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truma 30 mbar gas regulators


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Having now suffered a second failure of the bulkhead fitted Truma 30 mbar gas regulator to my 12 month old motorhome I am losing confidence in the new system. Am I the only one to have had such bad luck, my dealer when fitting the second regulator said that there had been problems and they had been modified, now I am told that Truma are blaming Calor gas for suppling dirty inside gas cylinders that are causing the trouble, any one having the same problem. If this cannot be sorted out I will have to revert to the old system of the top mounted gas cylinder regulator working at 28mbars as on my previous vans with this regulator never gave any trouble. HELP !
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Have a look at my posting "Truma Gas-regulators Problems" of 2006-04-20 and the previous postings it mentions. In practice, even though your mptorhome's gas-appliances will have been 'tuned' to the latest 30mbar standard, you should experience no problems converting to a system employing a 29mbar (butane) or 37mbar (propane) on-bottle regulator. Alternatively (if you believe the fault lies with the Truma product specifically), you could change to a fixed 30mbar regulator from (say) Gaslow. The difficulty is that if (as received wisdom has it) the present LPG production process tends to produce oily contiminants (to a greater or lesser degree) in the gas, then the only way to guard against them effectively is to put a filter between the bottle/tank and the motorhome's gas system. If you swap to a regulator that's less sensitive to the muck than Truma's 30mbar product, then the oil will pass through it into the appliances and mess them up instead. I'm on my 2nd Truma 30mbar regulator in 12 months and I've got another one as back-up, plus a German on-bottle 30mbar version as a back-up back-up. So you're far from alone with this!
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