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Even without an alarm a X250(and most other modern vans) will slowly drain battery, add an alarm into the mix and only a couple of weeks will see batery struggling. Another possible problem seems to be radios that use power even if switched off, in this case removing radio front may help. You say it's been checked, what was result? what was the drain on battery?

This is one of the benifits of having a solar panel (with correct charging of both batteries) you don't keep getting low battery voltages.

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the van is kept inside storage so solar panel would not help. alarm is fitted tried leaving it without it on no apparent dif,have just this wkend taken off front of radio so we shall see if this works any better.

when they tested the battery they could find nothing wrong said it was normal.

theres got to be something draining the battery so quickley ??

thanks for your reply.

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One solution is a battery isolating switch but that will mean the alarm won't work and neither will central locking although you can still use the key to get in or lock the doors.


Check with your insurers before disabling the alarm.


Most modern vehicles have battery drain to keep all the gubbins alive these days and Fiat evidently did not - and still do not - see it as their problem if we opt not to use our vans daily as intended for a commercial vehicle.


A solar panel won't help indoors and I doubt it would help much outdoors as it never shines North of the Wash anyway!


Electric hook up, if available, would keep it charged assuming your system has the facility to charge both vehicle and leisure batteries?

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For 2012 Fiat have fitted an isolation switch to disconnect the vehicle battery while in storage, so they are aware that there is a drain.

I dont have these issues as we use the van almost all the time but my pal sufferred with these symptoms and has now tried disconnecting the vehicle battery and this has certainly improved matters.

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