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"No Overnight Parking" signs illegal.


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An article in The Scotsman newspaper dated Saturday 9th. June states that " Lay-By signs telling drivers 'No overnight parking' have been declared illegal.

"A spokesman for Transport Scotland said the signs, which dated from the 1990s, would be removed.He added: "Regulations have changed since the signs were erected. The signs concerned pre-date Transport Scotland and, following a review, we have instructed our operating companies to remove them in the coming weeks.

" Although the signs were erected with good intentions in an attempt to encourage responsible use of lay-bys, the proper processes were not followed to prohibit overnight parking. There is no traffic order in place. The signs are not authorised."

The 50 signs will be removed by 31 August during a rolling programme of work on the roads in the Highlands.

A result for campaigner Andy Strangeway, an adventurer from East Yorkshire who started lobbying for their removal last year.

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Sadly Scotland isn't as Motorhome friendly as we would like. All of the Argyll and Bute council carparks all state no residential use of vehicles between 10pm and 8am (not sure of exact times but very definitely not overnight.



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