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Verdon Gorge

Mike P

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Off on Thursday headed in the general direction of the Eastern Pyrenees. also intending to pay homage to Tommy Simpson on the Ventoux. I noticed that we'll not be that far away from the Verdon Gorge, does anyone have expeiences to relate, or practical advice?

Thanks in anticipation

Mike P

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Fantastic place. No problem with the roads, you can easily drive along both sides of the gorge with a M/H, it is narrow in a few spots but nothing to worry about. The only village in the gorge itself is Palud ser Verdon, we stayed at a municipal here called Le Grand canyon just outside the village. Take a ride around the Belv. de la Maline for the best views of the gorge. It is much wilder than other gorges like the Tarn and the road runs for the most part along the top rather than down by the river, their are great walks down into the gorge if you feel energetic. You can stay at Castellon or down by the lake at the other end but better to stay in the centre at Palud. Mont Ventoux is a strange place and looks like it is covered with snow from a distance. Their is a small plaque where the drugs cheat Tommy Simpson died near the top.
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Many thanks for that Henry, that's very useful. I'm aware that Tommy Simpson was full of amphetamines and other substances, but so were most of the other riders at the time, he just pushed himself too far. He, alongside Brian Robinson , Shay Elliot and the late Ron Coe were my boyhood heroes. I did at one time have ambitions to ride the Ventoux but now approaching my 69th year with a replacement knee and protesting heart it will have to be a ride up in the MH.

Mike P

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Mike P - 2012-06-04 11:59 AM


Many thanks for that Henry, that's very useful. I'm aware that Tommy Simpson was full of amphetamines and other substances, but so were most of the other riders at the time, he just pushed himself too far. He, alongside Brian Robinson , Shay Elliot and the late Ron Coe were my boyhood heroes. I did at one time have ambitions to ride the Ventoux but now approaching my 69th year with a replacement knee and protesting heart it will have to be a ride up in the MH.

Mike P


Made me tired driving up in a motorhome.

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The Verdon Gorges also known as the French Grand Canyon is by far the most impressive Gorge in France. Simply stunning. The route round the northern side of the gorge is the D23 (route des cretes) and I think much of it is one way as its steep and narrow in places but we did see vans up there (we went on the bike). If your going when its busy it might be worth doing the circular D23 early morning. Loads of stop off places to take in the views but it might get tricky to park the van at busy times.


You can look down on both Vulchers and Eagles. We stayed at a wonderful Aire at one end of the gorges at a lovely little mountain village called Trigance. Only space for 5 vans but includes services and hook up for just €5. Lovely views.




We stayed a couple of days and did the north side (D23 route des cretes) one day on the bike and then the southern side D71 early the next morning which eventually spits you out at Lac de St Croix. The little village of St Croix de Verdon is lovely. It has an Aire which is always busy. If your lucky enough to get one of the sideways on spots overlooking the lake its awsome. Otherwise its as bit of a mash up down the bottom end of the Aire. We loved it so much last summer we stayed a week and went out on the lake every day on our Dinghy.


Moustiers Sainte Marie nearby is also worth a visit although its a bit touristy. There is an Aire there as well. http://www.campingcar-infos.com/Francais/ccib.php?numero=5213


I think without doubt these places were one of the highlights of last years trip.


Verdon Gorges Photo and the view from the van on the Aire at St Croix. Im down there somewhere in the dinghy.




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Hi Mike


We were there a short while ago and it was a great drive - so much so that we when we turned around we went back along the bottom.


We also went up Mt Ventoux and stopped off to see Tommy's memorial - we've put details of our trip on our blog, here's where you can find the post about Mt Ventoux - http://ourtour.co.uk/home/mount-ventoux/


and the one about the Gorge de Verdon - http://ourtour.co.uk/home/mind_boggling_gorges_du_verdon/


We don't tend to stop in campsites, so if you're after free aires or car parks the gps co-ordinates are on the posts.


Mt Ventoux was very windy when we got up there, but a great view. The gorge was amazing but we managed to drive along the top road D952, then took a wrong turn at La Palud sur Verdon which saw us going along the little road along the side of the gorge the wrong way. No big problem only at one point it's one way only so we had to turn around and come back. At that point we decided as the 952 was moving away from the Gorge we'd head back along it, picnic next to the amazingly blue lake and take the D71 along the south of it. A fun days drive topped off with a free aire in Comps sur Artuby.





OurTour - Touring Europe by Motorhome

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sean.clarke - 2012-06-06 9:06 AM


Great photos - although that tunnel looks a bit small. A quick zoom shows it says something like 4.xm - is that correct?


Would I have problems with a tag axle MH (AutoTrail) with the bends and roads etc.


I don't think so. D71 which is that road in the photo is fine. Believe it or not that's the lower road! The d23 on the other side which is the circular route DES creates is much higher and steeper. Don't remember any tunnels or bends that would cause you a problem. If I were you I would do what we did. Stay at the aire at trignace, pick a clear sunny morning and do the route DES cretes d23 but do it early. I'm sure there could have been vans wilding up there but there were certainly a few coach builts going round when we went round on the bike.


The d71 where the photo is is fine, you won't have any problems but again I would do it early



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Barryd999 - 2012-06-06 11:11 AM


sean.clarke - 2012-06-06 9:06 AM


Great photos - although that tunnel looks a bit small. A quick zoom shows it says something like 4.xm - is that correct?


Would I have problems with a tag axle MH (AutoTrail) with the bends and roads etc.


I don't think so. D71 which is that road in the photo is fine. Believe it or not that's the lower road! The d23 on the other side which is the circular route DES creates is much higher and steeper. Don't remember any tunnels or bends that would cause you a problem. If I were you I would do what we did. Stay at the aire at trignace, pick a clear sunny morning and do the route DES cretes d23 but do it early. I'm sure there could have been vans wilding up there but there were certainly a few coach builts going round when we went round on the bike.


The d71 where the photo is is fine, you won't have any problems but again I would do it early



I would agree with Barry on most of this, the tunnel is no problem, I followed a very large coach through it last year. When he states the lower road though this may give a false impression, the road is still high above the gorge with some great viewing points. The de Cretes route is certainly the best place for viewing but again I would stay at Palud, the other places are to far out and to much of a rush. We stayed at the centre of the gorge enabling us to spend several days exploring both the main gorge and the various off shoots. The Cretes route starts just up the road from Palud and you need to do it clockwise as it is sometimes, although not always, one way. Stop at every parking place and walk across the road for a look, take your time it is worth it.

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Thanks guys - another entry on the "places to visit" list. haven't even go the MH yet and the list is already pretty long!!


Not to worried about inclines, although it is a big old beast I have the 3.0lt upgrade so hopefully we can just take that in out stride.... it's the narrow roads/tunnels etc. that worry me a bit.


Anyway, thanks for the info!

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It's a great area to be in. I agree about stopping at EVERY belvedere, the views are amazing everywhere.


If you go across the bridge where the boat hire places are, it's fun to go up the gorge in a boat and it's also great for swimming if you go along the banks of the lake a little way, find a car park and you'll almost certainly find a little entry into the water - a bit muddy as you go in but very warm.

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