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Emptying the loo when "wild camping"

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colin - 2012-06-13 9:21 PM

As per my post, C&CC offer 'Motorhome Service Point' at many sites, this is £7 for 3 hours use of facilities, not sure if CC offer similier


Which is a bloody rip off considering that members have already paid a membership fee and the actual cost to the club is bugger all- so thanks but no thanks.

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Tracker - 2012-06-13 9:26 PM


colin - 2012-06-13 9:21 PM

As per my post, C&CC offer 'Motorhome Service Point' at many sites, this is £7 for 3 hours use of facilities, not sure if CC offer similier


Which is a bloody rip off considering that members have already paid a membership fee and the actual cost to the club is bugger all- so thanks but no thanks.


My thoughts as well, but the service is there for those that might want to use it.

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pelmetman - 2012-06-12 9:01 PM


Mel B - 2012-06-12 8:38 PM


Bobbetty - 2012-06-12 6:59 PM


I believe that you can get a cradle to fit beneath m/home to take an empty or full toilet cassette..

Regards, Rob


Yes there is - bit pricey though!




That's the price of carting sh*t ?? :D..............just goes to show the rich are too mean to give it away (lol).....they'd rather take it home (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)...........................I have a spade just in case ;-)


As our toilet cassette is quite small we're lucky if it lasts 3 days in normal use so we need to sort something out for ourselves.


I've had a shuftie at the underside of our motorhome and have identified a couple of suitable places to easily attach a toilet waste carrier, however, there's no way I'd pay for the 'proper' version so I've picked up some brackets/bits from a car boot sale today which I can make a carrier out of.


I did look up the cost of an extra cassette for our toilet (Thetford C250) but they are silly money so I'll pick up a black 'waste water' carrier (probably £2-£3) at a car boot sale and will make the carrier fit that and then hubby can decant the contents of the proper cassette into it when the need arises (he said he'd do it seeing as he's the one who 'fill's it more than me :D ) and then dispose of it properly.



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Tracker - 2012-06-13 9:26 PM


colin - 2012-06-13 9:21 PM

As per my post, C&CC offer 'Motorhome Service Point' at many sites, this is £7 for 3 hours use of facilities, not sure if CC offer similier


Which is a bloody rip off considering that members have already paid a membership fee and the actual cost to the club is bugger all- so thanks but no thanks.


Yeah,although I *sort of* agree,I suppose it'd be a difficult one to get right though wouldn't it..

..if it was too cheap(or free)then why bother paying a full pitch fee in the first place..?

(..and you'd get thoughs that had paid,complaining that "..those bl**dy freeloading wild campers are messing up the toilet block.." etc (lol) )


One possible,easy to implement idea,would be for members to get several free (or rather "inclusive"!),"Service stops" during any given year?...


..or maybe they could even have a cheaper "Service Stop" membership..which could entitle folk to empty waste/refill water..? (..but excluded access to shower/toilet block?)

Just a thought...

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ips - 2012-06-13 9:26 AM


Judging by the emptying point at many sites the habits of many site users can hardly be called pleasant given their inability to empty without spilling and their failure to clean it up.


Dont know what sites you have frequented but in 20 yrs or so of caravan / MH and 20yrs of tents before that I have yet to encounter an empty point as you have described.


He never stays on sites, so he always states, so a wild guess.

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Tracker - 2012-06-12 6:46 PM


rupert123 - 2012-06-12 6:02 PM


I should start a new thread, 'freebe campers revolting habits'.


Typical remark from one who does not accept, understand or grasp the joys of non site camping.


We don't expect you to adopt site less camping Henry but do at least have the courtesy not to criticise others who are trying to do the right thing.


Judging by the emptying point at many sites the habits of many site users can hardly be called pleasant given their inability to empty without spilling and their failure to clean it up.


How would you know Rich, you never stay on sites. The point is freebee campers are not doing the right thing, they get us all a bad name by camping on other peoples land without permission when their is no need. However that was not the thread question and my reply was on this subject, revolting habits. Personally I have better things to do when away than having to worry about where to bury my next load of s**t. Perhaps you could explain the 'joys' of camping in laybys and doing this to me.

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I certainly don't want to get drawn into the old "wild camping" v Sites, argument.... (lol)


..but whilst in the UK(.and .seeing as £7 for 3 hours is to be deemed a "bloody rip off"),just where *do* folk "routinely" dispose of 20 odd ltrs of toilet waste,100+ ltrs of "grey" waste..AND refill with 100+ ltrs of fresh(drinking!)water..?

Do folk spend every third/fourth day,keeping theirs eyes peeled for manhole covers and standpipes? :-S


I'm just curious about how one would "routinely" go about things...

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Simples Pepe - when in the UK we only ever use a CS or a THS or a short break and take it all home.


Real holidays for us only occur abroad where facilities are widely available.


Why does everyone assume that all non site campers are thoughtless and inconsiderate? Is it because they have this conditioned response that non conformist camping is bad?


You can always tell where a CC or CCC site is - just follow the trail of grey water back to the gates!


So site campers, why don't you do it your way and give the rest of us some credit for doing it our way instead of all this pompous posturing about waste disposal because the same old uninformed whinging is getting a bit tiresome.

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Tracker - 2012-06-14 1:09 PM


Simples Pepe - when in the UK we only ever use a CS or a THS or a short break and take it all home.


Real holidays for us only occur abroad where facilities are widely available.


Why does everyone assume that all non site campers are thoughtless and inconsiderate? Is it because they have this conditioned response that non conformist camping is bad?


You can always tell where a CC or CCC site is - just follow the trail of grey water back to the gates!


So site campers, why don't you do it your way and give the rest of us some credit for doing it our way instead of all this pompous posturing about waste disposal because the same old uninformed whinging is getting a bit tiresome.


Ah!..So you don't actually "wild camp" as such, for any length of time in the UK then...?


So what do the other,more committed,longer term "Wild Camping"(Quote: "non-conformist")rebels do then...? (lol)


(....although it's probably just as well some use sites...because without them,I doubt there'd be a network of cheap CSs/CLs or any THSs set up, for the "wild camping rebels" to use.... (lol) )


Do the likes of truck stops offer any form of "waste" disposal..?




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pepe63 - 2012-06-14 2:46 PM



Ah!..So you don't actually "wild camp" as such, for any length of time in the UK then...?



Not any more because the UK is so motorhome unfriendly, site fees generally so ridiculous for overnight stays and the weather so unpredictable that apart from short breaks using a mixture of 'off site' and informal sites we go abroad.

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pepe63 - 2012-06-14 12:21 PM


I certainly don't want to get drawn into the old "wild camping" v Sites, argument.... (lol)


..but whilst in the UK(.and .seeing as £7 for 3 hours is to be deemed a "bloody rip off"),just where *do* folk "routinely" dispose of 20 odd ltrs of toilet waste,100+ ltrs of "grey" waste..AND refill with 100+ ltrs of fresh(drinking!)water..?

Do folk spend every third/fourth day,keeping theirs eyes peeled for manhole covers and standpipes? :-S


I'm just curious about how one would "routinely" go about things...[/quote


In the UK we use either CC sites or CL's so no problem. In europe we use either sites or aires/stellplatz so no problem. Like you the site v whatever has been done so without trying to get into that we are on holiday and spending time camping in laybyes and looking for places to, as you put it, 'routinely go about things' is not something we would even consider. I guess if a person cannot afford to stay on sites or aires then they would have to consider this as others on here do.

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rupert123 - 2012-06-14 4:39 PM


pepe63 - 2012-06-14 12:21 PM


I certainly don't want to get drawn into the old "wild camping" v Sites, argument.... (lol)


..but whilst in the UK(.and .seeing as £7 for 3 hours is to be deemed a "bloody rip off"),just where *do* folk "routinely" dispose of 20 odd ltrs of toilet waste,100+ ltrs of "grey" waste..AND refill with 100+ ltrs of fresh(drinking!)water..?

Do folk spend every third/fourth day,keeping theirs eyes peeled for manhole covers and standpipes? :-S


I'm just curious about how one would "routinely" go about things...[/quote


In the UK we use either CC sites or CL's so no problem. In europe we use either sites or aires/stellplatz so no problem. Like you the site v whatever has been done so without trying to get into that we are on holiday and spending time camping in laybyes and looking for places to, as you put it, 'routinely go about things' is not something we would even consider. I guess if a person cannot afford to stay on sites or aires then they would have to consider this as others on here do.

Didn't you know Rupert, Tracker went to the Dale Farm school of camping. (lol) *-)
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Before this thread turns into a slanging match( ;-) ),any chance that you can be a bit more careful how you quote (and re-quote)people's posts please... :-S

(....somehow Rupert has managed to entangle my post in with his..which makes it look like I made the "...cannot afford to stay on sites.." comment... ;-) )



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peter - 2012-06-14 10:51 PM


That's not Ruperts fault Pepe, it's this bloody forum, it's done the same to my last post as well.



....it's a poor workman............ ;-)


Unfortunately, Rupert appears to have added his comment to the quoted text in a position and manner that destroyed the formatting for the quote. (it destroyed an intermediate "end quote" marker).


Once this has been done, further quoting of the text by subsequent posters will suffer from the same issue.


(The forum software can only (correctly) intepret what it sees - which, though disappointing is still better than some posters seem to manage ;-) )


If you choose to re-quote a passage that has already been mangled, it is probably better to try to repair the original problem whilst doing so.

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As serious free campers when abroad....even in France, my answer to the original question is simple, I'm not prepared to broadcast what my method of emptying our cassette(s) is; except to say that I have only ever emptied where the waste is supposed to go, ie a sewer. I do carry an entrenching tool for burying waste but, I'm very happy to say that it is unused, and we have a 2nd cassette which is also unused..


You need to adopt a mindset that restricts the amount of water you introduce into the cassette. It is not a WC and does not need "flushing".


BGD answered the question right at the beginning for when you are in Spain/Portugal. France is dead easy. In the UK on our short breaks we bring it home or use some other facility. Simples.



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We have a second cassette, it is used fairly frequently when wildcamping in Greece but doesn't get used much in mainland Europe as there is usually an aire or its equivalent not too far away. As said bear in mind the weight of these when full if you have a small payload.


One other tip to make the tank go just a bit further is not to put your loo paper down the cassette, we keep a small bin in the loo and put it in there, you soon get used to it, every little helps.



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Well...so far as the UK is concerned,apart from "take it home" ,I'm still none the wiser as to what MHs would routinely "do" with their waste whilst "wildcamping"..?


..and 'Marvin,your phrase, "..I'm not prepared to broadcast what my method of emptying our cassette(s) is..",all sounds a bit cloak'n'dagger(....I suppose you *could* tell us...but pressumably,you'd then have to kill us all..(lol) )


Concidering the number that give the impression that they wildcamp,I'm a bit suprised that we haven't been swamped with locations/solutions..... :-S

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Guest Tracker
We too have various disposal techniques that we employ when needed but as I have no desire to kill anyone I too am unable to divulge those secrets - save to say for the benefit of the politically correct that our methods do not impact upon the environment any more than mankind's ongoing activities in general already do!!
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There is already quite enough excrement being posted on this forum so we don't really need any more do we?
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pepe63 - 2012-06-15 11:17 AM




Concidering the number that give the impression that they wildcamp,I'm a bit suprised that we haven't been swamped with locations/solutions..... :-S


Members who wildcamp will not post on a thread like this.


Why not? ..... Ask Rupert.

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747 - 2012-06-15 1:09 PM


pepe63 - 2012-06-15 11:17 AM




Concidering the number that give the impression that they wildcamp,I'm a bit suprised that we haven't been swamped with locations/solutions..... :-S


Members who wildcamp will not post on a thread like this.



Oh yeah! ..I hadn't really considered that... :$

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