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EC200 Control Panel


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Hi Everyone, Has anyone come across or use the control panel below?

In our old van the mains charged both the leisure battery and the vehicle battery but I think that this one charges one or the other as required.

Also, has anyone any idea what the AUX button does?

Ideally, if one of you wiley motorhome veterans actually uses this set up, a run down of how you normally use it would be handy.

At the moment I am assuming that the EC200 at the bottom of the wardrobe is switched on when on hook up and the normal position for the to left switch indicating two batteries, is the leisure position.

Had a run round of how everything works but feel that I would get better information here and maybe they will actually know what they are talking about. :-)

Hopefully, pictures will appear below?



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In my Kontik the Aux switch puts on a light at the door and that all. The battery switch changes over the batteries and when active indicates power is being used from starter battery. This is useful as if you discharge the starter battery you can swicth this on and use the onboard charge to charge it.


The fuse-board will have switches for the battery charger which you only put on when charging the battery on hook-up as a loud fan runs. I also have a switch to activate the 240 volts to the Truma heater which may be different in your MH.


Hope this helps

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What a quick reply, yes helps a lot, the AUX switch doesn't seem to do anything as there are two switches as you enter the habitation door, one for a main light and one for the outside light, maybe it's a spare? Will find out eventually, Cheers.
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....so you bought it then! ;-)


The AUX button controls whatever circuit(s) Lunar have wired it to (which may be none). It provides extra control over these circuits, which can be isolated even when the main panel is on. If your Lunar handbook doesn't detail its use, you're down to empirical evidence. If any electrical items don't work with it off, try turning it on to see if they are controlled on this circuit.


If you haven't got the instructions for the panel/system, they are downloadable from the Sargent site.


(and note that, if you have the battery set as per your pictures, according to this manual, you are running off the vehicle battery :-S )

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EC200 information here




As far as I can see the EC200 system allows selection of either the Leisure or Vehicle battery to power habitation equipment, but does not include a battery selection option when it comes to charging. If that's correct, then only the Leisure battery can be charged via a 230V hook-up.

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Having flattened my starter battery Derek I can assure you that it is possible to charge it through the EC200 by activating the switch with charger on hook-up, a very useful feature.


Edit I should have said the main control panel was a PSU2007 which could make a difference.

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Robinhood (and note that, if you have the battery set as per your pictures, according to this manual, you are running off the vehicle battery :-S )


I did realise that I was running off of the vehicle battery, once I had actually found the vehicle battery I found out that the charger in this case, does charge either battery which i suppose is a good thing if ever it does go flat while on site.


Thanks again, all, for all the info.


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sshortcircuit - 2012-05-21 9:15 AM


Having flattened my starter battery Derek I can assure you that it is possible to charge it through the EC200 by activating the switch with charger on hook-up, a very useful feature.


Edit I should have said the main control panel was a PSU2007 which could make a difference.


I believe the PSU2007 is the standard control-panel for an EC200 system.


I note that the capability to charge either the Leisure or Vehicle battery is, in fact, confirmed in another Sargent file:




That it's at the top of the FAQ list suggests that it's a commonly asked question and (one might think) something that should be highlighted in the EC200 user instructions.

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Derek Uzzell - 2012-05-21 9:08 AM


EC200 information here




As far as I can see the EC200 system allows selection of either the Leisure or Vehicle battery to power habitation equipment, but does not include a battery selection option when it comes to charging. If that's correct, then only the Leisure battery can be charged via a 230V hook-up.


Thanks for the info and link - cant understand why Autosleepers (and I guess others) do not include such information in their handbooks. Have printed it out and I now feel more secure with my electric system in my A/S Windsor.



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