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Water ingress

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Does anyone know the warranty for Frankia motorhomes? Ours was bought new in 2007 and it has a patch at the rear of damp. I appreciate that having spent a fortune on this motorhome which is great we should have checked any warranty but we didn't. I cannot find anything out and the dealer has not been helpful.



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Guest JudgeMental

surely you must have had warranty details with the new vehicle? have you had the obligatory yearly damp checks, and these checks stamped and entered into warranty book? If the dealer is less then forthcoming threaten to sue him by writing to him giving 14 days to sort this out.


Contact Frankia directly first thing Monday. Initally by phone dont waste your time emailing as you will not be taken seriously, follow up your phone call by email with pictures and details. but your contract is with the dealer and not Frankia. But let Frankia know the problems you are having with the dealer and van, and I feel confident that they will not be amused and will bring pressure on him. after you contact Frankia get a name of customer services person you talk to, and inform dealer of this and see what happens...




Just put the address above into "google translate" and you can read in English



Bernecker Str. 12 Bernecker Str 12

95509 Marktschorgast 95 509 Marktschorgast

Telefon 0 92 27 / 7 38-0 Phone 0 92 27/7 38-0

Telefax 0 92 27 / 7 38-33 Fax 0 92 27/7 38-33



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Hi Diane

Are you sure it's water ingress or could it be condensation (?)


If it is water ingress, have you had the Damp Tests Is your post due to the findings of a Damp Test.


Generally with Motorhome Warranties, If annual Damp Test has not been carried out the warranty become void.


Your warranty terms should be in your owners manual or on the sales invoice. If not the UK dealer shown on the Frankia website is Cranham Motorhomes



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Guest JudgeMental

reading between the lines sounds like OP has not kept up warranty, so Frankia will probably not want to know...But surely the dealer guilty of negligence if they have not explained to buyer properly their responsibilities and sent them yearly reminders re service/warranty check etc... *-)


I mean if this is the case it is a disgrace as these are not cheap campers! OP needs to explain the situation in detail to Frankia. If it is Cranham I am not surprised, as they had no interest whatsoever in helping me with my EuraMobil....They lost the franchise since 8-)


edit: just read the OPs new post and in this case you have little to worry about, and I am sure you will get it sorted OK :-D

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We have just bought our 6th Frankia - We do like 'em.


Frankia give a 5 year water ingress warranty but you must have the annual damp check done and the Frankia service book stamped to that effect.


I am surprised that you have had problems so soon as the build quality is usually 1st class.

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This 2010 MHF thread may be of interest




I recall (quite a few years ago) Pilote switching their traditional bodywork construction methodology to Frankia's more high-tech approach. This should have improved watertightness, but one O&AL forum member's new A-class Pilote had serious roof-related damp problems that proved extremely difficult to cure. If I remember correctly, Pilote reverted to 'caravan' construction for the following model-year.

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Hi all


Thanks so much for all the advice and comments. I have not been on here before but certainly will again.


To conclude the tale it had been serviced and Frankia were superb and confirmed a five year warranty.. The bad news is that it turned out not to be water ingress but a leak from the shower! Can all be sorted and I will keep an eye on shower seals in future!



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