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Sathero SH200

Arthur Brown

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Any of you guys any knowledge of the Sathero sat finder? I have just obtained one but the instructions are less than clear. I cannot update the software yet as the RS232 plug is a female and the computer is male (or the other way round) so I need a gender/bender. I have used the test circuit of the coax between the dish and freesat appliance so that works but I cannot find/program Astra on 28.2e Any ideas. My only experience of this device was another m/homer in Portugal who offered his services when I was trying to tune in my dish. Said he was a sparky and new nothing about sat TV but he had a device which worked. The SH200 and I have to say two things, thanks friend you saved my bacon and I was so impressed I got one when I returned home. Bottom line is that I know they work once the appropriate info has been input but at present unable to get to that stage. Any help would be appreciated.


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Hi Super D,

Thanks for that. Unfortunately I am waiting for a cable to make the mini USB/RS232 into a mini USB to USB. My computer does not have a male RS232 socket. The other thing is at the moment the default is North and South America so I will have to wait until I can get connected and change things. I don't have any sat names, only degrees. Will keep you posted with progress and look forward to your progress.

Thanks again


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Hi Art, I specified Europe when I ordered the unit so it came with all the satellites available to European dishes.


Yes a download will hopefully correct this just check what you ask for on the download. Must admit I have not tried a download yet. A little scared so I will wait for your comments. Bon chance mon ami.... (lol)

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Hi all

How you doing Trevor, nice to hear from you. My understanding is that things are being transferred to Astra 1N which sits on 28.2 so no need to consider it in relation to set up.However, things are pretty mobile just now with Mr. Murdoch messing about with sky a lot of people are going to freesat, strangly enough, another Murdoch empire so you cannot win. The footprint on Astra 1N is currently wonderful, total ITV all over Portugal and north. I, along with a number of experts expect this footprint to shrink when the fine tuning starts. Back to Sathero, I am in communication with Satherotec.com who I expect to resolve my problems. What I have discovered is that Satherotec would seem to be a clone, perhaps even an unlawful copy of Sathero.com. I went onto that site to register my device and received a reply to the effect - we did not supply this device. A closer check of the welcome screen revealed the 'tec.com' I dont expect this to be a problem but would think many people think they are dealing with the original company - me included. That said, I connected the device to an already positioned dish and went through what was in it. I got a response on 115.5 degrees so then tried setting up a dish from scratch and the device worked efficiently. The fact that 115.5 means nothing to me is one thing but at the price I expect to be able to program the European Sats into the device and choose which one I want to tune into. As I have suggested to 'tec.com' If I cannot communicate with the device and they cannot help me then it is not fit for purpose in Europe. Watch this space


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