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No overnight parking sign (Scotland)


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Many years ago we were parked in a lay by on the old A9 somewhere near Helmsdale which had a 'no overnight parking' sign. I was very tired having already driven too far and we were debating staying the night when a Police Panda car (remember them!) pulled in.


The local Bobby came across for a chat and he was more interested in our home conversion Bedford CF (and a cup of tea!) than any potential law breaking. Those were the days when most coppers were available, approachable, helpful, practical guys happy to live and let live as long as no harm was being done. I don't know if that still applies as I have not met a copper out in the sticks in many many years!


When I asked him about parking up overnight he said that it was no problem as far as he and his colleagues were concerned but best to have the curtains open before any nosey jobsworths came by in the morning on their way to the council offices!


So we did - although I would be far less keen to do so these days preferring instead to find a nice quiet spot well away from main roads.

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Guest 1footinthegrave

Just need to get them removed in the rest of the UK now, some chance. I am always struck by the "tiredness kills, take a break" signs on Motorways, but don't take a break for more than two hours otherwise you'll get an £80 penalty. So many petty regulations in the UK, it does my head in, I wonder what foreign visitors make of it.


Last year there was presumably some kind of German car rally that passed through here, they had a short break on our local pay and display car park, and went off for a stroll, and I'm guessing not knowing the finer points of the rules were ALL issued with penalty tickets, welcome to the UK. :-(

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We`ve just done 21 nights in Scotland including a week on Orkney.


Out of the 21 nights we had 13 nights wild camping and no problems at all.


It`s just a shame at the amount of rubbish left in some of these places.


What we have noticed is that a lot of the rubbish bins have been removed


At one in particular at the Kyle of Tongue, i spent the best part of an hour picking

up the rubbish which included " 2 Empty Aquakem bottles " all of which i popped

in the next bin we came to, 1/2 a mile or so down the road the following morning.


I then saw where they had emptied the cassette.


WHY.....O .......WHY do these MORONS do this and then we all get tarred with the

same brush ?


There got it off my chest, now i`ll calm down.





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Guest 1footinthegrave

You are right, it's always the idiots that spoil it for everyone else, the UK is drowning in rubbish just being dumped, BUT, we were down in Pembrokeshire a couple of weeks ago, in a lovely spot to take a stroll. As we walked down this remote lane enjoying the bird song we came to a pile of black bins bags that had been ripped open, with all the crap blowing about in the breeze, then noticed the thing that really made my blood boil, official council notices had been stuck on them all saying they had not been collected because they had either been put out on the wrong day, or too many had been put out, (tick as appropriate).


So that's the councils solution, just bloody leave them there to be strewn all over the countryside, rather than remove them and try to find out who had put them there in the first place.



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