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Caxton card


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I took one to France, I found that it wouldn't work at Carrefoure at the automatic pumps or the ATM.


It didn't work on a couple of card type bournes or barriers either, nor at the automatic Esso fuel station.


Not so "universally accepted" then.


I did email Caxton a week ago but no reply.


My trusty co-op bank card got me out of trouble when the Caxton card didn't work.


I am afraid I won't wait and find out where else it doesn't work, I think it's back to my co-op card and cash for me.



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Sadly you are right it is not just Caxton, but I would guess any prepaid card you will have a problem with, my prepaid is the same, always carry enought cash to cover a tank full, it is nice to spend it at the end of the holiday.
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Hi Halli

We've used Caxton extensively on the continent without any problems, except one - this was caused by us not reading the small print! We had 130 euros withdrawn what we considered illegally by Carrefour when we filled up with diesel. We later discovered that Caxton recommend that you do not use their card (and, presumably others of this type) when using unmanned petrol stations, unmanned toll booths and deposits for hotel bookings. The companies are legally entitled to withdraw a shadow payment from your card (God knows why!). Assuming the original payment is honoured the shadow payment must be paid back onto your card within 16 days. Rather a strange arrangement but evidently perfectly legal.


Perhaps your petrol station was using one of the old fashioned methods which wouldn't accept British credit cards or there was insufficient funds to take the shadow payment as well.


However, we've had no problems with ATM's. Hope this is of help.


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Thanks all, I only tried the one Carrefoure ATM, it accepted my PIn said, in English "Code OK" then simply said card rejected or something like ithat.


It wouldn't work at some of the bournes or barriers I don't know.


I suppose if you accept that there are places it doesn't work then overall it is OK, with reconsideration I will probably use it again.


Thanks for the info on the small print Alan, I admit I didn't read the small print, but Carrefoure will not be my first choice next time :-D


By the way there was plenty of money on it, about 500 Euros.


In the interests of fairness I should point out it worked at Lidl, museums, small shops, cafe, camp sites, supermarkets (not that one!) , and at all other ATMs I tried.



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Caxton were upgrading their system / moving office in late April (I think), and the system was down over the period . I experienced the same problem at an ATM. The problem persisted for 2 days, thereafter no further problem, even at automatic fuel pumps. The card balance does need to be adequate when using these. Otherwise, I've used Caxton card for 4 years now with few if any problems. I find it very helpful to be able to budget, and to load the card via SMS at regular intervals, and to regularly check the balance the same way, so I can keep a track of spending. When we get back from a tour I download the details of all expenditure and break it into categories - diesel, campsites, restaurants, supermarket shopping, cash withdrawls, etc. All in, for about 6 weeks in Europe, we spend about 80 Euros a day.



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Glad of the reasurance. I decided to load my card yesterday as it was 1.21 so treated myself to £500 worth and then saw that it was going to drop sharply again so I puyt another £500 on. All ready for the holidays now.


I follow these graphs throughout the day and the blog on the "foreign exchange site" to decide when to buy. Been watching it a lot lately and highest rate Caxton offered was 1.235 on Jubilee weekend but it was sods law that my new card did not arrive in time. Never mind/ Looking forward to holidays now.






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I loaded mine up on the Jubilee weekend (I posted on here to let people know) and got 1.2350 to the £. Was worried when I read this post but appears to be isolated cases.

Just read in paper if Greece etc don't sort it soon, they are going to limit withdrawals from ATMs in Europe as they expect a run on the banks-hope this doesn't happen, we're off next week and I've loaded most of our money on the card!

If I can't get cash or diesel I'm gonna be stuck in France!



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chris - 2012-06-14 4:01 PM



Me too but we will take some cash with us anyway. Just make sure van is topped up with diesel.


Anyway, think I would rather be stuck in France than over here with this weather!




Weather is supposed to improve dramatically next weekend so, stuck in France with sunshine, wine & Moules/frites doesn't really bother me! :-D

I'll keep enough for a tank of diesel and worry later



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