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Dumping grey waste


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Guest pelmetman
crinklystarfish - 2012-05-27 9:42 AM

Responsible dribbling is the future.

A tip for those who wish to master the art of subtle dribbling ;-) .............I have an old bucket that I store my EHUC in.......it has several cracks in it that I have taped with Gaffa tape,and dependig on ground conditions I open 1 or 2 cracks to slow/increase the flow.......the ideal setting is a damp patch......and a puddle is to much ;-)
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pelmetman - 2012-05-27 8:38 AM

I find threads like this really make me giggle :D .............Dumping grey water is harmless to the environment,


Me too Dave - of course it's harmless in the sort of dilutions we are talking about - but you have to be a non politically correct type to appreciate this kind thread and that is where so many members were not blessed with our kind of practical views on life it seems.


Time to get head below parapet again methinks!!


But it is fun winding up all these pompous self righteous buggers innit!!


By the way - neither would I let out all my grey water in a lay-by where it runs out obtrusively - and even if I did I wouldn't do it near a water course - and especially not near a cctv camera!

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2012-05-27 10:24 AM

By the way - neither would I let out all my grey water in a lay-by where it runs out obtrusively - and even if I did I wouldn't do it near a water course - and especially not near a cctv camera!


Indeed Rich the kinda person who dumps his grey water in public view.....Is just as likely to breakwind in public aswell 8-) ..............Sadly that is an example that money doth not equal manners ;-)

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Off to Bath at the weekend, last time I was there a motorhome dumped their grey water by the toilet block at the entrance. I think there may have been a dumping point, not too sure but there were cars parked over it if there was. Anyway, it made a right mess. The occupants just carried on regardless. People had to walk through it to get to their cars.
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This is all a bit intense, I think. Surely what is appropriate/acceptable is a matter for judgement?


After all, not all "grey" waste is the same.


Some will be little more than water, whereas some other will be a rich mixture of fat, food waste, detergent, toothpaste, saliva, soap, shampoo, shower gel, and what have you. The former could reasonably be emptied almost anywhere discreetly - though I'd say even that should never go direct to a watercourse, or onto an SSSI, for example - the latter should probably only ever be dumped into a designated disposal point to avoid polluting the disposal point with the congealed fat.


There can be no "one size fits all rule" - unless folk refuse to exercise judgement about what they intend disposing of and where - in which case the one size fits all rule must be: dispose of grey waste only at designated disposal points. Simples? Maybe for some, but not for others? :-D

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Brian Kirby - 2012-05-27 5:38 PM


This is all a bit intense, I think. Surely what is appropriate/acceptable is a matter for judgement?


After all, not all "grey" waste is the same.


Some will be little more than water, whereas some other will be a rich mixture of fat, food waste, detergent, toothpaste, saliva, soap, shampoo, shower gel, and what have you. The former could reasonably be emptied almost anywhere discreetly - though I'd say even that should never go direct to a watercourse, or onto an SSSI, for example - the latter should probably only ever be dumped into a designated disposal point to avoid polluting the disposal point with the congealed fat.


There can be no "one size fits all rule" - unless folk refuse to exercise judgement about what they intend disposing of and where - in which case the one size fits all rule must be: dispose of grey waste only at designated disposal points. Simples? Maybe for some, but not for others? :-D

So it would appear ;-)


Chris (Evangelistic, self righteous bugger - apparently).



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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2012-05-27 5:38 PM


This is all a bit intense, I think. Surely what is appropriate/acceptable is a matter for judgement?


After all, not all "grey" waste is the same.


Some will be little more than water, whereas some other will be saliva,


When I said dribble Brian ;-)................I mean't out of the tank........not into it :D

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Don't say I didn't warn you. We've been here before. And we'll return no doubt.




Good grief, there's folk being slaughtered in Syria and we're getting to the nuts and bolts of waste water disposal.


Priceless, bloody priceless.


Just a personal viewpoint. As ever.



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I won't make a habit of it Martyn but I totally agree with your sentiments on this occasion!!


Maybe we should all stop buying Chinese goods and Russian vodka - not that I have ever bought any Russian vodka!

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Interesting discourse genltlemen? . For what its worth, my 20pence worth (used to be two pennyworth, but that's government inflation For you!!).


As a One time Officer of a Caravan Club Centre, We used to actually DIG Latrine pits for rallies (Friday) and back fill them (Monday), ALL grey water was "distributed" around field hedges. as Approved by the Land owner, and set out in our standing instructions which where in turn approved by the Caravan Club. Baden Powell`s "Scouting for boys" sets out the manner in which camp latrines are constructed and managed too!!. So this is NOT a new phenomenon.


In the 90`s I had reason to live for several months in my Motor-home (American) with 40 gall each of waste storage (B&G), alongside a factory unit to whose owner I was (then) "consulting" The owner had the use of the nearby field, and allowed me to "Macerate" my B&G onto the field system, His argument being that "it was ONLY what had been done for CENTURIES before the invention of Mr Crappers Flushing Toilet device anyway" (you can always find a "midden" by the Tomato plants growing in it !!!!)


Discreet disposal of waste matter is a matter of consideration, and the distribution over a wide area on an occasional basis is no "big deal". HOWEVER, the person who was STUPID enough to dump a full tank on the highway (a lay-by is technically still the highway, and having too many glasses of wine on a "night Halt" can get you breathalyzed AND convicted remember?) Is asking for all they get. And, If I seen ANYONE "dribbling" onto the road as they drive. I WILL call the police with their Index No, and be VERY happy to bear witness in court!!! (As a now ex Motorcylist, putting anything but rain on a road is a no no!!.) The watch words are choose your place carefully. Do not leave a mess behind ie; distribute it over a wide (ish) area. and don't use the place frequently. allow the land to cope with what is mainly natural products in its own time frame.


Recently in North America, we did similar "operations" in the Arizona Dessert whilst "dry-camping" in an r-v as did all those around us, the Cacti seemed to thrive on it as did the sage brush!!!. It`s a question of small amounts widely distributed.



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PeteH - 2012-05-27 8:02 PM

It`s a question of small amounts widely distributed.



That could be the motto for this forum at times!!

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BK's and PH's posts seem to me to be the most sensible ones I've read on this thread. Disposing of grey water is IMO like all human activaty, a little here and there with a bit of common is OK but a van parked up for any lenght of time and dumping/dribbling grey water on a pitch is not good news esp if it was on a busy site and everybody took to doing it. Believe me constantly dropping grey water in same place will end up creating a smelly morass. I'm not so sure about the Arizona experiance, IIRC dumping any sort of water in desert in USA is not allowed on public land, but I digress.

I can only think that the leaky bucket method is a joke, after all why would you go to the effort of carrying bucket putting it in place and then not make the effort of emptying it.

p.s. rereading I see it was 'dry camping' in arizona, my mistake.

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Guest pelmetman
colin - 2012-05-27 8:29 PM

I can only think that the leaky bucket method is a joke, after all why would you go to the effort of carrying bucket putting it in place and then not make the effort of emptying it.


Joke 8-)...............


Dave........ Dribbling quietly in the Dordogne :D

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colin - 2012-05-27 8:29 PM


... I can only think that the leaky bucket method is a joke, after all why would you go to the effort of carrying bucket putting it in place and then not make the effort of emptying it.


Somehow, knowing Dave, I don't think he's joking ..... 8-)


Can someone enlighten me as to what 'dry camping' in Arizona is please .... :D

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colin - 2012-05-27 8:29 PM


... I can only think that the leaky bucket method is a joke, after all why would you go to the effort of carrying bucket putting it in place and then not make the effort of emptying it.


Somehow, knowing Dave, I don't think he's joking ..... 8-)


Can someone enlighten me as to what 'dry camping' in Arizona is please .... :D

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The hole in the bucket principle has been around since at least the fifties when it was common for almost every tourer on a site to have a bucket that never needed emptying but looked good placed under the waste water outlet!


The contents of any buckets without a hole were chucked into the hedgerow in the true bucket and chuckit style!


Toilets then were Elsan - basically a lidable five gallon drum with a seat on it - which needed emptying (usually into an open pit!) either whenever it began to smell or got almost too heavy to carry - whichever came first!



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Brian Kirby - 2012-05-27 10:11 PM


Tracker - 2012-05-27 7:29 PM..............- not that I have ever bought any Russian vodka!

Wise! I hear the Polish stuff is far better! :-)



.....no, no, no, no NO!


I still feel the effects of finishing off a bottle, at a "leaving do" (mine), of rectified rye spirit that a friend was given (in Poland) by his Grandparents on a "home" visit.


First Division Fire-Water (though I was past caring at the time). (...and yes, I know this isn't really vodka, but it put me off Polish brews for a long time!)


.....I can't even think about Southern Comfort without a few gastric issues, either, for similar but different reasons. ;-)


Edited to add:


I believe the Poles would probably say this is vodka - I just have a difference of opinion. (I would not be surprised if what I sampled was the product of an illicit still, but I don't know the Polish for poitin.)

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Brian Kirby - 2012-05-27 10:11 PM


Tracker - 2012-05-27 7:29 PM..............- not that I have ever bought any Russian vodka!

Wise! I hear the Polish stuff is far better! :-)


But not as good as Bulgarian Scotch or vintage Austrian wine I understand - drink that and you won't hear or see anything for weeks!!

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PeteH - 2012-05-27 8:02 PM


And, If I seen ANYONE "dribbling" onto the road as they drive. I WILL call the police with their Index No, and be VERY happy to bear witness in court!!! (As a now ex Motorcylist, putting anything but rain on a road is a no no!!.) .




Do you call the Police when you are following most coaches then - they are always dribbling!

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PeteH - 2012-05-27 8:02 PM...And, If I seen ANYONE "dribbling" onto the road as they drive. I WILL call the police with their Index No, and be VERY happy to bear witness in court!!! (As a now ex Motorcylist, putting anything but rain on a road is a no no!!.)...

Good luck with that Pete, they are far too busy institutionally ignoring much more serious matters. I am a motorcyclist, and cyclist and don't buy into the notion that a grey water dribbling motorhome is anything of a threat - because in reality it just isn't.

Generally speaking, when put into the context of the genuine pollution / littering problems that we have in the UK it seems daft to me to get so worked up about this.

I'm not advocating letting 100+ litres of festering grey loose in circumstances where the sensibilities of man might be offended but, even if someone did that, the sensibilities of man is likely to be the only issue.

It's water.
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If this chap in ham's OP is stupid/selfish/ignorant/gormless* enough,to not bother planning when/where to empty his grey tank "correctly/considerately"..it does make you wonder what he does with any other "litter" that he can't be arsed to dispose of correctly..or indeed,what he does with the contents of his thetford cassette??... :-S


(*delete as aplicable)


..and to those who may feel that there is very little wrong in his actions,well I suggest that they try emptying their household washing up bowl onto the pavement outside the front of their house for a few days...and see how acceptable it seems then...



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pepe63 - 2012-05-28 9:26 AM

..and to those who may feel that there is very little wrong in his actions,well I suggest that they try emptying their household washing up bowl onto the pavement outside the front of their house for a few days...and see how acceptable it seems then...


Come on - that's hardly comparable to draining washing up water into a lay-by where nobody lives, apart from which isn't chucking the washing up water down the path and onto the pavement what everyone 'up north' does every morning to clear away the dogdy doo dah and detritus of the previous nights street frivolities?

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