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Advice about what its like travelling with a 6:50/7:0m van?

Miles Berio

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I almost bought a pig.Somehow the turbo ran sweet.Then cash in pocket i ran the motor once more dont know why but the turbo was shot.Walked away.

That was a 5.20 van

Sunday i found a Hymer it was 6.60 i didnt say yes cos it looks like trouble on small continental roads?


So ive come hear to ask you lot who travel with these large van.Whats it like on the road with a 7 meter long van or almost 7 meters?

Today i looked at a "FFB Tabbert Classic 580 M"whats only less than 6 meters privat sale they want 8000€ bit more than the dealer offered might think about that.But the Hymer is real nice like so whats it like living with an almost 7m van


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Hi Miles

We have a 6.95m van so I guess we qualify. We are at present near Switzerland, so on our tour. Roads abroad are not like in England, they are generally a lot quieter and easier to travel on, a good Sat-Nav is well worth it..


We had before a 6m van and was able to take it into towns easily, the extra metre is a little more restrictive but still easy to drive, we have bikes so leave the van at the site...


Hope this helps a bit, just wait for other replies..



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Hi Miles,

Our van is a touch over 7metres long and is a dream to drive. I think its because the base is fundamentally a delivery van skeleton that the turning circle is so good. I now would hesitate to go shorter unless I had to for some reason as the extra room is very welcome. Have a couple of test drives and I think you will be surprised how quickly you will feel comfortable.

good luck


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Our old-dog of an A-class is about 6.5 metres, plus the scooter rack on the back which takes it to a bit over 7 metres.


It is absolutely a piece of cake to drive.

Maybe take you a couple of days to get comfortable with manoeuvring it, using side mirrors and reversing camera (if it ain't got one, I'd strongly advise getting one fitted, they are a brilliant aid ), and if you are travelling two-up, then do get the passenger/navigator out to act as banks-man if reversing into a tight spot or onto a pitch, as an extra precaution.


But we chug around all sorts of little lanes and "B" roads all over mainland Europe in it, as we much prefer them to endless motorways.


Very very rarely finding a parking spot can be a problem, but we tend to park on Aires and then use the 125cc Honda Innova scooter that sits on the rear rack to do our local touring/town and city centre visiting.



One other thing: space to live inside it.

Our 6.5 metre MH is notionally a "6 berth". That makes is very comfortable for two people. I wouldn't want to go for anything much smaller, even for just the two of us.


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Yeh the space is good and it dont have the cab over the drivers roof.I like the pull down bed.The bloke said you can use it with the seats forword?

I thought of a long van and dodgy GPS at night getting put on a road that never ends,or not getting round a tight corner.

The Hymers went. bloke bought it this morning got there as he drove off.Sounds like i would get used to a long un they all had cameras on the back.And yeh chuck the missis out in the rain to park.Im looking for a LHD so im over hear like.Vans are real cheap the dealers are rip off i saw a Hymer mobile 2001 looked round it dealer wanted nearly twice what a private bloke had an add in for

OK i bet now i think a long van would be great on the road and all i wont see another,how it goes end up getting back with what ive got.


Thanks mate

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Look mate i dont know what your game is,but the replies i got are from people in this forum that try to help.Ive seen bas***** like you mess up forums with your rubbish comments so if you and that other one are hear cos your p*ssed off with your misserable life you can stuff your posts and get off this thread

OR if you push it we can meet and ill show you what i think of people like you.Just pis* off out of hear


I dont have a gmail email but if post again ill get one and get the administrator to get dirt like you off hear.

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To stamp this shi* out.Ive seen it before you posted and that BDG comes at me.No mate dont get me wrong but i dont want this shi*.I want to sort my van i didnt come from post one,i dont want hello and fuc* off i want a place that dose vans not slag off.
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Perhaps lots of 4 letter words with 3 letters and an * should be pulled by the moderators. A point should be able to be expressed without foul language. And yes it does offend me.


expect I will now get a torrent of abuse.

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There are plenty of other forums that may tollerate your foul language ,but  not this one  and I hope the mods pull your membership , this is the 1st time since I joined in 2006 that I have seen such an outburst of bad language which offends me and  is totally out of order. .
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Hi we had a 7.5 mtr Bessacar on the 4250kg chassis we covered 56,000 miles in four years and other than when parking the length was not an issue we have now changed to a Elddis Aspire 255 on the boxer 3500 kg chassis, it has a better turning circle the the last one but body width is the same so we still manage to get in just about every where and happily trade off the extra room over the bigger size. I have also notice that many French seem to be trading up to bigger vans without any problems. Good luck in you choice.
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just got back from the continent,whats going on?foul language,abuse,no need for it!!!

regarding the origianal post,our first van length 5mtrs,our second 6.4,current van 7.5mtrs i hardly notice the extra length when driving,need a slightly wider circle when turning,especially in forcourts,no real problem on sites home or abroad,love the extra space

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Is this OP from someone who used to be called 'Plumbersvan' and something else prior to that travelling around Europe?

Reason I ask is because of the spelling/grammar/punctuation/language which seems to be very similar across all the posts.



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Guest JudgeMental
Mike B. - 2012-06-08 7:06 PM


Is this OP from someone who used to be called 'Plumbersvan' and something else prior to that travelling around Europe?

Reason I ask is because of the spelling/grammar/punctuation/language which seems to be very similar across all the posts.




Some of us think so...... *-)


Has various "personality's" running on here at the moment....


I have to take my hat of to Crinkley, he was the only one who spotted that Fiona was not the lost young women alone in france, and nothing but an invention taking the pi$$ out of the lot of us...

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Guest JudgeMental
flicka - 2012-06-08 9:12 PM


Sorry guys, but I don't recall Fiona / Plumbersvan / Alf ever resorting to foul language.


extremely naive Flicker....Has at least 5 new personalities running at the moment 8-)


MODERATION on this site an absolute farce...

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Sorry Eddie, but this OP uses language previously unseen on this forum, even when threads have got extremely heated.


Fiona (in her/his various alias's) may have a spelling difficulty & overuse of emotions, but generally were light hearted & gave many of us a smile.


Same can not be said for this OP >:-(

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Guest JudgeMental
I give up...Its the same Person for heavens sake! and about 4 others (not including Alf/Fionna/plumbers van etc...) That you are responding to as if they are genuine new members!......get a grip
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Guest JudgeMental
Brambles - 2012-06-09 1:55 AM


I do not believe Miles Berio is Fiona. Someone is having a laugh at her expense and I suspect it is Pugface at a guess.


It matters little..what is important is the the good natured and helpful response that this forum is noted for is being cynically manipulated by an Internet Troll using various identitys..... *-)


The lack of moderation on this site is a discrace! *-)

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