30 MPG with it. It sails along with the traffic and will pass all the lorries on hills (even with enough rations on board to feed half of Spain and my heavy foot) I have also filled a speed hold device which is an acceptable cheap 'cruise'. Fitting not for the nervous though as the throttle pedal is plastic and nowhere to anchor the cable easily.


Whilst in the UK 'Tracy' went in for a spare wheel carrier change and spent a week in the workshop as 5 other recalls had not been done and Fiat scrambled the ECU during an update. The dealer was good and lent me a car and kept me informed, even though the chassis was not registered for warantee and Fiat did not have the ECU access codes. I would recommend CAMPER UK near Newark for any motorhome work (Fiat Professional Dealers)


Swift and the original selling dealer (even if they did not register the warrantee) plus the key holing data base firm were all most helpful - as were Fiat Helpline.


Bob & Lydia Dougal (the dog) and Tracy (lol)


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