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Croatia to Italy ferry

Guest JudgeMental

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Guest JudgeMental

Plan was this summer Tuscany and up to Italian lakes as per usual....


We may have more time and will know in a few weeks if wife takes redundency.. So thinking of heading down to Croatia as we did last year, but further down and visit the other Islands and Pitvick lakes. Then there is a ferry from Zadar to Anacona that brings us into the back of Tuscany (more or less) so perfect!


can book onlne, 7 hr crossing approx 200€ but would rather see how we go and book when there. So my questions are: Has anyone used this route, is it busy and is it necesary to book in advance for mid July

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Guest JudgeMental

actually just checked and its 364 € not 200 € But they kinda have you by the short and curlys on this route as A no competition and B a real long drive around! *-)


edit: thats for night crossing with cabin...daytime and just a booked seat is about £200

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Guest JudgeMental
Minstrel - 2012-05-26 4:55 PM


Thanks for that info, Croatia is definitely on our list to visit, but too far away when you have an aged parent. I shall come back to you for more info when we're able to go. 


your welcome.....was really hoping someone had some info re this ferry route and if its OK :-D

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Guest JudgeMental

It seems that no one familiar with these island routes so will have to wing it I guess...Inter island ferries are just a turn up and go (pretty frequent) But think I will book the Zadar - Anacona crossing in advance as ferries every 2 days or so.


Wife has taken redundancy so now off earlier for Slovenia/Croatia - ferry to Italy then - Umbria/Tuscany/ Italian lakes..... Really looking forward to it! :-D

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Guest JudgeMental
Caroline - 2012-05-30 12:26 PM


I would like to hear your holiday tales when you get back.............


have a nice trip.




Thanks! I normally do a holiday report with a few pictures... Try to inspire those poor souls that think France is the be all and end all......... :D

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